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DB Cooper

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Amazon That is the bigest cop out statement I have ever seen. Now the chalenge is for real If you are for real except it I garrantee you I am serious Otherwise Back off and admit you are full of it Jerry

Jerry - you need to backoff on the offensive statements. As far as DZ.com goes Amazon is a known jumper (not by me) and is well respected -

And she's big enough and strong enough to open up a can of whoop-ass on many grown men. Trust me on this. You definitely do not want her whooping your ass, especially when she's mad. ;)
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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it's true, I read it on the interweb series of pipes thing

American engineers, he said, "just don't take risks. ... The hard-wiring of engineers makes them very cautious."
Still, he did give some credit to al-Qaida and its ilk for the logic of its HR strategy: "If I was to recruit terrorists, engineers would be the first guys I'd want."

Or Duane Weber (left unsaid).

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If DBC landed safely and then got away, then finding
the actual landing area adds nothing.

Right... no value add at all.. except maybe digging up the rig and chute he buried;)

With all the logging going on in that area.. if it was on the surface.. it would have been found.

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Polar bears are endangered. Humans aren't. If you run into a polar bear, it is your duty to future generations and the planet to allow the bear to eat you, rather than try trick and kill it. Thank you.

Have you seen the videos of polar bears carefully camoflaging their black noses with packed snow so they can sneak up on prey? Pretty clever, but when you are stalking Duane, the Arctic Smoke Jumper, you need to be.

Georger had a good point about what Duane would have said about all this. He actually said it: "Let it die with me." Jo didn't listen.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Have you seen the videos of polar bears carefully camoflaging their black noses with packed snow so they can sneak up on prey? Pretty clever, but when you are stalking Duane, the Arctic Smoke Jumper, you need to be.

Georger had a good point about what Duane would have said about all this. He actually said it: "Let it die with me." Jo didn't listen.


Animals are much more strategic than I think we often give them credit for. Have you seen footage of how lionesses hunt co-operatively? And there was one recently where - can't remember exactly now, I think it was wild dogs - organised a pincer movement to trap some buck and the only reason this was ever realised was because it was shot from the air.

Off topic, sorry. But remember, don't kill polar bears. Please.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Getntig cahgut up on tihs terahd is eixhusnatg, but I hvae dnoe it. So ltes strat form the bignnnieg, who was DB Coepor?

-DB Ceopor was not a drknier, he olny had one dnirk and sllepid a prooitn of taht. If soeomne was a dnerikr, in a stuaitoin lkie tihs he wluod hvae had mroe tahn jsut one in the fvie huors he was on the plnae.

-He was not a cihan soemkr, he was on the airfcrat for fvie horus and olny skemod 8 cigtaetres. Taht wuold mkae him a smeokr of lses tahn a pcak-a-day and tihs uendr nmoral citnidoons.

-He sopke in an inglnliteet mneanr and nveer lsot his cool, he was aalyws pltoie tghuhroout the oedarl.

-He had bworn eeys (Sfecnhafr saw his eeys befroe he put on the gsseals, he lokoed dlectriy at her saveerl teims ungrig her to raed the ntoe)

-He is 5'10 to 6'1 (Muoklcw is 5'8 and senpt 5 hrous wtih Coeopr, she wolud konw if he was her hhegit or tllaer. Hvae semoone 5'8 snatd nxet to seoomne 6 feet, the drefecinfe is oubvois. Betetr yet, ptioiosn ysluoerf at a leevl of 5'8 and look at sooenme at a 6' eoiatelvn. Now snepd 5 hrous wtih taht psroen, yolu'l konw the dfcnreeife. No one put Cpooer unedr 5'10.

-He had ovlie sikn (no mkae-up, nieethr Mkloucw, Sfeahfcnr or Hccnaok mdae cnmeomt on mkae-up whcih wluod hvae been vrey ouvoibs. Aigan, do the mtah, put drak mkueap on semonoe tehn sit nxet to tehm wtih yuor sldrueohs tnhiocug, you can see the mkae-up.)

-He had drak hiar, rcedieng wtih sirdbunes (no wig, tihs wloud hvae been pilanfuly ooibuvs, if a man was waireng a wig wtih a rneiecdg hiar lnie and sdie bunrs eynvoere wluod hvae ncteoid, eealspcliy Mcukolw and Shffnaecr.)

-He was med bulit (no one put him oevr 190 lbs, in fcat msot put him 180 or udner. Fnid a man 6 foot 180 lbs, tthas a med to tihn bluid.)

Tehse are the fcats on his pcyshail mkae-up, if yuor sspcuet deos not mtach tshee you may wnat to satrt lkinoog at soeomne esle.

DB Coeopr had A.D.D, his antottein to dtaeil was poor. He got the big pcuirte, but meissd the bsruh skretos. He was aslo a "konw-it-all." The tpye of pesron who wolud leran a few fcats and tehn bmocee an epxert on the sebcjut. One of tsohe peolpe who has jsut engouh kednlgwoe to be doaeugnrs.

DB Cooepr msot lkiley sveerd in the mriatily and uopn lavneig uesd his tcahnceil tniranig as a cntaocortr in the aliirne itnsrudy, in and anruod Setlate. He rsoe to a mid-leevl mgnemeaant ptoiosin but wehn he cluod rsie no fehturr or his prcejot neevr got off the gnuord, he qiut or was freid, "bsuecae no one usnoodretd him or wree jsut to sitpud to get it."

Soon thrteafeer he ran itno big fnainacil peorlmbs taht had a set dienalde for rlotseouin. Jsut as awayls he doveeepld the "big ptcurie" for gtnietg the meony but the epasce was vrey ploory pnalend.

Wluod any of you mkae the foonilwlg jmup?

Hree are smoe fatcs to cnseoidr if he suerivvd and if you colud plul it off.

The waehter: Cleinig of 5,000 feet, bokern coluds at 3,500, srttaeced cudlos at 1,500. Wnids of 12 to 14 konts, lgiht rian sewrohs.

The jmup: D'Bs chtue was a mliraity stlye 28' capony. The plenas seped was 173 ktnos wehn he jemupd at 10,000 feet in flul desnrkas.

The ldniang: Fsreot wtih no lthigs. Psibosly muiounntoas dideennpg uopn wcihh tehory you buy itno.

So, You wluod hvae to mkae the jmup in a bssnuies siut, old matliriy sylte 28' cuthe, in a rian srotm, at nghit, no ltihgs, or eiqumepnt of any knid. Oh, and you wloud hvae to tie an aidaidotnl 25 pudons to yuor wiast to rrecetae the wieght of meony and jmup at 10,000' form the bcak of a pnale minvog at 200 mph. In the end yo'ud hvae to stcik the lidnang in the mddile of a froset at aoubt 30 mph wtih a 14 kont wnid.

And it geos on and on.

Hploulfey I wlil soon be albe to aswenr mnay qoinutses in tihs csae and parephs mybae the utmilate one.

And yes Grasargbs, FBI antges can raed.

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Amazon That is the bigest cop out statement I have ever seen. Now the chalenge is for real If you are for real except it I garrantee you I am serious Otherwise Back off and admit you are full of it Jerry

Jerry - you need to backoff on the offensive statements. As far as DZ.com goes Amazon is a known jumper (not by me) and is well respected -

And she's big enough and strong enough to open up a can of whoop-ass on many grown men. Trust me on this. You definitely do not want her whooping your ass, especially when she's mad. ;)

Jesus, all this talk about people whupping other people. Why? Amazon is the real deal and so is Jerry, they are just different deals. No need to square off.

Jerry has a lot of military jumps including HALO. He fought in Nam and he did a lot of survival training. He thinks Cooper landed in the Death Woods from which there was no escape and may have even gone in as a no pull. He spends a lot of time in those woods and I respect his opinion about them.

Amazon is a USAF vet who also worked as a survival trainer. She is a very accomplished skydiver. Amazon set a speed record that is about .5 MACH in freefall, which is frigging amazing. She sees the Death Woods as a road riddled well traveled wildland and nothing more. She has spent a lot of time in those woods and I respect her opinion of them.

We just have two well qualified people who disagree on the survival challenge posed by those woods. They should share a few beers and compare notes, not threaten to whup each other's butts. We need a little more Ghandi and a little less Rambo here.

Whasup Billy, didnt't know you lurked here in the asylum these days. Before you leave, do you think Cooper survived the jump and made it back to civilization or died that night in 1971? Do you think he had made prior jumps?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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377 had the opinion that "They should share a few beers and compare notes, not threaten to whup each other's butts."

?? That doesn't make sense.
This thread has never been about Cooper, never will be. Maybe never can be?
So talking about kicking ass is very appropriate. That's what it's about.

What else would it be about?

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Animals are much more strategic than I think we often give them credit for. Have you seen footage of how lionesses hunt co-operatively? And there was one recently where - can't remember exactly now, I think it was wild dogs - organised a pincer movement to trap some buck and the only reason this was ever realised was because it was shot from the air.

Even more amazing, because of their far lower intelligence compared to dogs, are the aerial photos a giant Bluefin tuna hunting in a cooperative V formation and taking turns eating the trapped prey so they can keep it corraled. I have friends in commercial fishing who say they have seen this behavior on their scanning sonars many times when the water is calm enough to get good returns near the surface. Even smaller tuna such as Albacore do this sometimes.

Polar bears are in huge trouble. I hpoe they do not become extinct in the wild. They have been seen swimming far offshore in AK and that looks like a very bad sign.


2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Animals are much more strategic than I think we often give them credit for. Have you seen footage of how lionesses hunt co-operatively? And there was one recently where - can't remember exactly now, I think it was wild dogs - organised a pincer movement to trap some buck and the only reason this was ever realised was because it was shot from the air.

Even more amazing, because of their far lower intelligence compared to dogs, are the aerial photos a giant Bluefin tuna hunting in a cooperative V formation and taking turns eating the trapped prey so they can keep it corraled. I have friends in commercial fishing who say they have seen this behavior on their scanning sonars many times when the water is calm enough to get good returns near the surface. Even smaller tuna such as Albacore do this sometimes.

Polar bears are in huge trouble. I hpoe they do not become extinct in the wild. They have been seen swimming far offshore in AK and that looks like a very bad sign.



Interesting. This says a verified recorded swim for a polar bear was straight line 74 km in one day (24 hours) (about 46 miles)

There is no f*ing way a polar bear could make it 12 miles to I-5 in the death woods. And then there's no way he'd get someone to pick him up.


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This is good. You can see their paths tracked out to the Beaufort Sea here. (they have some other locations too)

6 bears being tracked here

"For the last 5 years or so, the WWF-Canon Polar Bear Tracker has followed polar bears in the Arctic.
Their positions are beamed from collars on the bears’ necks, via satellite to scientists, and then to this website. "

(edit) if you look at the turquoise path on the Beaufort Sea one (arctic), I wonder what made him turn back after swimming out so far? How did he know where to go? From the markers it looks like he swam it in one day.

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This is good. You can see their paths tracked out to the Beufort Sea here. (they have some other locations too)

6 bears being tracked here

"For the last 5 years or so, the WWF-Canon Polar Bear Tracker has followed polar bears in the Arctic.
Their positions are beamed from collars on the bears’ necks, via satellite to scientists, and then to this website. "

Notice that you will NOT find polar bears in the woods... There are a few black bear that poachers have not trapped or shot in the "death woods" but they are a lot smaller and a lot less likely to ever even be seen, unless you leave your food out in your camp... if they are in the area.. especially in the spring and they smell your food you can be assured of a nocturnal visit.:ph34r: Unfortunatley that is how a lot of poachers get them[:/]

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So talking about kicking ass is very appropriate. That's what it's about.

What else would it be about?

Too much ass whup culture round these parts. I have seen a skyiving T Shirt that says MY SPORT CAN WHIP YOUR SPORT'S ASS. I don't wear one.

The DZ at Byron CA is know for the "Byron Love", a mellower DZ vibe. They have T shirts that say BYRON LOVE. I don't wear one of those either.

One of mine says: MY DAD IS NOT ALLOWED TO DO HOOK TURNS. It came out of an incident where my daughter Amy, at age 5, walked up to me as I was waiting in line to board the plane at Byron. Amy jabbed her finger into me saying very loudly and stridently "remember Daddy, no hook turns!!!."

The other skydivers burst out laughing. For years I would get razzed by other jumpers saying "remember daddy, no hook turns!!!."

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Georger had a good point about what Duane would have said about all this. He actually said it: "Let it die with me." Jo didn't listen.

None of you were there to see the anger he expressed when I had NO understanding of what he was trying to tell me - if you had been you would have known - he DID not WANT it to die with him.

There are forensic artist who have examined the composites made by ALL artists and the description that was given by the witnesses....these have been compared with actual photos taken of Weber - and the opinions are somewhat different than that expressed in the forum.

Hence why I am posting these photos - just of a bunch of men!
Or are these photos MORE significant. There are more but the files where too large to upload to the thread.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Duane was not an Army Ranger nor was he trained to jump by Army Rangers. You are wasting your time pursuing this highly improbable theory.

Sure, there are guys in those photos who resemble Duane (eg first photo, fourth guy from the right back row standing) but that is meaningless. These are Rangers. Duane was never a Ranger.

I am sure you will find many people including forensic artists who will say Duane resembles the FBI composites, but thousands of people resemble them. Gossett is a far better match than Duane and so was one of Snow's suspects who was HIGHLY qualifed to make a night jump.

Put Duane in a chute prior to NORJACK. You say you can so just do it. It isnt up to anyone to prove he didn't. You made the claim so you need to supply the proof.

Are you saying Duane told you to let it die with him but meant the opposite? Odd. Too bad he didn't leave you some of the loot, even a single twenty. It would have prevented so many years of anguish and frustration.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Assuming you have windows xp, the easiest way to make some of your photos of Duane in the Rangers smaller (so you can upload them for the world) is:

Right click on the .jpg file
Left click on "Send To"
then Left click on "Mail recipient"
Click "OK" on the window that comes up. It should have "Make all my pictures smaller" selected with a green dot.

An email will come up with the smaller file as an attachment

If you left double click that attachment, your viewer should come up, and you can then save the smaller file as a different name (so it doesn't overwrite the original)
Click on the floppy icon on the bottom of the viewer to do that.

This will help in identifying the Ranger unit Duane hunted polar bears with.

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Snowmman said:

And then there's no way he'd get someone to pick him up.

Once again, snowmman, you are full of shit.

One time I (dressed in a polar-bear suit) was hitch-hiking along I-5 and a Cowlitz County Deputy picked me up at Mile Marker 52 where the Toutle River crosses I-5 in Cowlitz County.

He said he had to take me as far as the county line. I didn’t answer him because I didn’t want him to know it was me in a polar-bear suit.

He stopped and let me out at Mile Marker 21 (the Lewis River near Woodland) at the Cowlitz County Clark county boundary.

When I got out he gave me a stern look and said: “You think you’re funny, don’t you?” I still didn’t answer. He said; “Okay smart-ass just leave the Coors in the back seat and get the hell out of here!”

No shit… that really happened.

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-DB Ceopor was not a drknier, he olny had one dnirk and sllepid a prooitn of taht. If soeomne was a dnerikr, in a stuaitoin lkie tihs he wluod hvae had mroe tahn jsut one in the fvie huors he was on the plnae.

-He was not a cihan soemkr, he was on the airfcrat for fvie horus and olny skemod 8 cigtaetres. Taht wuold mkae him a smeokr of lses tahn a pcak-a-day and tihs uendr nmoral citnidoons.

-He sopke in an inglnliteet mneanr and nveer lsot his cool, he was aalyws pltoie tghuhroout the oedarl.

-He had drak hiar, rcedieng wtih sirdbunes (no wig, tihs wloud hvae been pilanfuly ooibuvs, if a man was waireng a wig wtih a rneiecdg hiar lnie and sdie bunrs eynvoere wluod hvae ncteoid, eealspcliy Mcukolw and Shffnaecr.)

He rsoe to a mid-leevl mgnemeaant ptoiosin but wehn he cluod rsie no fehturr or his prcejot neevr got off the gnuord, he qiut or was freid, "bsuecae no one usnoodretd him or wree jsut to sitpud to get it."

Actually, that's a very good point about the smoking: no chain smoker in a stressful situation would smoke only 8 cigs in 5 hours. I'm not sure I agree on the drinking; you would want sharp senses for a jump like this. (Well, any jump presumably but you know what I mean.)

On the hair. Against my better judgement I looked at one of Jo's photos from a very recent post of Duane. He looks like he had pretty thick hair. That is not the impression of the hair I got from the ID kits. (by the way Georger, do you think Jo absorbed anything of what you were trying to explain to her about ears?)

Your characterisation is interesting. The bit I left in - about why he quit - is as I understand a very typical response from a narcissist/NPD (they think they are brilliant and if no one else does it is perceived as because they do not want to see their brilliance/are jealous etc)

On your "would you do the jump"... I will say what I have said before and what others have said. The type of jump you describe has been made successfully by military parachutists over and over. My personal opinion is that if Cooper had this type of experience, the jump was probably survivable (absent a water landing). Without it, the jump was very probably a death jump - whether due to the hard pull, landing impact, or getting out of ..wherever he ended up.

btw for an update on CIA etc stuff as it is done these days, an interesting article on Eric Prince...
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Sluggo kicked some ass with a story that ended with
'He said; “Okay smart-ass just leave the Coors in the back seat and get the hell out of here!” '

That reminds me of a Montana story. I'm riding with a guy driving his pickup, and it's the end of the day (winter), so he's got one hand on the wheel, and the other holding his beer which he's draining...
(Montana was the first place I've seen elk herds, they were wintering there somewhere)

when all of a sudden a deer jumps up in front of us, and bam bounces off the front of his truck. Which totally wakes me up.

And he looks in his rear view, and the deer is bounding across the other side of the road behind us, and he goes "she's fine" ...

and he took another pull off the beer, having not spilled a drop, nor let up on the gas.

So: my point is:

Maybe you're not lying since you were in a polar bear suit. But if you tried to claim you were dressed up as a deer, I'd know you were full of shit.

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orange1: you recognized my post as the first post Ckret ever made to the a Cooper thread here at DZ.com right?
If you go back and read it (edit) or read my "encryption" as you aptly demonstrated) ..., you realize Carr had no more insight than any of us, for all this "professional FBI guy" bs.

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Now that I have your attention:

Q: What did the polar bear cub say to its mother at mealtime?
A: "Aw, no! Not SEALS again!"

Q: What's a balanced diet for a polar bear?
A: A seal in each paw!

Q: What did the polar bear say when it saw the igloo?
A: "Oooo! I LOVE these things! Crunchy on the outside - with a nice chewy center!"

Q: Why shouldn't you take polar bears to the zoo?
A: Because they'd rather go to the movies.

Q: What did the polar bear eat after the dentist fixed its tooth?
A: The dentist.

Q: What did the polar bears say when they saw tourists in sleeping bags?
A: "Sandwiches!"

Q: Why do polar bears have fur coats?
A: Because the seals laughed at them when they wore parkas!

Q: What's another reason polar bears have fur coats?
A: Because they would freeze in Hawaiian shirts!

Q: What do you get when you cross a polar bear with a seal?
A: A polar bear.

Q: What did the polar bear say to the tourist who left the tundra buggy?
A: "Why don't you just have a good scream and get it over with."

Q: What are polar bears called when they get caught in the rain?
A: Drizzly bears.

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