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Sluggo lied "I found out that of the 1057 official suspects in the NORJAK case, investigated by a number of agencies, none were named Ted B. Braden (and permutations) or Joseph Edward Homer (and permutations)"."

I was on a web forum where an FBI agent assigned to the case was posting about it. He said that all obvious suspects had been investigated. Since Ted B. Braden is obvious, Ted was obviously investigated.

Snow, was Braden obvious at the time? Was Sheridan Peterson investigated? I'm not disputing your source - just wondering who was and was not considered "obvious". Would someone have to be physically present in N America to be considered "obvious"?
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Orange1 asked, without confessing to the coffee issue:

"Snow, was Braden obvious at the time? Was Sheridan Peterson investigated? I'm not disputing your source - just wondering who was and was not considered "obvious". Would someone have to be physically present in N America to be considered "obvious"?

Yes Braden was obvious.
I don't have the Ramparts article yet. I just got a notice that it's being shipped. I'll know more when I get it.

The CIA were the guys that picked him up in Africa, and put him in solitary for 123 days at Fort Dix. They interrogated him, on who he talked to, the possibility of foreign agents etc.

The CIA clearly had files on Braden.

The FBI, if they contacted other agencies, with respect to 727, jumping, Vietnam, would have gotten the Braden data from the CIA.

The CIA and FBI jointly buried the information.

The public didn't know about MACV-SOG then. (because the government hid it).

The CIA and FBI did, and they knew about Braden.

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Seattle coffee IS available in Cape Town. So the locals must think it's okay. I won't accept Orange1's judgement on Vida, unless she says she's at least sampled a cup at Seattle Coffee.

The invasion has been put on hold till this is resolved. There is no more room in the C-123K, so we can't bring our own.

Need an answer.

Easy: you said Starbucks, I said no Starbucks, you didn't ask about other chains! Seattle has been in SA for years, and has many more branches all over the country than Vida. But - honestly - it isn't as nearly good as Vida.

Can we get those dollars now please?
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Seattle coffee IS available in Cape Town. So the locals must think it's okay. I won't accept Orange1's judgement on Vida, unless she says she's at least sampled a cup at Seattle Coffee.

The invasion has been put on hold till this is resolved. There is no more room in the C-123K, so we can't bring our own.

Need an answer.

Easy: you said Starbucks, I said no Starbucks, you didn't ask about other chains! Seattle has been in SA for years, and has many more branches all over the country than Vida. But - honestly - it isn't as nearly good as Vida.

Can we get those dollars now please?

Your honor, the witness is clearly being non-cooperative. I request permission to treat as non-cooperative.

The damn dollars have purple stains and holes and ragged edges. Have to clean them up first.

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Orange1 asked, without confessing to the coffee issue:


"Snow, was Braden obvious at the time? Was Sheridan Peterson investigated? I'm not disputing your source - just wondering who was and was not considered "obvious". Would someone have to be physically present in N America to be considered "obvious"?

Yes Braden was obvious.
I don't have the Ramparts article yet. I just got a notice that it's being shipped. I'll know more when I get it.

The CIA were the guys that picked him up in Africa, and put him in solitary for 123 days at Fort Dix. They interrogated him, on who he talked to, the possibility of foreign agents etc.

The CIA clearly had files on Braden.

The FBI, if they contacted other agencies, with respect to 727, jumping, Vietnam, would have gotten the Braden data from the CIA.

The CIA and FBI jointly buried the information.

The public didn't know about MACV-SOG then. (because the government hid it).

The CIA and FBI did, and then knew about Braden.

But then - if they buried it then - isn't there a possibility Braden was guilty and they let him go because they didn't want the MACV-SOG stuff made public?

Also... you did say IF the FBI contacted other agencies. Do you know for a fact they did, or is that an assumption?

p.s. I hadn't reached the coffee post when i answered that:P
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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I have never talked to anyone connected with FBI or CIA, other than reading posts Ckret made here.

So I'm just connecting the dots.

Now you can argue that the CIA put Braden in Fort Dix, but no one in the CIA knew about it.

I guess that's some kind of weird argument.

It's like the Cooper=whuffo argument: anyone could have done it.

Same thing with CIA and FBI: they're all just whuffos, so you can't blame anybody.

(edit) re FBI and CIA

Yes I guess that's a good theory. The FBI is investigating hijackings in 1971, with known history of political motivations in hijackers...and the vietnam war is raging, and McCoy was ex-vietnam..and there's no reason to expect they would ask the CIA "What do you think?"

I don't think there's any reason the FBI would contact anyone actually. The investigation was mostly Himmelsbach burying info.

Except snowmman. You can blame him. He's nuts.

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ThunderCity is AWESOME. Pity they price in Euros. (or used to... maybe i should check again since the recession started )

edited to add: Zaire?? hasn't existed by that name for a few years

Thunder City's website still says Zaire. It must be tough competing with the Russian Mig 21 and 29 flights offered a lot closer to Europe and cheaper too. The Collings Foundation in the US now offers F4 Phantom rides. I jumped from their B 24 bomber in 1999, cost $350 but worth it.

Braden sure as hell should have been looked at given all the federal attention he had at the time. I still am puzzled at his free pass on desertion and other crimes. Let's say he was prosecuted. What damage could he have really done? All sorts of credible Nam vets were making war crime charges and nothing happened. What was so special about Braden? Why were his cards better? As a deserter, his credibility was already compromised compared to honorably discharged vets who completed their tours.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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377: "As a deserter, his credibility was already compromised compared to honorably discharged vets who completed their tours. "

Why would Braden's credibility be questioned based on desertion? Actually it was a sign of rationality. The only rational thing to do, if you were in SOG as it evolved in the early '60s, was to leave.

Wouldn't it make more sense to question the credibility of those inside MACV-SOG?

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Why would Braden's credibility be questioned based on desertion? Actually it was a sign of rationality. The only rational thing to do, if you were in SOG as it evolved in the early '60s, was to leave.

Do you mean rational from a political ethical perspective or just for saving your life?

Did Braden ever indicate that his desertion from or dissatisfaction with SOG was a matter of conscience?

Looks to me like he was pissed off about being exploited for low pay while others doing similar work with perhaps even lower risk were better compensated.

Most deserters of conscience didn't pick up mercenary work in Africa as their next job.

His credibility in a court of law would not be good as a felon (fake passport. ID theft etc) and deserter who violated his sworn oath of service. The judge can issue jury instructions about that.

I just don't see why he got a free pass. Did he know about something far more sinsister and harmful to the US Govt than what we know about today? One wonders...

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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true story:
in college, I had to take some liberal electives.
I could have taken anything, including art (I did take some drawing classes, actually. Fun!)

Senior year, I took a boatload of courses I was interested in. Kind of too busy, too many other things going on.
Took a sophomore level Philosophy course for my liberal elective.

Always missed class. Turned in a couple papers way late. Figured I'd pull it out on the final, since that had worked before.

Finals week, I go to the prof's office to try to find out when the final is going to be (after catching up on all the assigned reading).

I discover, unlike all my previous courses, that the final was take-home, and had been handed out in class. I realized then I was doomed. There was no way to even take the final.

I ended up having to stay the summer to take a liberal elective to graduate.

I took a sociology/group behavior course. As part of it, we did this experiment, that was related to how groups work together.
In the end, it was cut short, because our class went against the prior results. All prior groups had dissolved in discord, unable to be productive. We went thru a dip, but then our productivity soared (it was a fake factory thing, with lots of small groups with limited communication).

I think the key to our success, and confounding of the professor, was our focus on communication.

I used the mainframe computer (IBM 360), and early formatting software, to publish a "newsletter" for our factory. By a weird twist of fate, I was dealt a card in the game, that gave me free travel in the hallway, to all the groups..everyone else was constrained.

So what's my point?

Just that I don't know how people perceive what's rational and what's not.

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Took a sophomore level Philosophy course for my liberal elective. Always missed class.

So you deserted your philosphy class? Sheesh Snow, were it not for the liberal arts classes engineering students would never see any women. What were you thinking?


I could have taken anything, including art (I did take some drawing classes, actually. Fun!)

Lots of engineers signed up for a drawing class at my university. I found out why after the class was oversubscribed and closed to enrollment: nude models.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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in the documentary he clearly showed that the money was deposited soon after the jump, based on his analysis of the money, and other data.

Can you explain. I have not seen the Nat Geo
program. What analysis of Tom's proved this
conclusion, according to who? Please explain -

Didn't Tom say it in the documentary? If they didn't show all the data, I'm assuming it was just edited for brevity.

I'd go look in that youtube clip I made, but my memory is pretty certain that Tom just said it, I think based on his measurements or something.

(edit) Georger: this is a low res mashup of Tom's Theory as presented on TV

I'm a little confused now that you remind me, because thru third parties, Tom recanted 2 days after the broadcast.

So maybe you're right. I don't know what Tom thinks. It would have been better if he had gotten published, so we'd have something to read.

I watched the video. Its not as bad as I feared.
It's simply a theory and nothing more. Tom has no hard data; just claims. That's my reaction. It's like
this all began just yesterday, to me. Nothing has
changed. Bruce's account presented here turns out
to be very accurate.

The sole specific claim of Tom's which is testable
is his claim the dredging spoils stop 150' from where
the money was found, but Tom does not actually
say that! Tom fudges...

What Tom actually says is: " 'Dredging' stopped
150 feet away from where the money was found.
We believe the dredging sands did not interfere
with the original burial of the money and the
money got buried 'there' within a few months
of Cooper's 'daring' jump".

So, the Fazio's are wrong. Himmeslbach is wrong.
Palmer is wrong. The dredging experts are wrong.
Everyone including Ckret has been wrong to date
about the spreading of the dredge wastes at Tina
Bar ... and Tom is correct. Exactly what is Tom
basing his NEW 150' MEASUREMENT on?

At least Tom is consistent. Tom has been pushing
the "arrived early" assumption since the day he
got involved in this case, even before he knew
where Tina Bar was, on planet Earth. Tom could be
correct and a great guesser, but he must have proof!

The photo shown by Nat Geo is not a satellite photo
but a aerial photo provided the FBI by the Corps of
Engineers. The money location circled on this photo
sits right at the edge of one major dredge dump
pile, which later was spread out by Fazio. But Tom
does not say 'dredge spoils' or 'dredge sand'. Tom
says the "dredging" itself stopped 150 ft away from
the money location. Is Tom now saying the dredge wastes were not spread at all by Fazio? What are
Tom's measurements based on? Otherwise, Tom's
whole argument is circular, ie. 'the money got
deposited early therefore the dredge spoils did
not interfere with the money as per Palmer therefore,
the money got deposited before 1974 all based on
new measurements using the latest technologies ...'

How does Tom know where the money was located?
Nobody has ever answered the question but there
is a growing list of "experts" who claim to know, but
none will tell you! Secrecy allows Circularity.

I kept telling Tom "this is science Tom. You can't
make large assumptions like this". For me, this
deja-voodoo all over again.

But I actually like Tom's 'snag and drag' theory
because finally it offers something which is specific
and testable. Very specific consequences must
follow a theory of this type and that is a unique
contribution, at long last. A passing ship snags the chute and drags Cooper right by Tina Bar and out
to sea, the money spilling out as Cooper is
dragged along .... one version of this theory could explain a debris field being deposited along Tina Bar
... wherever the secret location of the money is!

But wouldnt such a theory require other debris fields
in other places? Why only at Tina Bar? Tosaw should get ready to probe new areas next summer!

Tom is saying there must be other money deposits somewhere along the Columbia. Tom's theory
requires this. Tom's theory requires that because
in all Tom's 'calculations' Tom forgot to calculate
the volume of money as well as other variables
which are constants in this statistical episode,
all of which add up to a wide distribution vs. a
narrow specific deposition, as I see this, and I
think any statistical model will demand this. This
is a spread function, after all. The Cooper money was not shot like from a water canon onto Tina Bar
only. The ship was moving for one thing. There are
currents and tides for another thing. There is a
volume of money and probabilities involved
not simply 2 1/2 bundles in Tom's theory. This
require more than one money deposit, and other debris fields. Presumably all other deposits and debris fields escaped notice over time. Of 10,000 $20 dollar
bills only $5800 wound up at Tina Bar via Tom's
deposit theory. That defies all odds. Would Tom
bet money on his theory aired to the world?

Lastly, let's follow Tom's example here and just
skip any discussion about the rubber bands in a
'snag 'n drag' violent specific dispersal theory.

But, what Tom is saying is no after-thought.
Tom has always been anxious to place the money
early at Tina Bar by some set of circumstances.
Because doing so (Tom thought) avoids a lot of
other problems.

Tom's first attempt involved a revision of Sluggo's flight path which I supplied Tom. Tom focused on
DME tags in the data and smoothed out and extended the fp timeline. That in Tom's estimation (along with appropriate winds) brought Cooper and money directly to Tina Bar early, or very near to Tina Bar. (Snowmman
tried the same using different manipulations).

We always come back to the central issue of
adjusting flight path to money at Tina Bar and yet
nobody seems able or willing to resolve the dilemma
of two official flight paths: FBI-Ckret-Sluggo fp vrs.
Himmeslbach-Thomas flight path. They cant both be
correct and each asserts a wholly different set of
facts. Tom then opts for the first original flight path
and dropzone, which was at Lake Merwin!

I see no evidence at all that what Tom has said
here was some slip of the tongue or an after thought while Tom is working on the real science behind the scenes? What you are seeing in this video is the real Tom Kaye at work.

Tom has evidently convinced Larry Carr to float along,
snagged on Tom's propellers?

[edit]: In Tom's defense let me say this -

In the beginning, I thought it was asking a lot
of Tom, or anyone, to come up to speed on the full
slate of facts and facets involved in the Cooper case.

That was why I recommended we stick to the task
of examining the money only, with all other issues
pushed to the side as much as possible. So far as
I know Tom had never considered the Cooper matter at all before joining this adventure.

Since there is so little hard data available from the
FBI, it literally is a task of building data from the
bottom up. Again, this is why I recommended
concentrating on the money alone while leaving
other broader (theoretical) issues aside.

This is my take on the whole affair -

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Sluggo posted Tom's resume.
He's published a lot of papers on dinosaur bones.
So if Tom says something about things in the ground, I thought that means it's true?

What's wrong with my thinking?

Tom was also vetted by Seattle FBI: Special Agent Larry Carr.

Because of his qualifications, he was given privileged access to FBI documents.

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I kept telling Tom "this is science Tom. You can't
make large assumptions like this".

You need to have this conversation with him again Georger.

Engineers don't really do science, but we know enough about it to recognize when it isn't being practiced. I didn't see science on the TV show.

I'd guess you are a scientist by training, not an engineer. Correct?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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re: science vs engineering.

To land on the moon, they first assumed they could.

Everything else was just a detail to be worked out.

Now building the first atomic bomb: was that different? I think not. Assume you could do it and it would blow up. Then you gather the resources and materials to show you were right.

(edit) what confounds the issue is sort of a survivor's bias: we remember the cases where that process worked. So it's hard to prove that it's a good process or a bad process. All you can say is that processes like that produced certain results. Would other processes work? Maybe? But sometimes the experiment only gets done once.

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Lastly, let's follow Tom's example here and just
skip any discussion about rubber bands in a
'snag 'n drag' violent dispersal theory.

An excellent point!!! We also still have some unresolved issues about rubber band longevity.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Took a sophomore level Philosophy course for my liberal elective. Always missed class.

I'm surprised, Snow. I don't know exactly what you studied but presume sciences. Mathematics and Philosophy have always seemed to me like wonderful subjects to study in tandem.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Most deserters of conscience didn't pick up mercenary work in Africa as their next job.

His credibility in a court of law would not be good as a felon (fake passport. ID theft etc) and deserter who violated his sworn oath of service. The judge can issue jury instructions about that.

I just don't see why he got a free pass. Did he know about something far more sinsister and harmful to the US Govt than what we know about today? One wonders...


No-one with a conscience becomes a mercenary.

As for what he knew - if they wanted to keep SOG secret at the time, wouldn't that be enough?
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Now building the first atomic bomb: was that different? I think not. Assume you could do it and it would blow up. Then you gather the resources and materials to show you were right.

Although the Manhattan Project had a world class team of physicists working on it, I have always viewed it as an engineering project not scientific research.

About those rubber bands, didn't a manufacturer give an opinion that flew in the face of a bunch of FBI conclusions?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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As for what he knew - if they wanted to keep SOG secret at the time, wouldn't that be enough?

I don't think so. Disgruntled vets had already blown the whistle on fatal interrogations, US miltary ops in Laos and Cambodia, intentional killing of non combatant civilians and host of other war crimes. In light of all that, I don't think a disclosure of SOG ops would be such a huge threat... just my opinion.

Besides, it is more exciting to think of Braden holding some REALLY BIG secrets, perhaps ones not yet revealed to the public even today.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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(Edited for being brief)
Eventually the tie was used to try and pull dna.

Georger: There was some mention of a pollen or spores found on the tie by Kaye. Is this correct?

If so - I believe we can limited the pollen obtaining these spores or whatever you want to call them from the Agriculture Dept. of GA, KS, MO, AL, Fl and S.C.

Surely that would limit the comparisons. There must be a data bank on these with the Agriculture Dept. of these states.

If Kaye has the analysis on the spore or pollen - couldn't it be compared with existing data?

I am thinking that we might get someone in the Depts of these States to volunteer their time to check this spore or pollen against what they have in their data bases. If we get a hit on any of these states - then we know where that tie has been.

I suppose we need to include WA and OR in that group encase it was recent exposure from Coopers stay. I wondered to myself (always to myself - remember I am crazy) if this was not possible.

These states seem to have a connection with other suspects besides Weber...and would be a good starting point. I know such a data base is available for Ky so why not other states.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Tom was also vetted by Seattle FBI: Special Agent Larry Carr.

Because of his qualifications, he was given privileged access to FBI documents.

Snowmman too was vetted by Seattle FBI: Special Agent Larry Carr.

Because of his refusal to show respect for the FBI, he was denied access to FBI documents and put on a "stop and harrass for any reason" license plate list distributed to local police departments countrywide.

Snow might as well be African American or a young Hispanic kid with an "attitude" car. He can drive just about as far as they can until being lit up and pulled over.

My boss, Larry Carr, has secretly offered to kill the harrassment if Snow will praise the agency. I haven't even communicated the offer to Snow because I know what the response will be.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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hey, anyone know a Kennedy prepared to volunteer DNA to compare to the tie...?

I am not suggesting you as a participant Oange, but it is widely known that any attractive female on Cape Cod will have no trouble collecting Kennedy DNA samples.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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But then - if they buried it then - isn't there a possibility Braden was guilty and they let him go because they didn't want the MACV-SOG stuff made public?

Also... you did say IF the FBI contacted other agencies. Do you know for a fact they did, or is that an assumption?

Orange! :DShame on you and others - for buying into any cover-up idea after chastizing me for doing so.

Sorry - the devil made me do that....B|....with all of this recent information flooding the libraries and the bookselves - our government had no choice, but to make files available. There were many files destroyed and those we will never see...other than what the veterans themselves are publishing.

The government (all depts) never expected technology for the general public to advance so quickly. They haven't been able to stop the presses, freedom of speech, computer access...and the legal process. Thank God we still have a voice although sometimes never heard.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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