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DB Cooper

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I think he landed.. and made it to the nearest road with ease.

Thanks for the opinion Amazon. I really want Cooper to have survived. It makes for a far more interetsing story once the caper is solved. Yes, I DO think it will be solved someday. Most big crimes are eventually.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Um... I must have missed this somewhere along the many posts. Chemicals consistent with an explosive device were found on the tie?

Yea, you and I both missed this or it is a fallacy created by Georger.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Trust me on this.. the area under that posted flight path south of Toutle is not exactly wilderness or even rugged.. its a mix of woods, ranches and farms and small towns... easily seen from 10k even in the dark.

Correct, even though some refuse to believe it. Cooper could have easily survived a landing past Lake Merwin.

"Once we got to the point where twenty/something's needed a place on the corner that changed the oil in their cars we were doomed . . ."

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Hi Amazon. I do Have a serious question . Are you a local Male or female. Now I have given you my phone number to call me and discuss researchering the area. Why haven't you. If your claim's about the area is real .Please call me so we can search the area's you claim is important. Otherwise Back Off And Just join a simple search. A lot of what you have posted is easily found on the internet, Jo does this all the time So let's just do the search together. Now let's Do one more thing . I think it is time to make a Hallo jump Tandom. Jerry

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Hi Amazon. I do Have a serious question . Are you a local Male or female. Now I have given you my phone number to call me and discuss researchering the area. Why haven't you. If your claim's about the area is real .Please call me so we can search the area's you claim is important. Otherwise Back Off And Just join a simple search. A lot of what you have posted is easily found on the internet, Jo does this all the time So let's just do the search together. Now let's Do one more thing . I think it is time to make a Hallo jump Tandom. Jerry

Fuck you Jerry. You're an ass. Worse than Jo.
Worse than me!

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Jo What is your problem. Your claims Are fiction . Please do me a favor Prove your claim's And tell a story that is true > Jo Why do you continue to tell stories that all Know are fiction. Jo Let's do this . Let me contact Your local new's station And post all Your claim's from drop zone With all your New storie's And all the time's Duane has made different statements to include the storie's that you have made up about where the money was buried.Or better yet where it was found. That is just a small taste Jo as what this forum has to offer to your Local new's media. I Think you should Get off of Dropzone .com Or that is what will take place in your home town . One last thing your local station is waiting for me to say AIR IT Jerry

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What would account for chemistry consistent
with an explosive materials being found on the tie and on some of the money? Was Cooper's bomb real after all? The FBI and Jerry maintain the bomb was only road flares and a battery incapable of igniting either flares or dynamite detonators.

If there was chemistry consistent with an expplosive material found on the TIE and ON the money - this does not make sense.

What analysis are you in possession of - that indicates this? If the money showed evidence of nitrates - that may have been from the storage container - such as feed, fertilizer, plaster and cleaning chemicals.

As for the tie - if true would indicate contamination prior to the jump and not upon this supposed ignition if the flares.

As for the route of the plane - try connecting eye witness accounts such as the far East end of Lake Merwin and Heison and Camas. I received many of these thru the yrs. That is the ones I remember off hand...who contacted me.

There has been a very definite turn of events recently. The old Canon City intake photo has been analyzed - the lighting and the glasses he had on. Remember Georger how you made such a to do about the pointed turned out ears. Take that prison photo and BLOW IT UP to letter size.

Note the size of the stems on the glasses - very thick and probably taped together. The ears are pushed down creating the points and causing them to stick out. This has been analyzed by a forensic artist. The lighting on his features is very bright causing exaggeration where there are NOT such prominent features. The lines in the face do not show (partly due to the lighting and partly because this was taken 11 yrs before the crime). Using several older pictures of Duane to put the expressions in and the ears and taking off the glasses you have composite of Cooper.

This is in the process of being done and should be available in about 3 wks. Because there was a second pair of eyes to see what has never been revealed to the public - and these observation where made - a lot of money is being spent on this venture.

Also if you enlarge that picture to letter size you will see something Florence Shaffner try to explain regarding a widows peak. Pictures made within a couple of yrs of the skyjacking show what appears to be a scar - he had tweezed those hairs out repeatedly...they did not exist when I met him. Because the FBI has NEVER made his Jefferson prison pictures available to is why this is being done.

:)Also note that within the MO prison system and several other states - many former skyjackers were imprisoned. This may be where Duane Weber was impregnated with the idea of doing the skyjacking (only theory). Then in 1971 when he had only $150 reported to SS, but the yrs before and after where considered livable incomes for the times. Weber was a desperate man and his world was falling around him. Desperate men take desperate measures - proveable facts.


Will the last laugh be on the FBI or me being laughed at? Hardly!

Attached is the Prison Photo in question: After downloading noted the title is wrong - the actual date is 1960.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo What is your problem. Your claims Are fiction . Please do me a favor Prove your claim's And tell a story that is true > Jo Why do you continue to tell stories that all Know are fiction. Jo Let's do this . Let me contact Your local new's station And post all Your claim's from drop zone With all your New storie's And all the time's Duane has made different statements to include the storie's that you have made up about where the money was buried.Or better yet where it was found. That is just a small taste Jo as what this forum has to offer to your Local new's media. I Think you should Get off of Dropzone .com Or that is what will take place in your home town . One last thing your local station is waiting for me to say AIR IT Jerry

You had better read my last post before you do that.

I seriously do not believe you want to create anymore media attention - the FBI "you claim to receive so much information from and have knowledge of" would NOT be very happy with that. Remember I DON'T talk to them - but, my guys and I have continued the efforts to bring this mystery to an END.

Would you really want the Media to be aware of the ridiculous things you rant about and that you claim? Chill out. My guys and I are doing legitimate and documented research without the aid of the FBI...there is NO law against that.

Laws do exist concerning inflammatory statements and threats.

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Hi Amazon. I do Have a serious question . Are you a local Male or female. Now I have given you my phone number to call me and discuss researchering the area. Why haven't you. If your claim's about the area is real .Please call me so we can search the area's you claim is important. Otherwise Back Off And Just join a simple search. A lot of what you have posted is easily found on the internet, Jo does this all the time So let's just do the search together. Now let's Do one more thing . I think it is time to make a Hallo jump Tandom. Jerry

Why would I want to call you????...I am a local woman and I have a career and a life and after the things you have said on here to me and others.... uh no.. I think I will pass on riding around in the big truck looking for things not there.

And IF you want to make a jump .. man up and go thru a course where you do it yourself not a tandem... Jo could do a tandem if she wants.. little ole lady and all. I have done HALO.. have you???

My claims about the area are local knowledge..after I got out of the USAF I went back to FL for 18 months then I moved to Vancouver in 1982... and went to Clark College.. and then moved to Portland to go to Portland State. I lived in the area for till 1999 when I moved up here. During those years I trapsed all over the area hiking.. climbing hunting.. taking classes up into the mountains for parks and recreation to make a few extra bucks..get my drift???

Now I think its time for you to go make a jump... and stay out of those scary woods..

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Snowmman. If you are serious Lets just do the chanlenge that I gave you . You Know the one . Lets go to the wood's do the search. You Make the rule's I will help you Honor them Or Just do like we discused . Otherwise . Take a Time out. But stop the chalenge without following through or making excusses.Jerry

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Snowmman. If you are serious Lets just do the chanlenge that I gave you . You Know the one . Lets go to the wood's do the search. You Make the rule's I will help you Honor them Or Just do like we discused . Otherwise . Take a Time out. But stop the chalenge without following through or making excusses.Jerry

Jerry, You need to call the newspaper.
Call a couple of them.

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Amazon That is the bigest cop out statement I have ever seen. Now the chalenge is for real If you are for real except it I garrantee you I am serious Otherwise Back off and admit you are full of it Jerry

MAN Up..and make a jump...and you will see its not all that hard.

Its not a cop out.. its more of a I am choosy about who I wish to spend my time with.:S:S:S

Running around the woods looking for a 40 year old body that was never there... nah.. that is like going hunting for sasquatch.. like one guy I knew all too well always wanted to do:ph34r::ph34r:

Complete waste of time.

I will do that jump but it will cost you 1 million dollars to watch me do it.. just like I put at the very beginning of this thread.

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_ What would account for chemistry consistent
with an explosive materials being found on the tie and on some of the money? Was Cooper's bomb real after all? The FBI and Jerry maintain the bomb
was only road flares and a battery incapable of igniting either flares or dynamite detonators.
What accounts for the wires coming out of the
sticks, whatever the red sticks were?If the chemistry found on the tie and the money is from road flares
(not dynamite) how did these materials get on the
money? Is the chemistry from an explosion somehow different from explosive materials per se,
or road flare materials per se?

Um... I must have missed this somewhere along the many posts. Chemicals consistent with an explosive device were found on the tie?

"Might be consistent with" .... not definately are.
Read my comments again. This really is the best
I can do at the moment - sorry.

This has been lurking - going back to when silver nitrate from finger printing was mentioned.

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Jerry as far as I can tell you bring a lot less to the table than Jo does. In fact, other than being a personal friend of Ralph Himmelsbach I haven't seen you bring ANYTHING to this thread. Yet you constantly attack Jo and come off all high and mighty as though you're some resident expert. As far as I'm concerned you couldn't find your own ass with both hands, a compass and a map. You're a total fraud who attacks Jo because she's a threat to your precious ego. Because if anybody is ever gonna get credit for solving this case it has to be you and nobody else. I have three cats that have a better chance of shedding any light on this than you do. You've been at it how many years now? Maybe you should quit the forum? Doesn't this take away time that you could spend wandering around aimlessly in the woods?

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we went with the Ilyushin II-76 on 377's recommendation (I think he just wanted to jump the tailgate because he saw that ad with the topless jumpers?)

But then it all went to hell in Thailand and now everyone's freaking..



The guys in Kiev sent me back all the money, the asses they just put it in a box in USPS..Now I don't know whether it was traced thru the postal service and they're just waiting for me to open it or what.

I'm going to mail the money to 377. Let him deal with the FBI.

(attached the scan of the box below. You can see the date is just a 12/11/09 (they do the month in the middle). check the stamps and cancellations)

I have proof! unlike Jo and Buster Crabbe Jerry.

And if anyone is thinking of calling the newspapers..I'll warn you..I know how to squeal like a pig!

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could his dress have been intended to have him walk out (after landing) looking like a business man (complete with a
brief case)? . . . . businness man IN, business man

Interesting idea. Wouldn't that argue for an urban LZ target where a businessman would blend in?

It would look pretty strange to see a soaking wet businessman walking along a rural road with a briefcase in a winter storm.

I DO think one could exit a stock 727 with the stairs down without causing a big pressure bump. The trick would be to minimize stair deflection and resulting rebound when your weight is removed. The key is to leave the plane from a position high on the stairs. I think that would be doable.

What do other jumpers think?


The dress idea is just an idea. I agree
walking out of the bush in dress suit - looks pretty
crazy! (Maybe a crazy man thought the idea up?)

I somehow doubt Cooper invested a lot worrying
about the physics of step recoil, oscillations, bump,
flexure, positions on stairs where best to eliminate
or minimise physical effects ... after all, he didnt
understand the lowering of the stairs vs take off and landing, then he could get the door open ... etc etc.
Somehow Idont see our Cooper as someone good
at opening vaults!? I could be wrong -

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This has been lurking - going back to when silver nitrate from finger printing was mentioned.

Georger - Aren't silver nitrates found in fertilizers, paints, plastics and various stuff stored in containers? I know it was mentioned regarding the money and that it was cross contaminations from the printing process, but you seemed to be going in another direction we have not discussed - such as being on the tie?

I am going to ask you to RE-examine the prison photo I posted a few moments ago - enlarge it to letter size in a program beside photos. Print it out and really study it - this was done today by a professional as was suggested by a visitor to my home a couple of wks ago.

Put all of your bias aside concerning me - and then examine this second actual snapshot - add these features into the distorted area caused by the glasses and lighting and age. (The ears are bent over from the thickness of the stems pushing the ears out and creating the Pointy ears you have mentioned in the past). I had NO early photos of Duane - actually what little I do have now was sent by his family a few yrs ago.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Um... I must have missed this somewhere along the many posts. Chemicals consistent with an explosive device were found on the tie?

"Might be consistent with" .... not definately are.
Read my comments again. This really is the best
I can do at the moment - sorry.

This has been lurking - going back to when silver nitrate from finger printing was mentioned.

OK... when you say "at the moment" is there more stuff going on to examine this or is this as good as it gets - i.e. is there enough to do further testing should anyone have the inclination?

What if Cooper accidentally blew himself up just after exit - would certainly explain why nothing has been found!
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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