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DB Cooper

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The reason Tibetens were trained was in a possible effort to retake the country from the Chinese, nothing else.

"nothing else"???

Surely the plan must have included installing a new leader for Tibet who would parachute in with the liberators. Why not Duane Weber? It's all beginning to come together.

If the plan had worked Duane would have been in the position now occupied by the Dalai Lama. He could sell ascended master status to various Hollywood stars. You could have been hob nobbing with Richard Gere Jo. ;)

This Colorado info is bringing Duane a lot closer to parachuting.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Jo wrote (about Duane's huge screwdriver)

Now was this the ACT of a coward or a man who thought out the situation?

I've jumped from a jet but I'd balk at the courageous bluff Duane "thought out".

So OK. We've established that Duane had the balls to tacitly threaten to shoot a guy who wouldn't let his wife gain access to the rest room. And a concealed screwdriver is to a gun as road flares are to dynamite.

We are making progress.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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My bladder has failed. Forget the low level jets being observed going transonic with unfailing regularity, now there is the perfect, prototype model for dive bar behavior.

(Rod Sterling narration) Imagine if you will, a young couple enjoying a night out in each other’s company, a steel guitar is gently strummed unaware of what lies ahead. For this is a place where the restroom proves to provide just the opposite, where the social fabric is torn and soiled in a fit of displaced bravado by a stranger not knowing any better. You are about to enter, the Toilet Zone.


A young woman feels the distinct pressing in her pelvic area, if left unaddressed this will lead to certain primal pain, unintended release or even death. While in the process of seeking relief she is stopped by a stranger and denied services. The steel guitar continues to mesmerize the gathering of sophisticates into a trance of things being better than they actually appear.

Back at the bar, a man draws deep from a cigarette and thinks about the stash of coupons he has at home and how well behaved the crowd appears. He exhales the blend of American tobacco smoke into a series of rings which rise to the ceiling in perfect symmetry before disappearing into a poof.

He is broken from his sedate thoughts when he is informed of the treachery which has just occurred. Leave and go next door for facilities and simply never return, escort his date to the restroom or inform the management of this conduct; not in the Toilet Zone.

The man leaves his date behind and exits the premises. Quickly he returns with a bulge that men fear and women desire. Barely able to walk with such a massive appliance, he returns to the bar and turns to the ‘restroom blocker’ and displays his package, barely concealed by his dress leather jacket.

Now ‘Mr. You Should Hold Your Urine’ sheepishly approaches the man with an ice cold stare and offers an apology for behavior that social scientists are still baffled over. The self proclaimed washroom attendant then leaves to the cheers of dozens of observers and cowards. The lady then walks to the restroom while the bar begins a rhythmic, slow clap before breaking into full blown applause.

It was at this time that the man in the dress leather jacket released the huge bulge he was sporting by putting his giant tool on the bar for all to see. He never bought a drink that night.


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(Rod Sterling narration) Imagine if you will, a young couple enjoying a night out in each other’s company, a steel guitar is gently strummed unaware of what lies ahead. For this is a place where the restroom proves to provide just the opposite, where the social fabric is torn and soiled in a fit of displaced bravado by a stranger not knowing any better. You are about to enter, the Toilet Zone.

Brilliant and very funny post Farflung. Rod Serling couldn't have done it better.

BTW Rod looks a bit like the sketch and he was a paratrooper.

I am preparing to deploy a bunch a crows and skunks in Amazon's stomping grounds. They have been trained to recognize parachute gear and currency. The GPS and TV telemetry equipment I've been jumping with has been minaturized and will allow me to monitor my search herd from my iPhone.

Wolf River Joe's theory that Cooper was found, looted and buried goes a long way towards explaining why no trace has been found. Still, someone would be missing and someone would miss them. It is hard for someone to just disappear without questions being raised.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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It's a funny and clever fake, but just to be sure, can someone blow up the frame around 0:30 where it looks like you can see the last two digits of the serial number of the bill on top of the left stack? Of course with two digits we are almost certain to get a match with the Cooper bills.

Are the twenties of the right vintage for 1971? They look far too clean on top to have been sitting outdoors for 40 years. The natural light shining on them tells you they are not completely sheltered from the environment.

Someone went to a fair amount of trouble to produce this. They screwed up on making the top bills so recognizable though. It would be pretty degraded by now in my opinion.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Just follow the surge in Gallo sales in District 99.

I assume that you've seen the movie District 9 Georger? I loved it. Brilliant piece of sci fi and social commentary. It was made on a shoestring budget for a movie with such impressive (but infrequent) CGI special effects.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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377 says: "Still, someone would be missing and someone would miss them. It is hard for someone to just disappear without questions being raised."

As I previously stated on page 771-2 (?), my father skipped bail when finding out he was going to do 30 years in Federal Prison on counterfeiting charges. He left in the Spring of 71 and has never been located.

We would not have missed him, as he was already gone.
Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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It's a funny and clever fake, but just to be sure, can someone blow up the frame around 0:30 where it looks like you can see the last two digits of the serial number of the bill on top of the left stack? Of course with two digits we are almost certain to get a match with the Cooper bills.

Are the twenties of the right vintage for 1971? They look far too clean on top to have been sitting outdoors for 40 years. The natural light shining on them tells you they are not completely sheltered from the environment.

Someone went to a fair amount of trouble to produce this. They screwed up on making the top bills so recognizable though. It would be pretty degraded by now in my opinion.


we already did this weeks ago -
I will not repeat it again. Ask Blevins. He helped.

The top bill was identified - its a post 1971 vintage
bill, actually from a public domain photo on Google.
All he did was scan the Google photo and run a
bunch of them off for the sake of this ruse...

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It's going great Georger. I am an official "co", you know... an enabler. It's a common affliction among liberals.

I have watched Duane morph from an inmate smoke jumper, to a Ranger trained parachutist and now , perhaps in a later incarnation, he is hanging with the Tibetan freedom fighters in Colorado , probably instructing them on mountain jumping techniques. Who is to say a 727 wasn't used? Prove it wasn't!;)


You just have to connect the dots Georger and it all comes together.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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It's going great Georger. I am an official "co', you know... an enabler. It's a common affliction among liberals.

I have watched Duane morph from an inmate smoke jumper, to a Ranger trained parachutist and now , perhaps in a later incarnation, he is hanging with the Tibetan freedom fighters in Colorado , probably instructing them on mountain jumping techniques. Who is to say a 727 wasn't used? Prove it wasn't!;)


You just have to connect the dots Georger and it all comes together.

The top bill is one of these -

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377 says: "Still, someone would be missing and someone would miss them. It is hard for someone to just disappear without questions being raised."

As I previously stated on page 771-2 (?), my father skipped bail when finding out he was going to do 30 years in Federal Prison on counterfeiting charges. He left in the Spring of 71 and has never been located.

We would not have missed him, as he was already gone.


I can see that you and your family would not have missed him. He must, however, have had some freinds, neighbors or aquaintances or even a landlord in 71. Wouldn't they have missed him?

How was the counterfeit money discarded off a bridge into a river ever linked to your father?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Just curious, trying to improve my searching techniques... how did you and/or Blevins find the original image of the bill that was pirated into the skunk video?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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He lived with us when he skipped bail. He did not have many friends, other than his crime friends. His first family and his own Mother was abandoned in San Francisco in late 1950's and they had never heard from him again.

The money was tied to him because he was arrested passing the bills at a convenience store, and I am to believe the bills found on his person and car matched the bills that were discarded in the river.

I went to the Minnesota History Museum to look up the articles on microfilm and did not have the time on my lunch to research the old articles. I am going back this weekend to pull the information.

Funny...the older ladies at the front desk at the History center remember the counterfeit money over the bridge incident.

Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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He lived with us when he skipped bail.

That's kinda surprising. Bail bounty hunters usualy look right away to see if a bail jumper (not a bailed jumper;)) is lhiding out with the family. When he was living with you did he hide out, seldom venture outside, avoid open windows that might let him be seen from outside etc?

As I recall the photos showed a bit of a double chin which was not in the Cooper desciptions. Care to comment on that feature?

What kind of liquor did he drink?

I am keeping an open mind.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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OK....Remember I was 7. I will do my best to recall.

He was released on bail. He lived with us at the time. He went to his first court appearance. He found out he was looking at hard time. He left in May (ish) of 1971. He just left. He jumped bail the day he left us. We have not seen or heard from him since.

My theory on the chubby chin: The guy was on the run..he could have lost a little bit of weight in the five months prior to the hi-jacking. I believe that would make him appear to look more like his pictures when I was 2 - 3 y/o.

He was not a rich man (after they took his money...lol). he had nothing, but the clothes on his back. He didn't even take his prize possession, his 1965 Cadillac. He just drove away in the Buick on his way to Federal Court. He did not show up at Court for his appearance and he never came back home.

I am not saying he is D.B. Cooper, I just think he is a viable suspect. I do not even know if he was investigated by F.B.I. as a D.B. suspect.

The world may never know.

Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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Jo wrote (about Duane's huge screwdriver)


Now was this the ACT of a coward or a man who thought out the situation?

I've jumped from a jet but I'd balk at the courageous bluff Duane "thought out".

So OK. We've established that Duane had the balls to tacitly threaten to shoot a guy who wouldn't let his wife gain access to the rest room. And a concealed screwdriver is to a gun as road flares are to dynamite.

We are making progress.


Not sure if we would call it progress, but one thing for sure it is true, not to mention really funny when I think about it.

I like the comparison - screwdriver and not gun
flares and not dynamite

That was not my reason for telling about the bar incident.
I only told the bar incident because I trying to remember the people Duane met in the area he had known from the past. The last comment was in retrospect - and amusing.

Duane did have a way of thinking SOME things thru. He was very innovative about how things worked and how to make them work. He knew a lot about many things - and inretrospect I thought these were skills he learned in prison. Wood work, repairs, forestry, CB's, wiring, building things - he was a jack of all trades yet he sold insurance for a living.

I remember when the guys next door to us in VA where pouring some cement. Duane was watching and them and told me he was going out to help -"These guys don't have a clue what they are doing". He went out and started to give instructions (in a nice way). Afterward they stated they could never have done it without him - I am not sure what they were doing wrong and maybe they were just being kind to a man old enough to be their Fathers.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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He lived with us when he skipped bail. He did not have many friends, other than his crime friends. His first family and his own Mother was abandoned in San Francisco in late 1950's and they had never heard from him again.

The money was tied to him because he was arrested passing the bills at a convenience store, and I am to believe the bills found on his person and car matched the bills that were discarded in the river.

I went to the Minnesota History Museum to look up the articles on microfilm and did not have the time on my lunch to research the old articles. I am going back this weekend to pull the information.

Funny...the older ladies at the front desk at the History center remember the counterfeit money over the bridge incident.


I looked up some articles after you first came on Dropzone. If I remember correctly, he was arrested after passing bad bills to a bartender, and seems like the barrel of counterfeit was found after his arrest. He told authorities he dumped it a couple weeks before because of imperfections. I could look the articles up again and pm them to you if you want.
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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OK....Remember I was 7. I will do my best to recall.

He was released on bail. He lived with us at the time. He went to his first court appearance. He found out he was looking at hard time. He left in May (ish) of 1971. He just left. He jumped bail the day he left us. We have not seen or heard from him since.

My theory on the chubby chin: The guy was on the run..he could have lost a little bit of weight in the five months prior to the hi-jacking. I believe that would make him appear to look more like his pictures when I was 2 - 3 y/o.

He was not a rich man (after they took his money...lol). he had nothing, but the clothes on his back. He didn't even take his prize possession, his 1965 Cadillac. He just drove away in the Buick on his way to Federal Court. He did not show up at Court for his appearance and he never came back home.

I am not saying he is D.B. Cooper, I just think he is a viable suspect. I do not even know if he was investigated by F.B.I. as a D.B. suspect.

The world may never know.


Vicki, Has anyone, law enforcement types or otherwise, tried to trace this Buick automobile? It would seem to represent a possible source of cash for him unless he cleaned out some bank accounts before leaving. If he didn't have the title to the car with him, he would probably try to sell it to an operation that would part it out. The car could be traced if he registered it elsewhere or sold it to someone who did.


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Okay, I guess that is supposed to be funny, but I didn't get it.

What I did notice was the last url you used was the sound track for a Perry Como Record done in 1939 - how come that guy didn't look a lot like the Perry Como I grew up with?

Note Perry Como's hair on that cover. How many people remember Como looking like that. The Perry Como we all knew had straight hair and parted on the side.

Funny! Was there a reason for using this Perry Como Cover? Or just an accident with no motive.
General I do not address Farflungs posting (zipppp because they either go over my head or I just don't get humor).

I do READ them. I noticed this as it seemed like the dots did not connect. Perry Como - curly unmanageable hair and then sleek and straight with a part.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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