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Of course even if Cooper didn't know who she was before the crime, he definitely would have known after ... if he survived.


The local paper in Minneapolis posted the flight crews' addresses in their story about the hijacking.

I caught that also - a relative of mine with the
FBI just shit when he saw that. What was on their
minds!? It seemed to reflect a sense of personal
isolation at the time, something no one would
take for granted today.

Odd indeed. A violent felon is on the run. A victim can ID him. A newspaper then prints her home address. Shessh! Maybe the FBI convinced everyone that Cooper had cratered for sure, but as I recall it took some time for that conclusion to be aired.

Sure, Tina's address might have been in the phone book, but this sure gave someone with a motive to silence her a big head start.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Of course even if Cooper didn't know who she was before the crime, he definitely would have known after ... if he survived.


The local paper in Minneapolis posted the flight crews' addresses in their story about the hijacking.

I caught that also - a relative of mine with the
FBI just shit when he saw that. What was on their
minds!? It seemed to reflect a sense of personal
isolation at the time, something no one would
take for granted today.

Odd indeed. A violent felon is on the run. A victim can ID him. A newspaper then prints her home address. Shessh! Maybe the FBI convinced everyone that Cooper had cratered for sure, but as I recall it took some time for that conclusion to be aired.

Sure, Tina's address might have been in the phone book, but this sure gave someone with a motive to silence her a big head start.


Kind of like publishing every code to every bank
in town.

Once published it cant be retracted.

Somebody was rolling ball bearings in his
fingers and thinking 'strawberries' when that happened. ;) I think you know what Im
referring to -

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The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. That is profound to be sure.

But which miles are they referencing, statute at 5280 feet or nautical with 6076 feet? That is a delta of 796 feet with a single step (pace) recognized as 2.5 feet or 318.4 steps difference; per mile. In fact, if this journey is in nautical miles instead of statute that means I will be walking an additional 150 statute miles.


That would be six times the distance Edwin was claiming about walking for a woman that “could make a man go stone wild” (0:51 – 0:54). ‘Ah ah, ah ahhhhh, ah ahhhhh ahhhh ahhhh, I’m so tired’, indeed Edwin.

Have we always been this sloppy when it comes to distance measurements? (Ref: By That Much)

Could it really be that difficult to obtain or verify distance information in 2011? It shouldn’t.

How far is it from Paradise Point State Park and Tena Bar (aka: Fazio Bros Sand) by car, on foot, as the 727 flies or whatever?

Outside the Cooper forum or the privacy of our own home (aka Airstream trailer) where are measurements so easily manipulated AND accepted as gospel? How much is in your paycheck this week? Bet you know to the penny and if it is off (only lower) by as much, you will be in the accountant’s office with a full head of self righteous indignation boiling on your ‘how dare they’ front burner. Your rage carries over to the local bar where patrons are regaled with increasing detail with every version of how you told the boss you don’t need this job and how he could take a nice long lick, off your fat ass. Upon which he begged you to stay. Of course this is all just a farfetched example of behaviors which no one has ever experienced.

So how long is it and what is the best unit of measure?


That’s right; it depends upon the mode of travel selected. I used Google maps and the Google map distance calculator to obtain these values which are in statute miles (just like the ones in your car, assuming your car is cool). Using the public roads is 24 miles between points. I know what my first choice would be for a logical form of travel – Jet Pack. At a mere 11 miles you have reduced the distance by more than half. Or perhaps you would rather try something less exotic and more realistic than a Jet Pack and split the difference at 15.46 miles in a Midget submarine. (Ref: O Now I Get It) Either way, once you have been enlightened on this subject you will no doubt experience an ‘O’ face moment with the mystery solved about length. I know I did.

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How soon after the crime was that address published? Quite possibly it was that that caused the fear and led to her wanting to keep quiet/escape from "normal" daily life.

I think the date from Vicki's post was Nov 27, 1971, but to be sure, I believe Sluggo has a copy of the actual article on his web site. I think he referenced it on the forum before.

It was a different time for sure...I think Sluggo referred to cultural goggles and how some of us are looking at a 70s event through 2010 eyes.

But it wasn't just the media - I remember an article where Tina's stepmother was quoted quite extensively - seems the main thing she was worried aboutwas letting everyone know that Tina's hair didn't usually look that unkempt and that basically after Tina's father heard they landed and she was okay, he went on to his golf game or other business as usual.
Then a later "hometown happenings" type article noting that "the sister of local resident" is Tina Mucklow, the stewardess that was offered a bundle of money but didn't take it cause it wouldn't be right.

I'm paraphrasing cause it's been a while since I looked at these articles, but the general gist is one of nonchalance. But maybe that's just my take on it.

You could have a point Orange, that she might have started thinking - wait this Bozo knows me and knows where I'm at.

Or there could be other reasons for her reticence.
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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NOTE: At the expense of sounding like some others who post here, I am going to begin with “I have it on good authority (and no, I can’t tell you who).” I hope my critics can understand why it has to be this way.

I have it on good authority (and no, I can’t tell you who) that NWA followed employees and former employees well after the hijack and/or their termination (up to eight years), if they had any contact with the media. I have held the proof in my hands. In my opinion, they were obsessed with controlling all information about the hijacking. Internal memos flew back and forth anytime there was a radio-show or print article that involved an employee (including former employees).

It is not a stretch (for me) to see NWA management putting pressure (BIG pressure) on the witnesses that were or had been in their employ. This would explain certain changes in witness accounts from Rataczak and others. It also explains behaviors from Tina, Flo, Anderson, and Hancock better than just assuming they are exhibiting “media avoidance.”

I have long stated that I think a wealth of information resides at MWA/Delta archives. Why don’t one of you “investigators” try to get the new management (Delta) to allow you access?

Just my two cents worth.

Loved your post - This is the SOURCE the "guys" writing books need to pursue - NOT the crew.

It makes perfect sense that NWA had a say over the media contacts of the crew.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Below is Georger's Post to the Media Mongers:


I see your fascination with Mucklow as peculiar.
Some people would take your level of interest
ands remarks you have made as 'celebratory'
and a red flag? I think you need to define the
reason for your 'special interest' in Ms. Mucklow.

But, there is another aspect to this I find interesting.

Your 'special interest in Tina Mucklow' is noted.
Cooper chose Tina and gave her HIS special
interest. Does your interest in Tina reflect a
commonality which tells us something revealing
about Cooper? Birds of a feather, as it were?

Perhaps you could shed light on this coincidence.

What precisely is it you think you and you alone
can DO for Ms. Mucklow that everyone else in
her life is failing to do, or Mucklow is not doing
for herself, does not see to do, or has not done already? You keep saying you see Tina is at risk
of some kind.

What is there about celebrities you find so compelling?

Do you think Ms. Mucklow is another Barb Dayton
and needs your rescue or special attention the
rest of the World is failing to understand or give?

What is the object of your special mission with
regard to Ms. Mucklow? You keep talking about
her welfare and safety and claiming she is at risk
from herself or others.

You see Blevins as having a common interest
and concern, with you? Have you talked to
Blevin's wife Gayla about this? You already
talked to Tina's relatives about this. Have you
expressed your concerns to Rataczak or others
who have a more direct affiliation ?

:)Good thing you did because NO one wants me to post my feeling about this. I think Bruce and Blevins and all of the writers and others are totally out of control regarding Tina and Florence...I certainly will NOT deny that I have always wanted to sit down face to face with them, but NOT as a reporter, writer or any form of media. I have even agreed that the meeting would be secret and private - but, who would trust a blabber mouth like me?

[:/]I would still like to have that meeting before I die, but that is not up to me.

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Has anyone considered the possibility that Cooper convinced Tina that he knew who she was and would harm her or her family if she ID'd him?

That tactic has been used on eyewitnesses before and if they feel the threat is credible they sometimes hold back or even misrepresent key info.

Just a thought.


Prior to 1977 Tina was married and this provided her with a degree of protection.

1979 - I believe this witness tactic did happen and why Tina "supposedly" joined a convent in 1980. The authorities felt this was the only way to protect her after an incident at her residence.

Prior to 1979 something Tina did became a matter of public record. Someone very close to Cooper who worked with a Credit Card company contacted him about this and her change of address. I believe there was an incident at the location Tina lived prior to "going" to a convent.

The above maybe fiction, a senario based on facts or did a little bird tell me this many yrs ago. Perhaps from my own investigation of others I interviewed more throughly than the FBI did...maybe a little story told to me by another party to cleanse the soul.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Special Agents John Detlor and Bob Fuhriman were interviewed in July of 2008 by Seattle's KOMO news for an article. They were on duty in Seattle at the time of the hijacking. Detlor helped provide the chutes. Fuhriman sorted out the freed passengers for questioning. Here's an excerpt:


'Officially, the FBI believes Cooper died in the jump...'

I can provide additional quotes with the same theme.

Presses have been re-started. ;)


:(What does what an agent stated in 2008 have to do with anything. Look at all the other statements by multiple agents over the yrs and judge their accuracy after 36 or so yrs.

;)What I am about to say does:

:oWas Tina's residence broke into in 1979? Does ANYONE have a residence address for Tina in 1979?

:)You'll never know if you
don't know now.

Just typed some more and deleted it - enough said. I will leave you guys with a question.
No one has ever mentioned the condition of Cooper's teeth - why? Not one witness statement made public addressed this.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Remember what happened after they found the money? The FBI changed their stance on the hijacking. They started saying more strongly that they thought the hijacker probably died in the jump, which is exactly what I believe Kenny WANTED them to think.


'Or perhaps Cooper didn’t survive his jump from the plane. After all, the parachute he used couldn’t be steered, his clothing and footwear were unsuitable for a rough landing, and he had jumped into a wooded area at night, a dangerous proposition for a seasoned pro—which evidence suggests Cooper was not. This theory was given an added boost in 1980 when a young boy found a rotting package full of $20 bills ($5,800 in all) that matched the ransom money serial numbers...'

Blevins, I do know how to read.

Your statement begins: "Remember what happened after they found the money? The FBI changed their stance on the hijacking...."

The FBI begins: "'Or perhaps Cooper didn’t survive his jump ..."


The FBI statement is a statement of conjecture.
Yours is a statement a fact.

Or did we have different English teachers?

The FBI statement goes further to say the
cojjecture-theory was enhanced with the discovery
of money at Tina Bar, but, they do not explain
how their theory is enhanced.

Larry went on to explain it saying: (a) Cooper
would not easily have parted with his money
therefore he must have died and relinquished
control - which is contradicted by what he did
offering money to the stews saying "I dont
want it". and (b) (there is no B).

But the real objection here is the same as before:
You consistently write statements as fact, which
turn out to be suppositions. It does not matter
whose suppositions they are. Suppositions are
supositions. You claim to be doing research
but research demands supposition be separated
from fact - that is what research is all about. You
claim to know what research is, in fact you charge
others with not doing their research, then it turns
out it is you not doing research and, you may not
even know what research is, or you are willing to
suspend it for the sake of writing a Headline?

These issues may not concern you or the FBI,
but they concern me.

I am a teacher, and a researcher.

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My previous post was simply an effort to show that the FBI, in general, likes to say they think Cooper died in the jump.

It was good to have Porteous call Rat and got
accurate information about Scott going to the
back - wherever your assertions came from prior.

Now. Call Rat back and ask him if he still holds
to the East Route?

Maybe that was a miss-statement by somebody also?

[edit] I have a feeling I know why the FBI holds
to their flight path model. I am curious to know
'why' Rat holds to his ... East Route model.

Did Rat have a 'hard fix' at any time he was
flying that plane - did anyone in the cockpit?
Yes Robert, I am phrasing this precisely as I
want to phrase it. This is no gimmick on my part.

I am simply following Farflung's most recent post
concerning distances. I am focuing in on 'relative
distances and how people perceive them,' ...
thus my use of the abstract term
"hard fix". We will worry about what "hard fix"
means later. Yes I know. Some would prefer
that term not be used, or that I should define
it now going in ...

I want to know what Rat says. I want to know
what is in Rat's head if he will respond to Porteous
again on this specific issue.


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I suppose you (Georger) are right in some ways. Look, the basic attitude around the Seattle FBI office on the Cooper case has been fluid over the years. Before the Tena Bar money was discovered, they were still hot to solve the case.

Afterward, not so much, and then that's when more statements began appearing here and there basically saying they thought he was dead. I suppose they have a point.

The problem I have with the money at Tena Bar is the amount discovered. I have always said that. One bundle, okay. A large quantity of the money, okay. Three bundles of the money, not okay.

It fell from the sky and separated somehow, scattering on the way down: Problem with this one is that for three to end up in the same spot is a stretch. One could be explained this way.

It fell from the sky and landed in the same spot. Problem: Where's the bag and the remainder of the money? Only three percent?

Cooper landed in the river upstream or nearby, and was killed. Problem: Where is Cooper, the chutes, the other things he had, and again...how did only three bundles out of a hundred end up in the same spot?

Either the whole bag washed down the river, fell into the river when Cooper was a no-pull, or the bag snagged somewhere on the river and the money eventually leaked out somehow. Problem with this one is the same. How did three end up in the exact same spot and nothing else?

It was dredged from the bottom of the Columbia. Problem: Palmer report (somewhat) disputes this, and the condition of some of the bills (damaged, but reasonably intact) puts this in doubt, since in this case the bills would have been underwater for three years or so. (71-74).

At least three bundles were put into a bag and tossed into the river as a red herring. This scenario is entirely possible.

At least three of the bundles were buried at the site they were found sometime after the hijacking, perhaps a few years afterward. This scenario is also possible.

I will ask about the east route. Rataczak is in Mexico on vacation, but I wlll have Skipp clear up this point with him, and FOR SURE, when Rataczak returns. I would like to know, too.

The main problem I have with the "east" route is very simple.. for ANY of the money to end up in the Washougal drainage.. it would have to be VERY far east..like the east slopes of the upper NE corner of Silver Star ... since none of those rivers on the west side of the peak would deposit money at Tena Bar....just not feasible

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The main problem I have with the "east" route is very simple.. for ANY of the money to end up in the Washougal drainage.. it would have to be VERY far east..like the east slopes of the upper NE corner of Silver Star ... since none of those rivers on the west side of the peak would deposit money at Tena Bar....just not feasible


I need to check some dates and will post later..

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Amazon says:


'The main problem I have with the "east" route is very simple.. for ANY of the money to end up in the Washougal drainage.. it would have to be VERY far east..like the east slopes of the upper NE corner of Silver Star ... since none of those rivers on the west side of the peak would deposit money at Tena Bar....just not feasible...'

Unless someone purposely tossed it into the river closer to where it was actually found, or it was buried there.

Think about the AMOUNT. Three bundles together, more or less. This is one of the few really good clues about this money. Three together. It narrows possibilities a bit. If it washed up there, it's unlikely three bundles would end up in the same spot, unless they were in a temporary container for a while, like a bag.

Here's your two biggest clues:

No other money has been found. Anywhere. Not a bill has turned up anywhere else on any rivers or on land or at the Treasury.

A grouping of approximately three bundles out of a hundred turn up at the same spot buried under a few inches of sand. The evidence points more to a purposeful act by a human being. Nothing else was found, and those undiscovered items are a lot bigger. Parachutes, body, another 97 bundles of the ransom, a briefcase, a money bag, a skeleton perhaps. Where are they? All they have is a bunch of bills buried in the sand, and not very deep at that.

Tough to figure this out, isn't it? (*smiles*)

Dead bodies stink... even out ther in the "Death Woods" that attracts attention from people and buzzards. A lot of people have walked all over that area searching.. and far far more hunters.
If a hunter can find the placard... right on the WEST route.... then a body... a parachute a Harness ... a money bag.... a suit with bones... would have been found long ago. If he went into the water... he would have floated up the next summer... they find bloater floaters every year... and money does not float upriver... there is a tide in the area... BUT the river does NOT flow backwards to the south that far up the river at Mile 90+. IT slows..... the level goes up.. but the current still flows north to St Helens .... Longview... Cahtlamet...Astoria.

The Lewis empties into the Columbia at Mile Marker 87 Catepilar Island Marina is about 97.5 http://captainwiki.com/index.php5?title=Columbia_River_mile_markers_50_to_99

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I will ask about the east route. Rataczak is in Mexico on vacation, but I wlll have Skipp clear up this point with him, and FOR SURE, when Rataczak returns. I would like to know, too.

That would be good. I hope this can be done.

Dont get hung up on 3 bundles or any other
'whole number'. Nature is fractional by nature.

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'If a hunter can find the placard... right on the WEST route.... '

I would like to see the exact location on this.

I am sure one of the experts in da house....... can put the appropriate x on the map.

From Wiki

In late 1978 a placard containing instructions for lowering the aft stairs of a 727, later confirmed to be from the rear stairway of the plane from which Cooper jumped, was found just a few flying minutes north of Cooper's projected drop zone near Amboy, Washington. In March 2008, children unearthed a parachute in the same area,[6] but F.B.I. experts later determined that it could not have been used by the hijacker.[7]

Pic from another site... cant remember where.. I think it was about the guy from Arizona "researching the money" and I saved it

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'If a hunter can find the placard... right on the WEST route.... '

I would like to see the exact location on this.

Generally 13 miles east of Castle Rock.

Or, "descriptions are something like this: “15
miles NW of the search area,” or “On the side of Brokeback Ridge”." (Sluggo post).

You can use the search box to search back posts.

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The main problem I have with the "east" route is very simple.. for ANY of the money to end up in the Washougal drainage.. it would have to be VERY far east..like the east slopes of the upper NE corner of Silver Star ... since none of those rivers on the west side of the peak would deposit money at Tena Bar....just not feasible

The factors that favored the Washougal in 1980
were *it drains from a large geographic area,
*it drains directly into the Columbia *upstream
of Tena Bar and *its flow into the Columbia has
been known to be large at times.

Water table data I and others have found suggest
the Washougal's outflow was over 12 feet only
once (perhaps twice in some areas) between

The Washougal Theory was well in hand with the
FBI by Feb 12-14th 1980, which is before Scott's
meeting with Himmelsbach around the time of
Scott's retirement at the end of February.

I know of no evidence that suggests the FBI
had considered an east route prior to the discovery
of the money in 1980, and it is interesting the
FBI still uses the mid-route map as its guide
to this day; at least I think that is the case.

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Please do not call the man, "Rat!" He does not like that at all. He has earned sufficient respect not to be demeaned in that fashion and should be treated with more respect than that. Prove him guilty and THEN call him Rat. Until then he is innocent and a stalwart member of our community. He has his nickname, and that is not it.

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"No one has ever mentioned the condition of Cooper's teeth - why? Not one witness statement made public addressed this."

That is simple. NONE of us ever kissed the man. His teeth made no 'impression' on us. They looked normal to me. It was his smile that everyone remembers, so his mouth was not full of obvious cavities or fillings.

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Dead bodies stink... even out ther in the "Death Woods" that attracts attention from people and buzzards. A lot of people have walked all over that area searching.. and far far more hunters.
If a hunter can find the placard... right on the WEST route.... then a body... a parachute a Harness ... a money bag.... a suit with bones... would have been found long ago. If he went into the water... he would have floated up the next summer... they find bloater floaters every year... and money does not float upriver... there is a tide in the area... BUT the river does NOT flow backwards to the south that far up the river at Mile 90+. IT slows..... the level goes up.. but the current still flows north to St Helens .... Longview... Cahtlamet...Astoria.

Amazon - how does that stack up against the Perris Russian? Seems that even with modern technology and in a busy part of the world you can be missed.
Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.

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There is another scenerio which I believe is more plausible. You have to be a farm kid and familiar with milk cans and a bit of an engineer with an understanding of hydrology to see this:

A five gallon milk can full of milk with it's lid on will spill about 3/4 of its milk when tipped over. The lid does not 'lock' in place, it is a press-fit of sorts. I have seen milk cans tip over in the back of a pick-up. The lid flies off.

A five gallon milk can buried standing up in a hole and covered on top will act like a cork when subjected to a flood, just like a casket would in New Orleans, if they tried to bury it instead of putting it in an above ground burial as they have since 1789.

Given that the money was buried in a can, I say milk can, and the area was flooded, a matter of record, the can would have popped up and floated with the current down the river until it became grounded and was unable to float further.

Tena Bar was a shallow water area where the can would have grounded. As the can grew more and more horizontal, it would reach an angle at which the lid would fall off, assisted by the weight of the contents. That angle might be 20° or thereabouts.

The river rose and fell with the tide. This would wash the contents of the can out over time. Time would also saturate the bundles and cause them to sink, accounting for the close proximity of the bills, bundles and chards. Subsequent dredging would relocate, perhaps mulch and bury relative to the directions of the dredger.

This seems to be a lot more practical to me than stories about dying or landing in the drink which I know to be not correct. Given what is known and what was reported to me, and my experience, this is my supposition.

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"In late 1978 a placard containing instructions for lowering the aft stairs of a 727, later confirmed to be from the rear stairway of the plane from which Cooper jumped, was found just a few flying minutes north of Cooper's projected drop zone near Amboy, Washington. In March 2008, children unearthed a parachute in the same area,[6] but F.B.I. experts later determined that it could not have been used by the hijacker.[7]"

AMBOY??? Obviously a planted bit of evidence. Wrong location and too convenient. As obvious as a big red nose and 2' shoes on a clown!
This is Keystone stuff, here! [B] Go (north)WEST young man! [/B]

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