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377 22
Quade wrote:
QuoteWell worth the listen to especially for those that are trusting souls taking the stories of others at face value.
You ought to be a diplomat. So smooth. So civilized. The bloodless cut perfected.
BTW great show Quade. Thanks for referring us to it.
Farflung 0
It had my favorite earmark in the beginning….. Lex was a ‘nice’ guy. Attention Earth: All of the mean, ugly, troglodytes with venom dripping fangs have discovered the error in this presentation and all have abandoned such behavior except for Hollywood productions.
You’re a smart and special person and should invest with me…. Bernie Madoff, $50 Billion (nice guy)
You would be the perfect person to establish a utopia in a South American jungle… Jim Jones, 918 dead (nice guy)
You are part of the Master Race… Adolf Hitler, 50 to 70 million dead (nice guy, at the time) Yeah, they all appear to have a nice message which must appeal to supremely intelligent people who really dig flattery.
But it has been my personal experience that people are more than willing to dismiss the most abhorrent behaviors if the person is famous or wealthy, the same conduct in average social circles would be the focus of disdain and ridicule. Oh well.
My analysis ended with “He flew F-16s in Viet Nam”. Sooooo he flew an aircraft that had not been produced before the end of the war. Gee, he must have put a great deal of effort into these forgeries and simply blew off a cover story that is factually plausible. Oakdale being 25 miles from Reno, VHF comms intercepted below line of sight, comic books being observed years before publication, aircraft being 15 miles off course all being dismissed as small errors, too secret to disclose a source or with a desire to ‘hear what they have to say’. This is the very recipe for their continued success; serial red flag suppression.
I usually assume what is lying in the middle of the sidewalk is NOT a Baby Ruth bar and plan a course of action as soon as possible. Others need to get on their knees and give it a closer exam.
They even closed the program with the declaration that Lex Cusack HAS to be the most cunning of forgers (since John was too honest and smart to con) and no one has ever done it for such a length of time.
Guess they aren’t aware of Mark Hoffman and his ‘White Salamander Letter’.
quade 4
QuoteGuess they aren’t aware of Mark Hoffman and his ‘White Salamander Letter’.
The "Salamander Letters" is a great story. Explosive ending.
The World's Most Boring Skydiver
377 22
QuoteMy analysis ended with “He flew F-16s in Viet Nam”. Sooooo he flew an aircraft that had not been produced before the end of the war. Gee, he must have put a great deal of effort into these forgeries and simply blew off a cover story that is factually plausible. Oakdale being 25 miles from Reno, VHF comms intercepted below line of sight, comic books being observed years before publication, aircraft being 15 miles off course all being dismissed as small errors, too secret to disclose a source or with a desire to ‘hear what they have to say’. This is the very recipe for their continued success; serial red flag suppression.
Pricelss Farflung. Our gullibility and the technique to maintain it is fully exposed.
Have you noticed how many frauds claim to have been fighter pilots? Never transports. I outed an imposter-poser who had wormed his way into a VP position at a small company that a friend was CEO of. They guy claimed to have been a USN F 4 pilot in Viet Nam. He had obviously read a lot and knew the plane, squadrons, carriers, CAGs, combat history etc. I was skeptical. I asked him about air refueling and led him into saying that he had refueled from USAF KC 97s a few times in Viet Nam. Bingo, fraud. His resume' turned out to be completely phony too.
georger 244
We had a guy here, StephenQuoteQuoteMy analysis ended with “He flew F-16s in Viet Nam”. Sooooo he flew an aircraft that had not been produced before the end of the war. Gee, he must have put a great deal of effort into these forgeries and simply blew off a cover story that is factually plausible. Oakdale being 25 miles from Reno, VHF comms intercepted below line of sight, comic books being observed years before publication, aircraft being 15 miles off course all being dismissed as small errors, too secret to disclose a source or with a desire to ‘hear what they have to say’. This is the very recipe for their continued success; serial red flag suppression.
Pricelss Farflung. Our gullibility and the technique to maintain it is fully exposed.
Have you noticed how many frauds claim to have been fighter pilots? Never transports. I outed an imposter-poser who had wormed his way into a VP position at a small company that a friend was CEO of. They guy claimed to have been a USN F 4 pilot in Viet Nam. He had obviously read a lot and knew the plane, squadrons, carriers, CAGs, combat history etc. I was skeptical. I asked him about air refueling and led him into saying that he had refueled from USAF KC 97s a few times in Viet Nam. Bingo, fraud. His resume' turned out to be completely phony too.
Blumberg - notorious rare book thief - who
faked credentials and snagged a teaching position at Yale?, then worked his way west to UIowa, then retired, as it were. He began selling rare documents - which he had aquired from libraries at every university or college from the east coast, west.
When the FBi went to his residence in Ottumwa they were aghast at what Blumberg had. It literally took document and rare book experts years to unravel
it all ... and only an expert would have known what to steal and where to find it, in the first place.
His catalog alone rivaled catalogs found at the
Smithsonian! And if Im not mistaken, the
Smithsonian asked for a copy of his catalog to
add to their collection.
I told Larry Carr once I would like to see some of
the Cooper money go to the Smithsonian. I will
make the pitch again.
QuoteHis resume' turned out to be completely phony too.
When you look back at all of the scams and the lies and stories connected to Cooper - it gets mind boggling. Now, knowing about ALL of the other "Cooper" wannabes - it is amazing anyone took me seriously at all. Anyone who knows me personally and how I grew up - pretty much feels I was really married to Cooper, but then maybe they say that to be "nice".
Most of the people Duane knew are now deceased or very ill themselves. I listened to the FBI and expected them to do "their" thing in 1996 but, now realize a lot of what I have been doing for the last 5 yrs should have been done in the 1st 5 yrs,
1995- 2000.
After what I did on Feb. 11, 2011
if I leave the house and come home and see my answering machine blinking - I am very anxious when I hit "play". I do NOT expect anything to result from my actions, but a girl can "hope" right?
I try to be honest with my feeling and expectations. I was single in 1971 and dated a few "guys", but I can only remember 2 of them...and expect that is because I have photos of them.
I dated a couple of other guys 1 and 2 times respectfully. I can't remember their names much less their faces. This was a small town and one was the local chiropator and the other one I draw a blank even on his occupation. How can I expect any witness in the Cooper case to remember things I could NOT do so myself.
My only prayer is that the memory is so deeply imbedded within the mind it could never be forgotten. FAT CHANCE of that!
In other words I do NOT expect of others what I could NOT expect of myself. I have been respectful to all witnesses and stayed my distance and never allowed myself to be in their face as some of the writers and journalist have done.
I did speak with and communicated Mitchell (the student) and Finegold (the attorney). I claim to have spoke with Tina (2004) - but, it was a voice on the other end of the phone. I had sent her my phone number and that phone number at that time was NOT known to the public. Yet, the naysayers claim it was NOT Tina, but the caller told me Cooper "was a very SAD man".
NO one had said this about Cooper before in anything I ever read...yet this fact was later mentioned on the FBI web site. Did CARR "borrow" this from me regarding my phone conversation with Tina? Or was this something buried within the witness statements from 1971?
Regardless I have seen NO proof this statement existed until I told others about my phone conversation with the woman who ID'ed herself as Tina.
I was talking to a former local law enforcement officer (old friend for yrs) about JT. We were trying to figure out WHY and WHAT makes JT so violent and abusive toward me. He has the same theories I do -
1. JT found something in one of the locations I directed him to and wants to claim it was his "find".
2. JT is part of a cover-up!
3. JT is mentally unsound rude and abrasive person.
In other words we could NOT come up with a "nice" or logical answer for the actions of this man referred to as JT. It was suggested I take out a restraining order against him - in the event he attempts to follow through with any of his threats. Because of my age - it also becomes elder abuse.
JT needs to treat everyone with respect and stop his 12 yr old temper tantrums and name calling.
BobKnoss 0
2. JT is part of a cover-up!
And correct the answer to the question is................
We made a break-through! Jo has finally discovered some truth!
Farflung 0
They all do it. These ‘Bucket Shop Organizations’ constantly use stupendously lofty titles even in organizations with 3 or 4 personnel. You know, a CEO, President, Chairman and Director of All Things Interplanetary. They also mistakenly refer to their UPS Store mailbox number as a suite and constantly try to let you know how lucky you are to get them for a few moments. Posers.
The weird part is that this continues after the advent of the internet search, so they must represent the bottom feeders who dine on other bottom feeders leftovers. If there was one, just one, red flag the owner of the company had them put on a ‘Toxic’ list and avoided or ignored. You may be surprised how many calls we would receive from these dorks wanting to ‘help us’ as soon as possible after playing the ‘I’m too busy for this’ card. Losers.
I guess it is human nature to suffer from crippling insecurities which manifest in greater and greater, one-upmanship in a race to the pinnacle of the compost pile. I used to consider stupidity in a Darwinistic way and finally managed to spot the error in my philosophy. Stupid people don’t drive off cliffs or fall face first into inverted and running lawn mowers, as I had imagined they must. Nope, they actually manage to drive cars on roads, vote and find someone to exchange bodily fluids with and astonishingly replicate.
They possess one attribute which I find common. They need copious amounts of pristine, oft repeated and extremely reliable information in order to proceed to make a horrid choice. Others (read non-stupid) need a tiny amount of data to avoid a horrid choice.
When Madoff was ‘discovered’ (recall he walked in and confessed) there was a cry for laws and regulations to prevent this. When someone exposed Madoff earlier, the very group that was investing screamed jealousy, interloper and otherwise debased him.
Remember the DC-7 pilot who claimed to fly out of Dutch Harbor, AK (3900’ long) airport? This video is shot at Fox Field in Lancaster, CA which has a 7200’ runway. Did that plane even look like it could have dreamed of doing a midfield takeoff?
377 22
QuoteRemember the DC-7 pilot who claimed to fly out of Dutch Harbor, AK (3900’ long) airport? This video is shot at Fox Field in Lancaster, CA which has a 7200’ runway. Did that plane even look like it could have dreamed of doing a midfield takeoff?
Density altitude at Fox Field on a hot summer day is a factor in long TO runs by fully loaded fire tankers. I think a DC 7 could operate out of Dutch Harbor. Look at what dope smugglers have done with other Big Dougs, Twin Beeches and Lockheed Lodestars. Some DC 6s got in and out of impossibly small fields. Of course they had to watch their payload weights, spark timing, fuel octane, boost levels, air temp etc.
Fox Field has some real relics including a Boeing C 97, a Whitworth Argosy, a very rare Douglas A 20 used by Howard Hughes and a TF 102 jet trainer.
QuoteOthers (read non-stupid) need a tiny amount of data to avoid a horrid choice.
Should I click on the DB Cooper thread...? have to know..........
"Mans got to know his limitations"
Harry Callahan
Amazon 7
QuoteFarflung wrote:
QuoteRemember the DC-7 pilot who claimed to fly out of Dutch Harbor, AK (3900’ long) airport? This video is shot at Fox Field in Lancaster, CA which has a 7200’ runway. Did that plane even look like it could have dreamed of doing a midfield takeoff?
Density altitude at Fox Field on a hot summer day is a factor in long TO runs by fully loaded fire tankers. I think a DC 7 could operate out of Dutch Harbor. Look at what dope smugglers have done with other Big Dougs, Twin Beeches and Lockheed Lodestars. Some DC 6s got in and out of impossibly small fields. Of course they had to watch their payload weights, spark timing, fuel octane, boost levels, air temp etc.
Fox Field has some real relics including a Boeing C 97, a Whitworth Argosy, a very rare Douglas A 20 used by Howard Hughes and a TF 102 jet trainer.
377 22
All this talk about DBC conspiracies and coverups is kinda funny. Like conspirators would really be telling it all on this backwater forum.
I always thought Ckret was a little over the top in saying that airline people wouldnt do a crime like Norjack.
First officers think of little else other than getting the pay prestige and benefits that come to a guy in the left seat. I can't see Rataczak risking his entire career and his freedom to do some criminal stunt in the name of improving airline security.
I will bet there are a few co pilots who'd be happy to push the four striper out the door sans chute because it would move themselves one notch up on the pilot seniority roster.
Amazon 7
QuoteWas wondering where you've been Amazon. I see a C 119 has joined the boneyard fleet at Fox Field. Looks like an ex Hemet Valley fire tanker. The 119s had a nasty habit of shedding wings leading the USFS to refuse to contract them for future fire seasons. The 119s were also very marginal on one engine. The town of Hemet got painted red by one that had engine trouble after lift off and had to dump the load to stay alive.
Just sittin back and watchin the train wreck
Check this
And another
QuoteJo, you would figure by now that all these False claims of yours about me would stop.
You ARE THE ONE who calls me names!
You are the one who makes threats!
I have offered truthful explanations of the things you repeatedly throw out there declaring me a liar - yet, not one time have you accepted your own responsibilities.
Our early discussions prior to my going to WA in 2001 - I have explained. Anyone reading your posts can see that your comprehensive ability in understanding what another persons is saying other than what you hear in your own head is almost NON-existent.
WHEW! I was told last night that when you post it sounds like you are DRUNK or WASTED on something. WHY can't you talk about Cooper and leave me alone? Why do you attack me at every turn? These are questions a lot of people would like to hear a logical explanation of.
Talk about Cooper NOT me...but, that is NOT your objective! YOU need to SILENCE ME. WHY?
Let's talk about HOW and WHY for 30 yrs you have searched the Woods and found NOTHING. One little old lady took the Thunder out of your Cooper niche and you can't stand it.
Why repeatedly call an old lady a liar and threaten her? Does that make you feel like a BIG man?
It makes you sound like a BULLY. Contribute something of value to the discussions other than attack me?
quade 4
The World's Most Boring Skydiver
377 22
QuoteQuoteWas wondering where you've been Amazon. I see a C 119 has joined the boneyard fleet at Fox Field. Looks like an ex Hemet Valley fire tanker. The 119s had a nasty habit of shedding wings leading the USFS to refuse to contract them for future fire seasons. The 119s were also very marginal on one engine. The town of Hemet got painted red by one that had engine trouble after lift off and had to dump the load to stay alive.
Just sittin back and watchin the train wreck
Check this
And another
Can't top this one Bob unless you go to Dayton:
Bet Sheridan Peterson is glad to be out of the DBC spotlight. If he werent so old he would have been right in the thick of it in Egypt. Zero doubt.
Can someone remind me as to why Ted Braden seems to be off the DBC short list?
QuoteJo, take it down a notch.
Sorry, I had too much Chocolate tonight. I made myself Gluten free Chocolate Squares and made Ice Cream sandwiches. i Finished off a Quart of ice cream with 8 of the Cookies - I guess it was a SUGAR HIGH.
YOU RANG? I'm assuming you love Jamie. Let me assume for the sake of argument that you are totally honest in your presentation of Kenny Christensen, and I believe you 100%. First, then, let me say that I apologize from the bottom of my heart. I was totally wrong in my assessment of your virtues. Second, may I suggest that people are taking advantage of your apparent trusting character and using you to advance the last wishes of Kenny Christensen.
In Kenny's will, when it was opened was a letter addresses to his brother Lyle, as I understand it, which requested that he, Kenny, be advanced as having been DB Cooper. Lyle tried in vain to accomplish this for his dead brother but was unsuccessful. You bit on the apple. You have been taken advantage of, Robert. They lied to you. Jim Rataczak informed me of the letter long before you got involved.
Now if this new found truth in you is in error, and my apology is scoffed upon, you will not investigate this further and you will accept that nobody ever told me that, and continue exactly as before.
If, on the other hand, you are a true and honest man, you will investigate with as much vigor as before, and grill old storyteller Lyle
and get the real truth. You see, everyone really knows that DB Cooper was really Duane Weber, apparently, except you. No apology will be required by me, as I know how easy is is to be led astray in this game. Jo is a shining example, and I've been a victim too.
So, which is it, Robert? The honest, diligent publisher, or the publisher of intentional lies and misinformation? Restore our faith in the written word and do a little digging for the real truth. I absolutely guarantee if you try hard enough you will find that what I'm telling you is what happened to you, assuming the above. If not, it happened with your total cooperation. One or the other. Why would I be so insistent or try to present such a bold proposal? It is true.
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