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DB Cooper

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Co-pilot Bill Rataczak has repeatedly explained (including his interview for 'Blast') that the crew knew when Cooper jumped from the plane.

Of course they did and the PI Transcript reflects that,

Moreover, Rat would only say that IF he already knew that information was knowable from other evidence already made public. Rataczak is a pilot.
Pilots know how to fly in almost perfect circles
while hovering for a landing someday ... on his
own terms. Does anyone seriously think pilot
Rataczak is going to talk seriously to any non-authorised source? Rat lives in the real world.

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Money on the river: There are a few theories. Here's ours: The location of Paradise Point State Park, Cooper's approximate landing spot, and the found money are all on the same east-west line. (So is the 2008 Amboy parachute, but we'll leave that out)

The park is less than three miles from the money. We think Cooper landed south of Merwin Dam and just walked out to the Interstate 5 freeway. He either followed one of the many country roads in the area, or followed the river down to the park. Everyone knows here (in Washington) that all the rivers on the west slope of the Cascades flow west toward the ocean. It's kind of hard to get lost. One one side you can see the mountains (east) and the other side no mountains. (west) And everyone knows the freeway is west and there is no missing it. The Ariel, Amboy, Battleground area is not exactly a mountainous wilderness. It's more like rivers, country roads, low hills, trees (yes) and farms. There are plenty of paved roads and Forest Service roads. From many of the low hills you can actually see the freeway.

From Paradise Point, you can drive to where they found the money in less than ten minutes. Porteous and I noticed that if you wanted to sort of dodge around Interstate 5 a bit and join back onto it further north, you could even drive over there and do it. We speculated either the money was tossed into the river near the park to make the FBI think Cooper drowned, or maybe they buried it at Tena Bar. I think tossing it into the river is more likely, if the story I heard about the money also being found inside the remains of a paper bag is true. If not, then it was likely buried there.

:)If the story Belvins heard about the money being found in a "paper bag" is true. Why did the FBI and you guys scoff at the fact Duane threw a paper bag in the river from the VanCouver side behind the RED LION INN in 1979. This is all in my orginal story to Himmelsbach and the FBI and what I have told for yrs and yrs.
So if Blevin's "heard story" is true then why is it that (only I) have mentioned the Paper Bag to this point, other than the paper bag Cooper carried onto the plane - a paper bag the FBI wants to go away.

It was determined in the Palmer report that the money was in the river for less than a yr...not 8 yrs.
I never did find out what the Citizen Sleuths finally decided. Agent Carr has even stated this in conversations since then (not on this forum).

Blevins, the route you have proposed is the same as a theory I proposed because of Duane talking about a Cemetery
East of I-5 and an old mill (all of this is South of the Lewis River).
This was just before he talked about knowing a woman who had a store in St. Helens to the West. Running parallel with I-5 there are lots of things - also running parallel, but then you don't have a clue. Do you know
anything about Dollars Corner (the Dollars Corner Tavern) and
the power lines and the pipe lines. There is a creek that crosses under I-5 that leads to a park on the West side of I-5.

Porteous was well aware of this theory - because I told him in a post and in an email. Also Himmesbach and others are aware of this and have been since 1996.

Hey, I never lived in WA, but I knew about that particular route before I ever knew who Dan Cooper was. I mentioned Duane telling me about these things to someone else (who you know) and he immediately jumped on to that route like a bee to honey.

;)Did any of your "guys' ever work the area on the pipe lines or power lines or where they ever in prison in WA or in a work camp?

;)My mentioning the above things is why a certain individual claimed that was where I stated Duane told me "That's where Cooper walked out of the woods", but that was not the location Duane made that statement.

;)The statement he made about the Tributary going under I-5 to the park - is "I know a guy who hid something there one time". Since he had been talking about the Guys going to the park on the weekends - it meant nothing.
He never made a reference to "when" he knew all of these things. Maybe if you check out that old tributary you will find Coopers money!

;)Of course, now I am joking, but what if?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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G wrote:

he [Cooper] knew the BS would stop at the door ...

The BS surely does stop at the door. Parachutists know this well.
Georger has jumped. He knows the feeling.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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G wrote:


he [Cooper] knew the BS would stop at the door ...

The BS surely does stop at the door. Parachutists know this well.
Georger has jumped. He knows the feeling.


[:/]Did I get him mixed up with another poster?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Blevins stated:


I think tossing it into the river is more likely, if the story I heard about the money also being found inside the remains of a paper bag is true. If not, then it was likely buried there.

Please let me know what your source was on this paper bag statement. I believe I am NOT the only one who is interested in this...as NO container has been listed publically regarding the Tena's Bar finding other than what I said happened in 1979.

In 1979 is when Duane and I went to WA and when he threw a paper bag into the Columbia from the back of the Red Lion Inn at the foot of the I-5 bridge from the Vancouver side. NO one has ever substantiated to me that the money found had actually been in a paper bag.

What is your source on this story?
The Guys who where at the river and studied the money have not said one word about this in the forum or publically else where that I am aware of. Do not know if this was in the 1980 Palmer report, but if it was - that also has never been disclosed.

I think you are BS'ing or someone is FEEDING you something laced with fiction or hearsay. Perhaps you have been caught up in the fiction versus fact syndrome - this is something I see happening over and over...until someone says as Georger has stated "where's your proof". I don't remember if that is his exact quote, but something similar.

Sorry Georger if I don't have it exactly right...I know you are touchy about those things (just didn't want to search for your exact quote).
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Georger said:


He made Tina go forward so she wouldnt observe what he had to do next. Realty was creeping up
on him and he knew the BS would stop at the door ... our socalled hero suddenly becomes

He left a memento of his existence along with
other evidence which was found when the plane
landed at Reno.

:)Fact or Fictions, Georger.
What evidence did Cooper leave behind other than the tie that was not introduced into evidence until 4 hours AFTER the plane landed in Reno?

[:/]A Memento of his existence? What would that be? Perhaps the emotional scars he left on his victims - but no other physical evidence has ever been mentioned other than the tie.

Perhaps Cooper took souveniers as is the custom of this type of criminal.

As for fingerprints - there were 58 laten prints on the aft stairs and entry, they thought might have been there since the plane was built. Most assuredly Cooper put on gloves as soon as he readied the chutes - might be why he had a problem opening the stairway...other than maybe he had never actually opened one before.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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As for fingerprints - there were 58 laten prints on the aft stairs and entry, they thought might have been there since the plane was built. Most assuredly Cooper put on gloves as soon as he readied the chutes - might be why he had a problem opening the stairway...other than maybe he had never actually opened one before.

Hey Jo!

Psssssst... Go Here > > V

Jun 3, 2008, 2:30 PM
Post #2009 of 18267 (4956 views)

Registered: Sep 7, 2007
Posts: 522 Re: [freeflynick] Theory: Cooper didn't jump in the deep woods [In reply to]
Can't Post

I did not compare any prints, our lab did, and found that Webers prints did not match any recovered from the plane.


and that includes any pieces of prints or partials,
or any biological materials either that matched
Weber, recovered from the plane.

Jo Weber> Most assuredly Cooper put on gloves as soon as he readied the chutes -

Nobody including Hancock and Mucklow ever saw
Cooper wearing any gloves, during the period when
was examining the chutes and money, when he
was putting on the chute, or at any other time.

I have no idea where you get "most assuredly".

*It is a foregone conclusion you will never accept
any of this. You never did before. You wont now.
You have your own theory of the DB Cooper case
which is in constant revision, but it is nice to detach
from your pronouncements to the world from time
to time, and revisit the living facts of the Cooper case.


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For those of you who are in and around the Seattle/Tacoma area, the Highline Historical Society and Highline Heritage Museum are having a D. B. Cooper exhibit through November.

Go here for the article at B-Town Blog.

Go here for the Highline Historical Society.

You can view the exhibit during regular business hours (9am – 5pm) at SeaTac City Hall through the end of November.

EDIT: WOW! Over 18,300 posts since the reset.

Web Page

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Reviewed for unacceptably offensive personal slurs and coded terrorist messages, none found. Without further ado, direct from exhile, the words of Snowmman:

I believe Quade issued a coded apology to me, and asked me to continue posting.
So I posted two photos Sep 6, 2010 to DZ.com



I have obtained two NWA system timetables closer to the event than I had previous had.
One effective Oct. 31, 1971 and one effective Dec. 15, 1971

Both show Flight 305. I posted the pages showing departures from Portland. The Dec 15. 1971 timetable had some
additional destinations on another page that I didn't post. So you can see they were adding flights.

There were a lot of flights out of Portland on NWA that day. (check the times)

Curiously, first class was only $25, with coach (as known) $20.

For Robert Blevins:
I am told I was deny all reports that the 10/31/71 timetable was tested for DNA or compared to Christiansen's DNA.
That is my denial

For Everyone Else:
Have you ever seen a system timetable from 1971 with Flight 305 listed? Why would I have the only copy?

And what does Pyrodex have to do with this?
2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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For those of you who are in and around the Seattle/Tacoma area, the Highline Historical Society and Highline Heritage Museum are having a D. B. Cooper exhibit through November.

Go here for the article at B-Town Blog.

Go here for the Highline Historical Society.

You can view the exhibit during regular business hours (9am – 5pm) at SeaTac City Hall through the end of November.

EDIT: WOW! Over 18,300 posts since the reset.

That is neat! Thanks for the post ...

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Reviewed for unacceptably offensive personal slurs and coded terrorist messages, none found. Without further ado, direct from exhile, the words of Snowmman:

I believe Quade issued a coded apology to me, and asked me to continue posting.
So I posted two photos Sep 6, 2010 to DZ.com



I have obtained two NWA system timetables closer to the event than I had previous had.
One effective Oct. 31, 1971 and one effective Dec. 15, 1971

Both show Flight 305. I posted the pages showing departures from Portland. The Dec 15. 1971 timetable had some
additional destinations on another page that I didn't post. So you can see they were adding flights.

There were a lot of flights out of Portland on NWA that day. (check the times)

Curiously, first class was only $25, with coach (as known) $20.

For Robert Blevins:
I am told I was deny all reports that the 10/31/71 timetable was tested for DNA or compared to Christiansen's DNA.
That is my denial

For Everyone Else:
Have you ever seen a system timetable from 1971 with Flight 305 listed? Why would I have the only copy?

And what does Pyrodex have to do with this?

smiling ... cant help it. Good job!!! ;)

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Georger Stated:


I did not compare any prints, our lab did, and found that Webers prints did not match any recovered from the plane.

;)So you ARE FBI or where involved with the research - Liar Liar Pants on Fire.

Yet, you Georger stated:


Nobody including Hancock and Mucklow ever saw Cooper wearing any gloves, during the period when was examining the chutes and money, when he
was putting on the chute, or at any other time.

I revisit what he told me and what he showed me very day of my life...and outside of one individual misleading me as to the places I was in - nothing has changed. Sequences changed and I, like everyone else has played with the different theories because of the places he took me and the things he showed me and what I held in my own hands and saw with my own eyes.:)
Didn't someone mention a group from a church observing something unusual in Vancouver or up near Brush Prairie on the night Cooper jumped? Where did this come from - perhaps just something I read in the thread. Easier to ask than to try to search it.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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None of Duane Weber's prints were found on the plane.

None of Duane Weber's prints were found on the plane.

None of Duane Weber's prints were found on the plane.

None of Duane Weber's prints were found on the plane.

None of Duane Weber's prints were found on the plane.

None of Duane Weber's prints were found on the plane.

None of Duane Weber's prints were found on the plane.

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None of Duane Weber's prints were found on the plane.

None of Duane Weber's prints were found on the plane.

None of Duane Weber's prints were found on the plane.

None of Duane Weber's prints were found on the plane.

None of Duane Weber's prints were found on the plane.

None of Duane Weber's prints were found on the plane.

None of Duane Weber's prints were found on the plane.

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I believe Quade issued a coded apology to me, and asked me to continue posting.

I believe he's wrong. I never gave Snowman an apology because he doesn't deserve one.

Please don't attempt to get around his ban by posting on his behalf.

If you'd like to link to a web site or blog he has; fine. If you feel the need to quote some piece of relevant information he's revealed; fine.

However, posts simply made on his behalf to get around the ban are unacceptable and will be removed in the future. I wouldn't spend a lot of time doing them if I were you because it will be a futile effort.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Quade, why not show some mercy and let Snow back on for a trial period? Nobody deserves a life sentence here. Snow has done a lot of research and would be a valuable forum participant. Even killers get paroled.

I'll post relevant Cooper info when he has some. You needn't worry about me re-posting anything insulting, not beacuse I respect your censorship, it's just not my style.

Snow is actually a very nice considerate guy in person, but I know I'd have a very hard time convincing anyone on this forum that it's true. Alas...

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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None of Duane Weber's prints were found on the plane.


If you were an EX-Con would you leave you PRINTS? The only time prints came up was in the nightmare Duane had - when he screamed bloody murder with his hand held up."I left my prints on the Aft stairs".

Remember dreams and night mares basically are about insecurities. Haven't you ever had a dream where you were reliving a bad time in your life?

Note: IT WILL almost always be different than real life. This was in 1978 in Littleton, CO when he had this dream. Perhaps he was feeling a little insecure because of running into Ed Huran (a man who knew Duane's past) and was connected or might connect Duane to Cooper - this fear alone could have created his nightmare. If Ed had known Duane as John Collins that also could have triggered a nightmare...just the idea of living in a place you had know others under another name.

Haven't you ever second guess something you knew you did right? If you have never second quessed yourself regarding a past action you are NOT normal. But we all know that - right!

It is NOT unusual for criminals to do this...when they feel their past is creeping up on them

This dream was somewhere between May of 1978 and July of 1979....before we moved to FT. Collins. Just the fear of being in Denver where he may have used another name - could cause him to fear loosing something he had fought for all of his life - a job with a good company who respected him and with whom he was making decent money and he had just married me.

He also learned during this time period that Florence Shaffner was working for Frontier out of Denver. I firmly believe this is why he had fear and requested the WY territory and moved us to Ft. Collins.

I had taken a job at a large department store in Denver and he came by to see me one day. I don't remember the details, but he made a very Quick exit. I thought it was an old girl friend...maybe it was just someone in a stewardess uniform that looked like Florence.

P.S. I am aware that none of Duane's prints where found on the plane - I have never claimed they were. The FBI is the one who checked for prints and I did explain something Duane had told me about thieves keeping a piece of emory cloth their pockets.

Note the FBI did NOT even find Duane's prints on his resume or its cover. That in itself is a big puzzle...as it had a plastic cover on it. I have often wondered if they found his prints on anything I sent them. Since you know so much about what is in the files - how about finding out what items they found Duane Weber's prints on amongest the large box of evidence they took. I dare you to do this - WHAT ITEMS did they extract prints from that matched Duane Weber's prison prints they used for comparison?

Per what CARR claimed they used the McNeil Prison finger prints - did they ever compare those prints with his other encarcerations?

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"I dare you to do this "

GeorgeR you better do it before Jo fore goes procedure and skips right to the Mother of all dares,


then you are screwed!B|

Take a look at this this! A guy at JPL has put together a video showing all new asteroid discoveries since .... 1980. Get ready to duck.


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I'm not new to this thread. I chime in when I'm bored and see something that I know isn't true.

A 1946 parachute ISN'T silk. It's nylon. I don't know where it was reported that the Amboy parachute was silk but I don't believe it. If it wasn't a forensic lab don't believe it. Many people STILL believe military parachutes are made of silk. There is a reason women couldn't get nylons during the war. All the nylon was being used for parachutes.

And it is entirely possible that a skydiver was jumping a 1946 nylon parachute in the 60's. That's only 20 years, with little change in design. Almost ALL of the equipment being used by skydivers then was military surplus. There are people that routinely jump, today, parachutes similar to the one used by Cooper. For fun. I was using a surplus military reserve from the 60's in the mid 80's. And would most likely still use it today if I wanted to use that kind of parachute.

Just to reiterate, the date and number found is the manufacturing date and the military contract number or the part number. It MIGHT be a serial number but I doubt that it would be that large a number. That printing is on the center front gore of the parachute. Because that is where it is placed. On the center rear gore would have been more detailed information. This information may have been removed if the parachute was modified for sport parachute use as a main parachute. The area of the parachute with the detailed information was routinely removed to make the parachute steerableAttached is a photo of the amboy parachute and modern examples of similar information on a military canopy.

And I saw some comments that a parachute couldn't have survived that long. Of course it could. While nylon degrades, buried out of sunlight I would expect it to survive centuries.

As to my credentials, as shown below I am a FAA Designated Parachute Rigger Examiner, I have several hundred jumps on round parachutes, including military surplus parachutes and have several examples in my basement. I also happen to have a jump out of a 727, like several hundred of my fellow skydivers.

Again, the Amboy parachute is not silk, was manufacturered Feb 21 1946, could easily have been in use by jumpers in the 60's, could have been around in 1971, would have survived being buried from 1971 to 2008. Was it the one supplied? I don't know. If used as a main it's quite likely nobody knew the serial number, contract number or DOM of the parachute. Nobody cared about a main.

Send me a PM if you want me to chime in again.
I'm old for my age.
Terry Urban

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"I'm not new to this thread. I chime in when I'm bored and see something that I know isn't true. "

If only the rest of us could emulate Terry at least some of the time we sure wouldnt have 18,000 posts. Such restraint!

I'll defer to an FAA Designated Parachute Rigger Examiner any day on canopy material history. I just accepted the (FBI? Cossey?) info that the Amboy canopy was silk.

There is a hobby called aviation archeology that digs up old plane wrecks. MANY WW2 chutes found in connection with thieir digs and dives are in fine shape if shielded from UV by submersion or burial.

I tried using a 24 ft nylon surplus canopy as a car cover and within 3 months it was SHOT, totally destroyed by UV from sunlight.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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And it is entirely possible that a skydiver was jumping a 1946 nylon parachute in the 60's. That's only 20 years, with little change in design.

Was the 1946 Amboy canopy ripstop or twill? Just wondering when ripstop nylon was adopted for military canopies.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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