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DB Cooper

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This is a strictly mathematical viewpoint...it goes like this:

What Makes 100%? What does it mean to give MORE than 100%?
Ever wonder about those people who say they are giving more than 100%? We have all been to those meetings where someone wants you to give over 100%. How about achieving 103%?

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z is represented as:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26.

Then: H-A-R-D-W-O-R-K = 8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%

and K-N-O-W-L-E-D-G-E = 11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96%

But, A-T-T-I-T-U-D-E = 1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%

And, B-U-L-L-S-H-I-T = 2+21+12+12+19+8+9+20 = 103%

AND, look how far ass kissing will take you:

A-S-S-K-I-S-S-I-N-G = 1+19+19+11+9+19+19+9+14+7 = 118%

So, one can conclude with mathematical certainty, that while Hard Work and Knowledge will get you something, and Attitude will get you somewhere, its the Bullshit and Ass Kissing that are the brick and mortar of this case.

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Farflung, you should write a comedy book. No, I'm not poking fun at your posts. I actually MEAN this. And when you finish the ms submit it to AB. We will take a look, no kidding.

I may not agree with your strange Cooperposts, but I will admit you have talent. I also suggest you download the free software program on the homepage at Celtx. I have it...and it does work. If you don't do a book, you definitely should do a screenplay.


Matthew Cline asks (about the ransom money):


'Where is the rest of it? None of it was used in the "throwing around of money" by your suspect. Where did he get the "throwing around": money?

Do you mean what happened to the remainder of the $200,000, if Kenny was the guy? First $16,500 went to the house in Bonney Lake, $5,000 to Dawn Andrusko, the sister of the alleged accomplice. Kenny set up a post office box back down in Sumner after he moved up to Bonney Lake and starting buying gold and silver through the mail, another $3,000 to pay off an old promissory note on another lot, ten dollars to purchase the adjoining lot next to his house...and The Beat Goes On.

Was any of that actually from the high jacking? No serial numbers match from the high jacking in all those transactions, correct? the only serial numbers to be found after the high jacking are the ones on the river bed.

So where did all that money KC threw around come from?

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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Look, I kind of know what the deal is with Tina Mucklow. You can believe me or not, it's up to you. But before you decide if I'm right, consider this:

I may have been wrong on some things occasionally, but I don't make up stuff regarding the Cooper case. Not intentionally, anyway.

The True Tina Deal As Far As I Know It:
Even if you could see her now, she would tell you she remembers little from the night of the hijacking.

She's had 'issues' over the years. To a degree, you could call them psychological issues. She's NOT crazy. She is doing okay now. And you won't be able to get a single thing out of her. Remember, she's about 62 years old now and a bit different from the wide-eyed stew who dallied with Cooper. There have been changes to her personality and she's a little fragile. This is why her family protects her. And that's all you're getting out of me about it. I have all of this on very good information. You can take it or leave it as you like.

It's a true bummer, since she was the best witness.

Hey, speaking of stews...my first well, uh...experience was with a stew. It's a cute story, and NWA has a bit part in it: 'Your First Time is Always Memorable - and Here's Mine'. (insert evil laugh here)


Blevins you have said a lot of dumb things in
this forum: This below is the best so far.

"wide-eyed stew who dallied with Cooper."

Dallied with Cooper? Wide-eyed stew?

Your knowledge of Tina Muckow surpasses
Bruces', surpasses the FBIs', surpasses the
Smithsonians', surpasses Jennifer Anniston's.

As you "dally" here with us stuck between space
and time and the Men's Room.

The telling point which totally escapes you in
life, is Tina Mucklow does not post here, never
has and never will, but you do!

What does that tell you?


I don't know what this tells Blevins, but it tells me that Tina is sane and very intelligent.

Robert Nicholson

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Look, I kind of know what the deal is with Tina Mucklow. You can believe me or not, it's up to you. But before you decide if I'm right, consider this:

I may have been wrong on some things occasionally, but I don't make up stuff regarding the Cooper case. Not intentionally, anyway.

The True Tina Deal As Far As I Know It:
Even if you could see her now, she would tell you she remembers little from the night of the hijacking.

She's had 'issues' over the years. To a degree, you could call them psychological issues. She's NOT crazy. She is doing okay now. And you won't be able to get a single thing out of her. Remember, she's about 62 years old now and a bit different from the wide-eyed stew who dallied with Cooper. There have been changes to her personality and she's a little fragile. This is why her family protects her. And that's all you're getting out of me about it. I have all of this on very good information. You can take it or leave it as you like.

It's a true bummer, since she was the best witness.


Okay, Robert, I'm ready to believe that Tina's okay, well, basically okay with maybe a few issues here and there. But can you tell me the sources from which you've received these reassurances to Tina's well-being? Perhaps I could contact these sources and receive their assurances directly?

Also, how come Tina remembers little from the night of the skyjacking? How do you know that? Can you expand on that?

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Look, I kind of know what the deal is with Tina Mucklow. You can believe me or not, it's up to you. But before you decide if I'm right, consider this:

I may have been wrong on some things occasionally, but I don't make up stuff regarding the Cooper case. Not intentionally, anyway.

The True Tina Deal As Far As I Know It:
Even if you could see her now, she would tell you she remembers little from the night of the hijacking.

She's had 'issues' over the years. To a degree, you could call them psychological issues. She's NOT crazy. She is doing okay now. And you won't be able to get a single thing out of her. Remember, she's about 62 years old now and a bit different from the wide-eyed stew who dallied with Cooper. There have been changes to her personality and she's a little fragile. This is why her family protects her. And that's all you're getting out of me about it. I have all of this on very good information. You can take it or leave it as you like.

It's a true bummer, since she was the best witness.


Okay, Robert, I'm ready to believe that Tina's okay, well, basically okay with maybe a few issues here and there. But can you tell me the sources from which you've received these reassurances to Tina's well-being? Perhaps I could contact these sources and receive their assurances directly?

Also, how come Tina remembers little from the night of the skyjacking? How do you know that?

I see your fascination with Mucklow as peculiar.
Some people would take your level of interest
ands remarks you have made as 'celebratory'
and a red flag? I think you need to define the
reason for your 'special interest' in Ms. Mucklow.

But, there is another aspect to this I find interesting.

Your 'special interest in Tina Mucklow' is noted.
Cooper chose Tina and gave her HIS special
interest. Does your interest in Tina reflect a
commonality which tells us something revealing
about Cooper? Birds of a feather, as it were?

Perhaps you could shed light on this coincidence.

What precisely is it you think you and you alone
can DO for Ms. Mucklow that everyone else in
her life is failing to do, or Mucklow is not doing
for herself, does not see to do, or has not done already? You keep saying you see Tina is at risk
of some kind.

What is there about celebrities you find so compelling?

Do you think Ms. Mucklow is another Barb Dayton
and needs your rescue or special attention the
rest of the World is failing to understand or give?

What is the object of your special mission with
regard to Ms. Mucklow? You keep talking about
her welfare and safety and claiming she is at risk
from herself or others.

You see Blevins as having a common interest
and concern, with you? Have you talked to
Blevin's wife Gayla about this? You already
talked to Tina's relatives about this. Have you
expressed your concerns to Rataczak or others
who have a more direct affiliation ?

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Great post, Sluggo. Thanks. It casts an important light on what may be going on with Tina and the rest of 305's crew.

Your suggestion for us to follow-up with Delta is spot-on. It's on the list.

Do you think Delta is in danger of harming

Have all of the 305 crew been brainwashed?

Was Cooper bombarded by dangerous gamma
rays from Sputnik as an adult?

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Skipp Porteous investigated her thoroughly and spoke to some family members. I have spoken to one of Tina's nieces. The whole thing is messed up, and that's too bad. Really. She's the best witness, IMHO. I get bummed thinking about it. That stuff I said previously was true. She should go public with something, if she can, but the truth is I don't know IF SHE CAN.


Thanks for the clarification, Robert.

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Skipp Porteous investigated her thoroughly and spoke to some family members. I have spoken to one of Tina's nieces. The whole thing is messed up, and that's too bad. Really. She's the best witness, IMHO. I get bummed thinking about it. That stuff I said previously was true. She should go public with something, if she can, but the truth is I don't know IF SHE CAN.


Thanks for the clarification, Robert.

Tina may have been the best witness 40 years ago. That doesn't mean she is the best witness now, and that's not any reflection on her state of mind, but simply a well documented fact on the unreliability of eyewitnesses, even a short time after the fact... as has been posted a number of times.

You saw that guy that had been convicted of rape that was recently freed on DNA evidence? The victim ID'd him. Presumably he was convicted because the jury figured she had to be the best witness, and that wasn't even 40 years after the fact.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Has anyone considered the possibility that Cooper convinced Tina that he knew who she was and would harm her or her family if she ID'd him?

That tactic has been used on eyewitnesses before and if they feel the threat is credible they sometimes hold back or even misrepresent key info.

Just a thought.

Eyewiness testimony from stressed crime victims is so unreliable. You really have to have been on the front lines to appreciate that fact.

I saw cases where the accused bore VERY little resemblance to the victim-witness on scene description yet was later proven to be the guilty party by fingerprint evidence. The victims often get everything wrong, even eye color, hair color and height can be way off.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Skipp Porteous investigated her thoroughly and spoke to some family members. I have spoken to one of Tina's nieces. The whole thing is messed up, and that's too bad. Really. She's the best witness, IMHO. I get bummed thinking about it. That stuff I said previously was true. She should go public with something, if she can, but the truth is I don't know IF SHE CAN.


Thanks for the clarification, Robert.

Tina may have been the best witness 40 years ago. That doesn't mean she is the best witness now, and that's not any reflection on her state of mind, but simply a well documented fact on the unreliability of eyewitnesses, even a short time after the fact... as has been posted a number of times.

You saw that guy that had been convicted of rape that was recently freed on DNA evidence? The victim ID'd him. Presumably he was convicted because the jury figured she had to be the best witness, and that wasn't even 40 years after the fact.

Time compression, trauma immediately after -
lots of things to consider. Putting Tina aside
one look at Rat's face in interviews he has
done, shows the stress. Best witness?

My frank opinion is, what some of these socalled
journalists are actually seeking is to become
"best witness" (for) themselves, and then we
could just dispense with all of the actual
participants .... and just consult the journalists
instead, experts they have become and claim
to be!

If I were Rat I would run too!

Hell I might move to New Zealand.

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Has anyone considered the possibility that Cooper convinced Tina that he knew who she was and would harm her or her family if she ID'd him?

That tactic has been used on eyewitnesses before and if they feel the threat is credible they sometimes hold back or even misrepresent key info.

Just a thought.

The point has been raised before, but do you think it's consistent with the way Cooper was described as acting by the stews?

Of course even if Cooper didn't know who she was before the crime, he definitely would have known after ... if he survived.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Has anyone considered the possibility that Cooper convinced Tina that he knew who she was and would harm her or her family if she ID'd him?

That tactic has been used on eyewitnesses before and if they feel the threat is credible they sometimes hold back or even misrepresent key info.

Just a thought.

The point has been raised before, but do you think it's consistent with the way Cooper was described as acting by the stews?

Of course even if Cooper didn't know who she was before the crime, he definitely would have known after ... if he survived.

Its a very cogent thought, imho. Ive asked the
same thing many times.

That kind of thing can deplete a person very
quickly, and there is no cure until the 'bastard'
is caught.

That is at the very core of why so many do not
want Cooper seen as some kind of 'hero'.

I would have done everything in my power to
keep her from being held in the back of that
plane with Cooper ... I would have told that
bastard _________________________________
or you can fly your own ass out of here!

McCoy got rough with people.

It's easy for me to say, . . . I wasn't there!

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The point has been raised before, but do you think it's consistent with the way Cooper was described as acting by the stews?

No, the reports portray Cooper as a bomb toting gentleman, but Bob Knoss says he was quite the opposite and may have assaulted Tina. Nobody but Tina and Cooper really know.

Tina doesnt look traumatized in the same day photos, but her behavior later suggests otherwise.

Tina isn't likely to solve this case, but a reclusive beauty who was a principal witness to and victim of a very high publicity crime is guaranteed to keep interest up.

I like to think that Tina has conquered her demons and is living a happy life now. Hope that's the case.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Of course even if Cooper didn't know who she was before the crime, he definitely would have known after ... if he survived.


The local paper in Minneapolis posted the flight crews' addresses in their story about the hijacking.
Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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I see your fascination with Mucklow as peculiar.
Some people would take your level of interest
ands remarks you have made as 'celebratory'
and a red flag? I think you need to define the
reason for your 'special interest' in Ms. Mucklow.

But, there is another aspect to this I find interesting.

Your 'special interest in Tina Mucklow' is noted.
Cooper chose Tina and gave her HIS special
interest. Does your interest in Tina reflect a
commonality which tells us something revealing
about Cooper? Birds of a feather, as it were?

Perhaps you could shed light on this coincidence.

What precisely is it you think you and you alone
can DO for Ms. Mucklow that everyone else in
her life is failing to do, or Mucklow is not doing
for herself, does not see to do, or has not done already? You keep saying you see Tina is at risk
of some kind.

What is there about celebrities you find so compelling?

Do you think Ms. Mucklow is another Barb Dayton
and needs your rescue or special attention the
rest of the World is failing to understand or give?

What is the object of your special mission with
regard to Ms. Mucklow? You keep talking about
her welfare and safety and claiming she is at risk
from herself or others.

You see Blevins as having a common interest
and concern, with you? Have you talked to
Blevin's wife Gayla about this? You already
talked to Tina's relatives about this. Have you
expressed your concerns to Rataczak or others
who have a more direct affiliation ?


I don't consider that I have a "special interest" in Tina. Rather, I consider her a priority source in a comprehensive investigation of the DB Cooper skyjacking story.

Within that context, the possibility of some kind of affinity between Mucklow and Cooper may be relevant, or not. Why Cooper chose Mucklow as his hostage may tell us important information about Cooper. Conversely, Tina's ability to cope with him may tell us something important about her and her current reclusiveness. Then again, maybe not. It's just a possibility.

I don't think that I alone can do anything unique or helpful for Ms. Muckow. Yes, I have certain professional expertise that I am bringing to bear in my investigation, but I have called for others, such as Dr. Susan Eisenhower-Turner, to join with me in an outreach to Tina. I have also made Bill Rataczak aware of my speculations and concerns regarding Tina's well-being, as I have with numerous others, such as AW Mucklow and many FBI agents, including Carr, Himmelsback, Calame, and the crew in San Francisco.

That said, journalists function with a greater degree of independence than others involved in the case, such as the FBI or NWO. It's my job to uncover what others cover-up. Hence, if there is any covering-up going on in the Cooper case, my efforts and those of many other journalists to reveal them may have a healing effect for the principals besides a journalistic one.

Relatedly, I think your insights into my fascination with celebrities is right-on. I do have an affinity to people of power, accomplishment and celebrity acclaim. However, my greatest attraction is to justice.

I do not have any special relationship with Mr. Blevins or his wife, Gayla. I am simply responding to him here on the DZ as a fellow-poster and investigator. However, about a year ago I interviewed Robert for a possible news piece for the Dispatch newspaper regarding his book, but he never had a speaking engagement, to my knowledge, in our coverage area, so it never went to print. However, I may re-consider that as I launch The Mountain News, an online news magazine for those who live close to Mt. Rainier.

Lastly, please remember that I have never said definitively Tina is at risk of any kind. I am merely drawing attention to the possibility of it, and identifying an ever-growing list of circumstantial evidence that suggests that something unsavory may have happened to Ms. Mucklow besides the overt events of Nov 24, 1971.

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Of course even if Cooper didn't know who she was before the crime, he definitely would have known after ... if he survived.


The local paper in Minneapolis posted the flight crews' addresses in their story about the hijacking.

I caught that also - a relative of mine with the
FBI just shit when he saw that. What was on their
minds!? It seemed to reflect a sense of personal
isolation at the time, something no one would
take for granted today.

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