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snowmman 3
QuoteQuote"Fear not the path of truth
for the lack of people walking on it."
Can't tell if tie is clip-on.
There's a million pics of RFK online (this obviously excludes all the ones the CIA suppressed). The only hits i came up with re clip on ties were the ones ref the previous post about his assassination. I can't tell about the ties either, but it sure looks to me like he was a pretty decent dresser in general.
The SOG guys had a wider variety of weapons available to them at supply, than normal soldiers. They were always experimenting with whatever was available, from any source.
They took pains to describe some weapons as being "suppressed" rather than "silenced"...i.e. most suppressors didn't fully quiet the weapon. Or if they did, slowed down the bullet so it was less effective.
They were intrigued by the issue, and Plaster spends a lot of time on the intricacies of weapon selection.
All I'm saying, is I'm impressed Jo said "suppressed", not "silenced".
Orange1 0
georger 247
Jo is an Ad-man. Clues in on buzz words and
concepts to sell. Havent you figured that out yet
and calculated the consequences!?
You people must lead barren lives.
377 22
377 22
QuoteYou people must lead barren lives.
Indeed we do Georger.
Any suggestions for our salvation will be seriously considered.
377 22
QuoteJo is an Ad-man.
If she were younger she might be a worthy successor to Ron Popeil..."but wait, there's MORE"
I bet Jo is pretty good at selling houses. She knows how to work up interest, get attention, constellate the immaterial... and in the end you find that she is selling a very ordinary house, not a dwelling that played a key role in national history. George Washington did not sleep there nor did Bobby Kennedy or MLK.
There are no coincidences in Jo's analysis. Look at her inference about a massive suppression of publically available RFK photos triggered by her inquiry to the FBI. It is indicative of a serious persistent flaw in her thinking. All roads lead to Duane, period. If they don't, it's just cause you haven't traveled far enough.
I still see the good side of Jo, but she makes it difficult. Jo said unequivocally that Duane Weber was Dan Cooper and promised proof. Until she retracts her claim I will remind her now and then of her unfulfilled promise.
QuoteFear not the path of truth
for the lack of people walking on it."
Can't tell if tie is clip-on.
My opinion:
Not a clip-on. If RFK had the tie pulled a little tighter, one would not be able to tell. But, since it is slightly loosened, you can see white collar ABOVE the knot right where the clip would be.
snowttroll said:
QuoteAll I'm saying, is I'm impressed Jo said "suppressed", not "silenced".
So, I’ve got it now….
You're speaking a language I understand... Jo said the CIA/FBI “suppressed” the photos to prevent muzzle-rise and felt-recoil. I hear that’s a big problem, especially with the older model (60s era) photos.

Did I tell you guys that I quit my job Monday?

Web Page
georger 247
QuoteIf an inquiry to the FBI from Jo can result in massive supression of previously public info, we need to put that power to good use.
Yes. When people sign on to research this-or-that
they need to stay "on topic" and not go off on
How do you know a mere "inquiry" from Jo resulted
in ......... at the FBI? Do you believe Jo's accounts?
Why would you believe Jo's accounts of anything?
Because if you do, the next person you should
doubt is yourself.
The hard questions never get answered. That allows
the soft questions to continue forever.
Trade in that Cooper Klunker!
377 22
QuoteSeems to me Braden spent most of his time avoiding
home soil USA once he got into trouble, and hijacking
305 would NOT have been forgiven?
I think Braden was pretty confident in his ability to elude capture. Pretty hard to do a US$200,000 cash crime in Africa or anywhere but here. If he needed big bucks the US might have been very appealing.
I go around and around about a highly trained SF type not bringing his own gear on the 727. Couldn't someone with those skills come up with an untraceable rig? That part of the crime whispers "whuffo" to me now and then.
I can't imagine someone like Braden having total dependence on outsiders being able to find and deliver suitable parachutes in such a short time, not to mention the risk of hidden beacon transmitters. If you could get a bomb onto a plane a chute wouldnt be much of a problem, especially in a duffle bag or carrying case.
A total whuffo might not even know where to get a suitable chute much less an untraceable one. In that case asking for chutes during the hijack makes more sense.
377 22
QuoteHow do you know a mere "inquiry" from Jo resulted
in ......... at the FBI? Do you believe Jo's accounts?
Why would you believe Jo's accounts of anything?
My entire point was that I DON'T believe Jo's FBI inquiry caused a massive suppression of RFK photos. Nobody but Jo believes it.
I am just trying to get Jo to be a little more logical in her thinking and recognize that coincidences do occur and do not prove causation.
In case you haven't noticed I am now vying with Orange for being the biggest thorn in Jo's side. Quite a change for me but everyone has their limits.
snowmman 3
QuoteJo is an Ad-man.
If she were younger she might be a worthy successor to Ron Popeil..."but wait, there's MORE"
Remember the movie "Tin Men" with Richard Dreyfus.
I loved it
clip here:
(edit) Sluggo: hey good you recognize the importance of controlling muzzle rise.
377 22
QuoteNot a clip-on. If RFK had the tie pulled a little tighter, one would not be able to tell. But, since it is slightly loosened, you can see white collar ABOVE the knot right where the clip would be.
I took a look at my son's clip on and I think you are correct Sluggo. That inverted U part of the clip extends up enough to be noticed in such a loose tie photo if it was a clip on.
Hey, you QUIT? Man, in this economy that takes balls. What's next? Maybe you can get hired when we go into Iran and North Korea on nuke inspections. Maybe Bill Clinton will be chief inspector and you guys can hang out.

Seriously, best of luck in the job hunt.
snowmman 3
Hey hopefully that's a good thing. I saw the beers. If a good thing, congrats! If not, hell, there'll be something better down the road.
377 22
Quote(edit) Sluggo: hey good you recognize the importance of controlling muzzle rise.
Barrel droop is a big deal in tank fire control computations. Viagara wont fix it. The main gun barrel sags after repeated close spaced firings and that has to be cranked into the fire control computation. Thermal and structural aids help, but the problem does not disappear.
Snow's pneumo cannons are immune.
snowmman 3
It means you have skills.
not bringing anything, is better for being untraceable.
I'm seriously questioning whether you belong on the manifest for the C-123K now, 377.
Don't you remember the Terminator movies? You pass thru naked.
There's a million pics of RFK online (this obviously excludes all the ones the CIA suppressed
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