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DB Cooper

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Did Jo say whether Duane skied? I have the feeling he may have, but kept it secret from Jo? He wore a sweater in one photo

I do NOT know about skiing, but Weber did Ice Skate. When we lived in CO he took us to a ice rink. He was going right along like he had done it all of his life, but I was unable to move without support. My daughter was doing fair, but Duane was actually supporting both of us on the skates several times. I finally gave up and just watched him skate - I was amazed...he was 56 yrs old.

Duane at one time mentioned a prison up in the mountains and pointed out the direction - and told about how inaccessible it was. This prison was the subject of the many phone calls I had with Himmelsbach in those early early yrs (1996 - 1999) but, the FBI would not even address the ONE prison in WA I already had records of (stating Duane a resident at McNeil). To this day I know little about the prison at Larch Mtn and/or if it was there in 1944 when Weber was at McNeil.

Because of Duane's details about the Bonneville Camp - one would think he has spent some time there - but again nothing I have checked out would support his being on that Camp ground at any given time. Especially the late 40's.

I have not revisited this sujbect since those early yrs. These are things I left up to the FBI - I had no resources to do so. I have accessed an article about the Larch Mtn prison, but it was not very informative..and less about Camp Bonneville.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Its funny how all of this would happen behind the scenes of the forum, but Snow wont bring the
candidate (or even a piece of the candidate) here
for scrutiny.

Why should anyone take Orange's word for her
certifications of Snowmman's candidate, above?

You say he/it resembles Cooper? Let's see it!

What a bunch of egotistical internet bs, which I
guess is exactly what it is supposed to be!

Even Jerry on his wildest day wouldnt stoop to this!

Orange, 377, Snowblower = A Team Bullshit.

Nope Georger, this guy is 100% real and there is a lot of independent Internet evidence of his presence and his various occupations if you are REALLY good at searching (I was not).

Let's see if you can find him on your own. Sooner or later Snow will post some direct links. meanwhile... well you know what he does when you post.

I was floored (and actually jealous and embarrassed) that I could have missed this guy.

I had a hunch early on that a skydiver with Boeing connections did Norjack and searched extensively on that premise. I SHOULD have found this guy with that criteria but did not. Snow did. You can too.

When you see all of his background you will be amazed. Really.

I'd publish his name but he is Snow's suspect. It would be an etiquette breach to take publication away from Snow's control.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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nice story Jo.

When I was a kid, the pond we skated at was "down by the Battlefield"

It wasn't that deep...but there were huge snapping turtles in it.

We were always afraid that if you broke thru the thin ice, or went in an open hole (soft spots from underground springs etc), that you wouldn't drown, ...it would be the snapping turtles that would get you.

(I'm talking like 2' long shells. You could hold a stick and they'd grab it and not let go, and you could lift them up by the stick)

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I have a 2" diameter stainless steel pipe that has like a 1/4" wall or more. 10' long.


Call the NRC!!! Call the FBI!!! Call the Israeli Air Force, they will strike a rogue nuke plant anywhere, anytime.

Snow is building an ultracentrifuge isotope separator.

We have proof.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Its funny how all of this would happen behind the scenes of the forum, but Snow wont bring the
candidate (or even a piece of the candidate) here
for scrutiny.

Why should anyone take Orange's word for her
certifications of Snowmman's candidate, above?

You say he/it resembles Cooper? Let's see it!

What a bunch of egotistical internet bs, which I
guess is exactly what it is supposed to be!

Even Jerry on his wildest day wouldnt stoop to this!

Orange, 377, Snowblower = A Team Bullshit.

Nope Georger, this guy is 100% real and there is a lot of independent Internet evidence of his presence and his various occupations if you are REALLY good at searching (I was not).

Let's see if you can find him on your own. Sooner or later Snow will post some direct links. meanwhile... well you know what he does when you post.

I was floored (and actually jealous and embarrassed) that I could have missed this guy.

I had a hunch early on that a skydiver with Boeing connections did Norjack and searched extensively on that premise. I SHOULD have found this guy with that criteria but did not. Snow did. You can too.

When you see all of his background you will be amazed. Really.

I'd publish his name but he is Snow's suspect. It would be an etiquette breach to take publication away from Snow's control.


just show eyes, mouth, ears, cranium, and the
size of the balloon.


Here's some real NEWS!

Iowa AG just acted to shut down all Predatory Lenders. That should close 80% of those posting
to this thread. Sorry!

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I'm thinking about the stuff georger said about his family's tower.

(georger: slow down, so I can reload...I'm older, you know)

Now some believe you don't need to notify FCC/FAA until you're over 200' with a tower (from ground level)

But the FAA circular did seem to leave an out for requiring lights/paint below 200'

So who forces you to disclose to FCC/FAA?

I would think if you just build to 200', you'd be on pretty firm ground saying you weren't required to put lights or paint on.

There are plenty of towers in the 100'-200' range without lights or paint.

How do I resolve this with what Georger said?

And it gets worse if I try to figure out how Gorillas fit in the conversation. I still haven't figured that one out.

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Come on Georger, take the challenge and find him on your own. There is more than enough info posted to do it.

This search is kind of an IQ test.

Snow turned out smarter than me.

I am looking for ways to get even.

Between the NRC, FAA and FCC I could put him away for years, but I am not a snitch.

You can do 10 to life for failure to light a tower. If you paint it with red lead paint it is life without parole.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I have a 2" diameter stainless steel pipe that has like a 1/4" wall or more. 10' long.


Call the NRC!!! Call the FBI!!! Call the Israeli Air Force, they will strike a rogue nuke plant anywhere, anytime.

Snow is building an ultracentrifuge isotope separator.

We have proof.


It's funny. You never see a SS pipe like this. The wall is just too damn thick and it's too heavy. I have to measure the wall. I think it's like 1/2"

A guy had it, and I saw it and my eyes opened up.
I said "You selling that?"...I just knew I wanted it.

An old guy...going half blind. He used to weld and do metal a lot. I think he did those dirt track wing cars.
He cocks his head and looks at me with his cloudy grey eyes
"What is it worth to you"
I pause a couple seconds. It's such a dicey question. Don't want to insult him. Not sure I really want it...but:


"It's yours"

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Iowa AG just acted to shut down all Predatory Lenders. That should close 80% of those posting
to this thread. Sorry!

I love to see those payday lenders smashed, friggin userous parasites. Some charge 3 digit interest rates. We need other states to follow Iowa's lead.

Where will you cash your SS checks now Georger? Will it be the massage parlor or the Indian casino?;)

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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377 said "Between the NRC, FAA and FCC I could put him away for years, but I am not a snitch."

Well, there's also the problem that I buried all the evidence under 6 ft of concrete, reinforced with #9 rebar.

You can't get #9 rebar at home depot.

There was a guy in MLB baseball, he used a 36" piece of #9 rebar as a warmup bat. There was a story about him...he got traded, and it was a big deal about whether he lost his magical piece of rebar. People would try to swing it and worry about ripping out their shoulders.

Duane probably used #9 rebar to warm up when he played softball at the company summer picnics.

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Iowa AG just acted to shut down all Predatory Lenders. That should close 80% of those posting
to this thread. Sorry!

I love to see those payday lenders smashed, friggin userous parasites. Some charge 3 digit interest rates. We need other states to follow Iowa's lead.

Where will you cash your SS checks now Georger? Will it be the massage parlor or the Indian casino?;)

At Chuck's Radiator Shop.

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"It's yours"

I got a 6 1/2 ' long, 3" dia. piece of aircraft grade solid Stainless bar-stock somebody gave me long ago...weighs about 90 pounds.

Use to use it as a barbell when I was young & broke, still use it now...both me AND 'it' are worth a lot more than I figured back then! ;)

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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"It's yours"

I got a 6 1/2 ' long, 3" dia. piece of aircraft grade solid Stainless bar-stock somebody gave me long ago...weighs about 90 pounds.

Use to use it as a barbell when I was young & broke, still use it now...both me AND 'it' are worth a lot more than I figured back then! ;)

thanks a bunch airtwardo.
See? all these people try to imply i'm off topic on stuff that others don't have a common interest in, and here we go...a conversation about a shared bit of history.

I'll have to weigh that pipe tonight. I was going to say it was 150lbs but was embarassed that I might have overestimated.

Like I say I feel weak now. But I'm going to be pressing it now saying "i'm stronger than that old bastard airtwardo, even if it kills me"

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"It's yours"

I got a 6 1/2 ' long, 3" dia. piece of aircraft grade solid Stainless bar-stock somebody gave me long ago...weighs about 90 pounds.

Use to use it as a barbell when I was young & broke, still use it now...both me AND 'it' are worth a lot more than I figured back then! ;)

thanks a bunch airtwardo.
See? all these people try to imply i'm off topic on stuff that others don't have a common interest in, and here we go...a conversation about a shared bit of history.

I'll have to weigh that pipe tonight. I was going to say it was 150lbs but was embarrassed that I might have overestimated.

Like I say I feel weak now. But I'm going to be pressing it now saying "I'm stronger than that old bastard airtwardo, even if it kills me"

Hey I'm a Skydiver d00d. . . if the wind takes ya off course from time to time, ya just drift with it. :ph34r:

Fightin' the weather is futile! ;)

Oh, and one thing I've learned...have something to lay the pipe down on that ya can get yer fingers out of, for when ya get too tired.

Rollin' it off the pinkys hurts, and waitin' between 'sets' with your hands stuck to the floor & yer butt up in the air can lead to some just AWFUL rumors! :|:$

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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yeah, I learned to put it down on two 4x8's I have, like right away.

airtwardo said "Rollin' it off the pinkys hurts"

hey you have to learn to do hand rolls (aka finger curls/rolls) with the bar (not on the ground though :) .really works the wrists and fingers. (but maybe 3" is too wide a diameter)

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Snow says:

You never see a SS pipe like this. The wall is just too damn thick and it's too heavy. I have to measure the wall. I think it's like 1/2"

Airtwardo replies:

I got a 6 1/2 ' long, 3" dia. piece of aircraft grade solid Stainless bar-stock... weighs about 90 pounds.

First towers, now shafts and pipe. Boys boys boys. "mine is bigger than yours". Etc etc.

Funny, in skydiving bigger is wimpier. Women jumpers are not impressed one bit with my massive thick Triathlon 190 and non swoop 747 style landings.

If I were flying something really small, say an elliptical cross braced 85, and hooking it hard, now that would be HOT.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Snow says:


You never see a SS pipe like this. The wall is just too damn thick and it's too heavy. I have to measure the wall. I think it's like 1/2"

Airtwardo repies:

I got a 6 1/2 ' long, 3" dia. piece of aircraft grade solid Stainless bar-stock... weighs about 90 pounds.

First towers, now shafts and pipe. Boys boys boys. "mine is bigger than yours". Etc etc.

Funny, in skydiving bigger is wimpier. Women jumpers are not impressed one bit with my Triathlon 190 and non swoop 747 style landings.

If I were flying something really small, say an elliptical cross braced 85, and hooking it hard, now that would be HOT.


Airtwardo's is fatter.
Mine is longer.

Airtwardo's next jump, he's going to go out the door with that bar in his hands, convinced that this time, he'll score for sure....

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Can this forum actually find new stuff relating to DB Cooper and Flight 305?

Well, maybe not the forum Snow, but YOU found something while participating in the forum that bears further scrutiny.

Why dont you post the particulars about your intriguing suspect including the words he wrote in a book about freezing feet while walking along the Columbia River?

I don't think the FBI ever had this guy in their sights and he is an AMAZING match on a number of fronts including:

Former Boeing employee in tech documentation

Skydiver with night jump experience

Viet Nam experience including civilian jumping and witnesssing atrocities by the US military

USMC combat vet

OUS resident at time of Norjack residing in VERY obscure place

Resembles the FBI drawing

Has a HUGE grudge

USFS Smoke Jumper who worked in the Northwest.

Need I go on?

Even if he isnt Cooper just finding him teaches us a lot about investigation techniques and how people (like me and the FBI) miss things. How did you do it? How did I miss this guy while doing similar searches?

This guy is old. He probably isnt Cooper but he might be. Even if he isn't I'll bet he knows what was known among jumpers and others in SE Asia about those Air America 727 jumps.

Let's find Bruce and get him to interview this guy while he is still living.


I read back and could find nothing in the forum - who are you talking about / and where is the posting by Snow you are referencing.

Bruce could probably use a few $ with the winter heating bills and the Holidays just ending just as the rest of us might. Don't want to see my heat bill for month of Jan - our homes in FL are not constructed for this kind of COLD weather...grinding all day and all night and I am still freezing.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I read back and could find nothing in the forum - who are you talking about / and where is the posting by Snow you are referencing.

It was never posted Jo. The exchanges were all by PM and email. It really is a good test of how good a searcher someone is. I am betting Georger will find the guy with all the hints he has been given. He is an intriguing suspect even though he probably isnt Cooper. He fits all the qualifications but nothing links him to the crime, except perhaps a passage from a book he wrote, but it is probably just a coincidence.

Maybe Snowmman can give you some hints on how to dress for cold weather. I have spent less than ten days of my sixty years on this planet in temps below freezing. I am a clueless weather wimp, born and raised in sunny California.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Snow wrote:


Airtwardo's next jump, he's going to go out the door with that bar in his hands, convinced that this time, he'll score for sure....

Airtwardo already scored big time. He married a hot commercial jet pilot and stunt flyer, really! She was young and impressionable I guess.;)

It really pissed off most of the other jumpers. I mean good looks and she brings home a big airline 4 striper paycheck? Those two never go together. He gets to fly free too.

There is a sign posted at the gear store at his DZ: "Airtwardo, your wife called and says you can buy anything you want."

Some guys have all the luck.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Convicts are not very eloquent individuals.

I had a Con tell me how 'he had paid his debt to society.' Oh....really. You see, I had it wrong all these years. While he was serving 18 months for auto theft I was going to work every day. Well, 250 days a year anyway.

My paychecks reflected a 'gross' amount from which 28% was removed for federal taxes. These are the taxes which pay for the construction, administration and operation of prisons.

Then I pay property tax with the 'net' amount. Property taxes fund police and the court system on a county level.

There is still some money left over which I purchase home and car insurance. This insurance will replace any property which a thief has decided was in my possession far too long.

So while the car thief was 'paying his debt', I was paying for his housing, security, food, medical, schooling, laundry and clothing. But first I had to pay for the police to catch him and the court system to process him because he 'said he didn't do it.' Sure seems like I paid for this Bozo's actions and he was trying to play the martyr card. Should I abandon my expectations of a thank you note from one of these Cons who's lifestyle was entirely financed by me? He paid his debt to society....that's rich.

Another Con has pointed up a mountain to a prison and referred to it as 'inaccessible.' Here we go again.

While he was paying his debt to society he could have sought the definition of inaccessible. Probably too busy immersed in writing those thank you notes to the people financing his stay in the gated community.

Well then...over 100 guards and 400 inmates would equate to a mountain top village. That's facilities capable of housing hundreds where meals are served and showers taken. How inaccessible is such an operation? Something akin to the lodge in 'The Shining?' Remote is NOT the same as inaccessible. Remote is where society puts things they do not want to be reminded of or live near. Remote is a buffer between some escapee and polite society because they don't want to be anywhere near these losers.

In fact the Larch Corrections Center has ample parking for visitors. They are asked to bring no more than $10 in quarters per person for the vending machines in the visiting center. So inaccessible is Larch that the prison system found it necessary to limit the quantity of Cheesy Poofs and Lorna Doones purchased as it is difficult transporting that stuff by Alpaca. Washington State has had a group a Nepalese Porters keeping Larch CC supplied since it was opened in '56. Tough times no doubt.

Larch Correctional Center could have been a nav aid. Denuded facility surrounded by arc lights in the middle of the forest would make for a more believable beacon. Those citizen financed honor farms are flooded with bright white light all night long, because it is a farm.....where the crop is honor.

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I thought I read somewhere that there actually weren't any Larch on Larch Mountain.

I'm not sure which of the three they were talking about, but it really threw me for a loop.

Does anyone know? They clearcut the one with the towers, or there was a big burn or something.

Would kind of throw off the Duane Weber theory if there is really no Larch on Larch Mtn.

Maybe that's Sluggo's Gorilla?

Oh, to live on Larch Mountain
With the barkers and the colored balloons,
You can't be twenty on Larch Mountain
Though you're thinking that
you're leaving there too soon,
You're leaving there too soon.

It's so noisy at the fair
But all your friends are there
And the candy floss you had
And your mother and your dad.

Oh, to live on Larch Mountain
With the barkers and the colored balloons,
You can't be twenty on Larch Mountain
Though you're thinking that
you're leaving there too soon,
You're leaving there too soon.

There's a girl just down the aisle,
Oh, to turn and see her smile.
You can hear the words she wrote
As you read the hidden note.

Oh, to live on Larch Mountain
With the barkers and the colored balloons,
You can't be twenty on Larch Mountain
Though you're thinking that
you're leaving there too soon,
You're leaving there too soon.

Now you're underneath the stairs
And you're givin' back some glares
To the people who you met
And it's your first cigarette.

Oh, to live on Larch Mountain
With the barkers and the colored balloons,
You can't be twenty on Larch Mountain
Though you're thinking that
you're leaving there too soon,
You're leaving there too soon.

Now you say you're leavin' home
'Cause you want to be alone.
Ain't it funny how you feel
When you're findin' out it's real?

Oh, to live on Larch Mountain
With the barkers and the colored balloons,
You can't be twenty on Larch Mountain
Though you're thinking that
you're leaving there too soon,
You're leaving there too soon.

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I always got a kick out of the term "Honor Farm" given to prisons without walls and other low security facilities. Honor? Excuse me? Where?

A lot of prison security is a waste of taxpayer money, but the guard unions are very powerful in CA especially. You could put the real hardasses in high security facilities and the rest in faaaar cheaper digs.

I used to do criminal defense. I did some appellate work which took me inside places such as San Quentin and Folsom Prisons. Seeing some ancient (age 75+) arthritic convicts hobbling around the yard at Folsom was pathetic. They could have been put in rest homes at little risk and far lower cost.

I don't mind paying taxes all that much. It is just inevitable. You can waste good time being perpetually pissed off at how unjust they are and how unwisely the money is spent, or you can just let it roll.

My grandmother was a Quaker pacifist. She withheld the portion of her taxes that were used for military purposes and donated it to charities. She always stayed one step ahead of the IRS who went after her with liens and seizure and forfeiture procedings.

She owned a really nice beach house in Hawaii and somehow it escaped the feds' attention. As she was dieing, she donated it to a favorite charity just days before the IRS found it and tried to seize it. The IRS fought and lost. She had virtually nothing else in her estate and died leaving the IRS holding the bag.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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As long as the topic is interesting scrapyard finds, attached is a pic of a speaker I built. The scrapyard item is the tubing used for the stand. Sluggo might recognize it. It's FFTF fuel assembly duct. It's hexagonal seamless SS about 6" flat to flat. Got about 8' for $45. For the speaker stand, it's filled with lead shot and sand, then welded shut.

Back to important Cooper talk.

"Once we got to the point where twenty/something's needed a place on the corner that changed the oil in their cars we were doomed . . ."

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