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DB Cooper

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This "e" photo that georger just released is stunning.

I've never seen anything like it.

It shows an AMAZING number of trenches dug.

Previous snaps I had posted had only shown 2-3 trenches perpendicular to the water.

This picture shows 13 trenches??? spaced at maybe 20'? It also shows the beach area to an amazing degree we've not seen before!!!

I don't think the trenches in this photo are all that deep.

Georger: when was this photo taken?

And the area close to the water in the center, that is more disturbed...was that the center of the dig activity????

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I think this is 377 and SafecrackingPLF in the tunnel at Fort Bragg.
How come they get such a big one?

The congressional oversight committees make it too hard to pay civilian operatives in cash, so the Spooks and FBI barter stuff instead. They offered SF HALO gear but that big military stuff is so yesterday. Free Ft Bragg tunnel time works out better for everyone: no hard assets to trace. That's how I get compensated for my job keeping Jo in line. Jerry, how are you paid?

Nice bunker Snowmman. The quantity of arms suggest you are not a one man show. The thought of an army of Snowmmen gives me pause.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Great post Georger! Either my memory is shot or there are some pix I have never seen before.

Like you and Snow, I am trying to figure out how to square the Fazio surface fragment field recollection with what we see in your photos.

Looks like there was a lot of excavation and sifting work done at Tena Bar trying to analyze the money find, quite a bit more than I thought had been done.

Surely the FBI must have detailed reports on the operation, more than we outsiders have seen. Tom must have searched the files. Wonder what he found?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Al told me he saw a lot of shards of Cooper twenties in all kinds of shapes and sizes, discolored and black, and in various states of decomposition. He said many pieces were scattered along the high-tide mark.

WHAT IS THE ___ DATE ___ of Fazio's



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Al told me he saw a lot of shards of Cooper twenties in all kinds of shapes and sizes, discolored and black, and in various states of decomposition. He said many pieces were scattered along the high-tide mark.

WHAT IS THE ___ DATE ___ of Fazio's


This is a guess of course but isn't it likely that Fazio saw what he saw AFTER the Ingram find? If it was before, wouldn't the Fazios have called the FBI or closed the area and started their own treasure hunt?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I think this is 377 and SafecrackingPLF in the tunnel at Fort Bragg.
How come they get such a big one?

The congressional oversight committees make it too hard to pay civilian operatives in cash, so the Spooks and FBI barter stuff instead. They offered SF HALO gear but that big military stuff is so yesterday. Free Ft Bragg tunnel time works out better for everyone: no hard assets to trace. That's how I get compensated for my job keeping Jo in line. Jerry, how are you paid?

Nice bunker Snowmman. The quantity of arms suggest you are not a one man show. The thought of an army of Snowmmen gives me pause.


377: those are just the training weapons. You can see the metal boxes on them. We advanced beyond paintballs for training long ago. The real weapons are...uh...there are no real weapons.

And that rocket launcher was purely a pnuematic device.

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I had no idea you were a NASCAR fan. Anyone who is a NASCAR fan would immediately recognize Ryan Newman , driver of the Stewart-Hass #39 sponsored by the US Army.

Do you have any other “Redneck” tendacies that you have been hiding from us?

BTW: The photo was taken at U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School. (Contrary to 377’s assertion is was at snowttroll’s bunker.)

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I had no idea you were a NASCAR fan. Anyone who is a NASCAR fan would immediately recognize Ryan Newman , driver of the Stewart-Hass #39 sponsored by the US Army.

Do you have any other “Redneck” tendacies that you have been hiding from us?

BTW: The photo was taken at U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School. (Contrary to 377’s assertion is was at snowttroll’s bunker.)

Why are you throwing suspects into the Cooper thing without investigation?

Randy Newman had nothing to do with Cooper, and nothing to do with the JFK assassination.

Jo can confirm.

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This "e" photo that georger just released is stunning.

I've never seen anything like it.

It shows an AMAZING number of trenches dug.

Previous snaps I had posted had only shown 2-3 trenches perpendicular to the water.

This picture shows 13 trenches??? spaced at maybe 20'? It also shows the beach area to an amazing degree we've not seen before!!!

I don't think the trenches in this photo are all that deep.

Georger: when was this photo taken?

And the area close to the water in the center, that is more disturbed...was that the center of the dig activity????

I have no particulars about the photo. Its just an
old photo I have. It may be a news photo or snap
from a news clip.

The important thing is Im not even sure it "is" a
photo of excavation trenches. It may be an aerial photo of the bar someone used to draw a grid on?
For what purpose, I have no idea. The photo is very crude. Somehow the photo doesnt even look like an actual photo of Tina Bar but more like a "depiction"
of the bar, someone drew a grid on... perhaps to
illustrate the excavation going on at Tina Bar?

The source of this photo may be the Seattle PI...
I tend to think it is; the photo was grouped in with
other PI photos from the same period, including
the erroneous PI map of Tina Bar which shows
Tina Bar in the wrong place on the Columbia! I
actually contacted the PI about the map and got
nowhere ... they didnt have the faintest idea where
Tina Bar was at the time but were running news
articles and photos ... note where PI puts Tina Bar,
clear around by the Washougal!

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If it was before, wouldn't the Fazios have called the FBI or closed the area and started their own treasure hunt?


My thoughts exactly. Lets dont get into
that - maybe a can of worms.

We just need a date when Fazios made their

I agree with Jerry. There were fragments. The only
question is when and how much and where? We
know they were in the money-pit, because Palmer
and a host of others document that.

[edit] Now maybe you guys understand where (and
why) Ive been coming from all along. Fragments
and potential frag-field speak to volume of money
and potentially fragments of a container.

Because 2 1/2 bundles dont just merrily wash all
the way from the Washougal or even part way to
Tina Bar and still arrive in one piece with rubber
band remnants still in place. The Probability of that
is zero.

And following Safe's logic the only time the bag
of money was still floating or buoyant was when it
was new... otherwise we are talking about a dead
wet load possibly brought along with other debris
(snagged in other debris?) .... mechanics and
possibly even direction of deposition are potentially involved if its a large load. Otherwise this money
might as well floated down from Heaven! That's how
I see this...

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I've juxtaposed two images of the Tena Bar search for comparison.
You have to mentally adjust: one is looking upstream, one is looking downstream.

I had a thought that maybe the photo labelled "Looking Downstream" was accidently mirrored when published. But in comparing the two, I think the photos are as taken, and my labels are correct.

Comments? (remember "downstream" is towards the ocean)

Both pics are on the east shore of the Columbia, at Tena Bar.
You can think about the shadows caused by a winter sun, and seem them in the photos?

(edit) I'm guessing the money find is below the brushy/treey clump that's visible in both photos???

(edit) The new photo shows sand deposits a LOT further inland then we've seen from newer photos? What do people think about that???

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georger proposed "It may be an aerial photo of the bar someone used to draw a grid on? "

This is clearly false. The beach is disturbed. There's no drawing on a photo.

Now maybe the beach was marked lightly with a rake, to create a search grid. That's possible. I don't think they dug that many trenches??? Hard to tell, but those marks don't look that deep.

It's odd that the area of Tena Bar around the money find has different lighting/texture, than the beach farther away. Maybe just a lighting oddity, or a side effect of something.

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Some photos for 377.

one an actual air drop in 1966 taken from the ground Ammo/supplies from a c-123. Surprisingly close to ground. C-123 is rear tailgate???

others are from a Special Forces CIDG camp near An-Phu, South Vietnam (circa 1966).

The mortar pit and machine gun bunker are not being used as models for any new construction.

last photo is recent: more tax expenditures: M-107 50 caliber paintball gun designed by Tom Kaye.

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Going to post some cool pics from back in the day with Air America. If anyone sees themselves in the photos, give a shout out, my memory isn't as good as it used to be.

(edit) This is one of the coolest Air America airdrop interior shots I've ever seen. A lot of detail. Look at all the gear.

Is this a C-123???
How about the rig the guy is wearing? identify?

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I've juxtaposed two images of the Tena Bar search for comparison.
You have to mentally adjust: one is looking upstream, one is looking downstream.

I had a thought that maybe the photo labelled "Looking Downstream" was accidently mirrored when published. But in comparing the two, I think the photos are as taken, and my labels are correct.

Comments? (remember "downstream" is towards the ocean)

Both pics are on the east shore of the Columbia, at Tena Bar.
You can think about the shadows caused by a winter sun, and seem them in the photos?

(edit) I'm guessing the money find is below the brushy/treey clump that's visible in both photos???

(edit) The new photo shows sand deposits a LOT further inland then we've seen from newer photos? What do people think about that???

There is something in these two photos that
doesnt reconcile, in my mind. The excavation photo shows a sharp bend (bulge) at the money site?
The aerial photo shows a smooth shoreline (south is up). Did this sharp bulge develop between 79 and 80?

I agree the excavation photo appears to be looking
downstream ... looks like the end of the sandbar in
the distance (top). But again this does not reconcile
with the 79 aerial photo?

The money site is circled in the 79 aerial photo -

If I didnt know better the beach bulge in the
excavation photo is reminiscent of the dredging
pile (in the same position?) in the 74 aerial photos?

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