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DB Cooper

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With this last earth quake Japan has sunk 2ft and has moved 13 feet closer to the United States. The earth is spining faster and the day has been shortened. Sea Life has migrated towards Mexico. Now my question is what efect will this have on gravity the weather climate weight and age.to include future Volcanic activity.What will it do to our coast lines. It threw the earth off it's axis will this cause a position change to other planets and change the tide schedule.Can any one answer any of these questions. Jerry

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With this last earth quake Japan has sunk 2ft and has moved 13 feet closer to the United States. The earth is spining faster and the day has been shortened. Sea Life has migrated towards Mexico. Now my question is what efect will this have on gravity the weather climate weight and age.to include future Volcanic activity.What will it do to our coast lines. It threw the earth off it's axis will this cause a position change to other planets and change the tide schedule.Can any one answer any of these questions. Jerry


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JerryThomas suggested:

“… a simple phone call to the fazios brothers will tell you that the money was deposited there due to heavy rainfall ….”

I’ve had mixed results when approaching private beaches and tend to avoid ‘electronic talking sticks’ the same way others avoid spell check and the ‘Enter’ key. But that’s enough about my weird freaky behaviors; this post is about amazing skills people possess.

I’ve had my share of walking along the beach and discovering artifacts of various forms and functions. The ubiquitous can and bottle along with assorted Jimmy Hatz, Frangers and strangely an occasional Saran Wrap carton. Yet I’m incapable of telling where they came from. However the Fazio brothers are able to tell the origin of beach debris with astonishing accuracy. What a unique gift that these local residents can gaze upon some waterlog ephemera while divining the path it has taken. I’m humbled again at the Cooper Alter/Thread.

That would make for some fascinating television where local residents look at things on their beach and tell how these items arrived and what course was traversed. It would be a ‘thinking man’s’ program so I crafted the name ‘Beachhead’ as it would fit perfectly with the ‘Jersey Shore’, ‘Spartacus: Blood and Sand’ and ‘Pirate Master’ motif so widely enjoyed today.

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Farflung.The Fazio's have owned this property since the 50's They also leased portions of the beach to the Army Corps of engineers and monitored all dredging deposits and when they were made in the past. They monitor there beach on a daily basis because they have live stock and have done this for years. How often do you check your property. Most people no where things come from if they find somthing that shows up on there property. If they don't they research it and find its origin. At least the fazios and I do.I like the Idea of you avoiding electronic talking sticks. Fortunatly I don't it helps me find gold deposits and make's for excess spending money. As for the comment on spell checker or spelling that was only made for a put down. Oh well! You knew what I was posting other wise you would not have responded. Ive noticed that almost everyone has made mistakes in spelling on this thread. So a put down for one's spelling in your post may apply to all. When I try to use the spell checker on dropzone it wipes out the entire page so for this reason I do not use it.Jerry

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Jerry wrote:

When I try to use the spell checker on dropzone it wipes out the entire page so for this reason I do not use it.Jerry

Same thing happens to me. The dropzone spell checker causes Internet Explorer to crash. It happens 100% of the time.

When I use Mozilla as my browser it doesn't happen.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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They monitor there beach on a daily basis because they have live stock and have done this for years. How often do you check your property. Most people no where things come from if they find somthing that shows up on there property. If they don't they research it and find its origin. At least the fazios and I do.

Give us examples?

Name three things the Fazio's and you researched
after arriving on Tina Bar?

Logs, bottles, refrigertor, Trojan, Diary of Ann
Frank, The Washougal Daily Hearld, silver ore,
lemon pie, Aunt Lilly's garter, diatoms, cat
carcass, iguana, six pack of Bud, 1931 Ford,
car tires, broken boats, logs from J&P Logging,
sand from Govt Island, manganese, Captain's
log from the USSR-71N, ......

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Geoger. Re read my post you'll see my comment was about what I do if I find somthing odd on my property and the fazio's do the same don't you. Jerry

Give an example?

Name one thing the Fazios traced ...

That cant be that difficult from what you say.
You said they have researched items they found on
their beach.

Cite one found thing they researched.
You said they monitor their property and know
where things come from.

Either they have traced an item or they havent?

Hoiw long must we wait?

I can give you an example from my property in
3 seconds!

Why all the time required to think about this?

Back up what you say for once.

[edit] Time's up. Im going to log off.

[edit-2] You rattle our cages telling us we are
backward saying the Fazio's monitor their property
and know where things come from, and that is
obvious!. But you cant cite an example of something
you say the Fazio's traced or researched? How well
do you really know the Fazio's ?

I dont doubt for one second the Fazios have
traced a few things they found on their beach (or
property over the years), but I do doubt you know
much about what those things were and where they
came from. For one thing, it's the Fazio's property,
not yours. So I will call up Allan T. and ask him! He
has been at the Fazio's a number of times and no's
them ... I am betting Allan can cite a few examples
for the Fazios, where apparently you can't, or won't?

It was you who made the claim. Not the Fazio's, not
Allan T., and not me or Farflung ...


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Geoger. Are you not inteligent enough to call the Fazio's your self and ask them if somthing is found on there property if they would not research it to find out where it came from or if was lost who it belonged too and return it. Your post indicates a lot of hostility and random posting do too agrevation and a atempt to discredit me.This is how it apears to me. One would think it may go back to a posting in reference to PM"s. I thought you were over that it apears you are not.Still this is just my opinion and nothing more than a guess. Once again re read the post you have taking things out of context.Jerry

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Geoger. Are you not inteligent enough to call the Fazio's your self and ask them if somthing is found on there property if they would not research it to find out where it came from or if was lost who it belonged too and return it. Your post indicates a lot of hostility and random posting do too agrevation and a atempt to discredit me.This is how it apears to me. One would think it may go back to a posting in reference to PM"s. I thought you were over that it apears you are not.Still this is just my opinion and nothing more than a guess. Once again re read the post you have taking things out of context.Jerry

Why the NEW in red?

You are right. Im not intelligent enough.

Next time say: Georger is not tall enough.

Its just that we have trash floating up here at
Dropzone. Im trying to trace it. You?

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Its just that we have trash floating up here at
Dropzone. Im trying to trace it.

Trash on dropzone.com? What trash? One man's trash is another man's treasure. ;)

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Geoger. Re read my post you'll see my comment was about what I do if I find somthing odd on my property and the fazio's do the same don't you.Why do you want this info you working on a book or do you just want it posted so some one else can add it to there book. Jerry

JT, When will your book be out? Don't be shy about admitting what you are doing. You can't hid your intentions forever. And you well know that everyone on DZ can keep a secret.

Robert Nicholson

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It's funny how a book or other publishing agenda is treated here as something dirty, something that makes your opinion biased or even deceptive.

I am not writing a book or making a DBC movie but I love it when others do. Bring em on, the more the merrier. Each one shakes the tree and eventually something useful could fall out. Kids these days don't know about DBC. They could find a stash of old twenties in an attic and spend it without a second thought. To keep the DBC story alive we need to put stuff out there, TV shows, books, magazine articles.

I hope Jerry is writing a book.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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It's funny how a book or other publishing agenda is treated here as something dirty, something that makes your opinion biased or even deceptive.

I am not writing a book or making a DBC movie but I love it when others do. Bring em on, the more the merrier. Each one shakes the tree and eventually something useful could fall out. Kids these days don't know about DBC. They could find a stash of old twenties in an attic and spend it without a second thought. To keep the DBC story alive we need to put stuff out there, TV shows, books, magazine articles.

I hope Jerry is writing a book.


I hope the FBI and the Smithsonian are writing
a book! Jerry can keep his monologue and file it
next to Jo's.

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You know, now that you mention it Georger, the Smithsonian really should have something about DBC. Perhaps an exhibit or an artifact.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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You know, now that you mention it Georger, the Smithsonian really should have something about DBC. Perhaps an exhibit or an artifact.


You are finally catching on ... its not a putdown.
What did I say about Cooper bills three years ago?
Who is to say they dont already have a few of the
bills in some lockbox? I hope so. Ralph got one.
Why not the Smithsonian. ? They could buy a few
of Ingrams.

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I kinda regret not buying a mangled piece of a Cooper twenty on eBay, but my frugal Dad drilled it into me as a kid:

Don't pay for hot air. Don't pay $1.01 for a dollar bill.

Besides, the eBay prices paid will seem way too high when Jerry finds the rest of the loot and pushes the market price down.;)

What a delightful dilemma: do I mine a few ounces of gold today or put a few more twenties in eBay?


2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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It's funny how a book or other publishing agenda is treated here as something dirty, something that makes your opinion biased or even deceptive.

I am not writing a book or making a DBC movie but I love it when others do. Bring em on, the more the merrier. Each one shakes the tree and eventually something useful could fall out. Kids these days don't know about DBC. They could find a stash of old twenties in an attic and spend it without a second thought. To keep the DBC story alive we need to put stuff out there, TV shows, books, magazine articles.

I hope Jerry is writing a book.


377, What is the name of the last DBC book you read? Would you recommend some DBC books for the rest of us?

Robert Nicholson

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Robert 99 No Im not going to write a book.Too many of those out there now. Although Ralph and many others would like me too and I probably should. I just don't have enough time or need the money.I'll let my wife write the book after Im dead. She knows as much about this case as I do Besides Geoger is not mad at her. Jerry

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Robert Nicholson wrote:

377, What is the name of the last DBC book you read? Would you recommend some DBC books for the rest of us?

I read Blevins' early free edition. It was entertaining and evidenced a lot of work. He makes a circumstantial case that KC was involved in something fishy and lucrative, but I am not convinced it was Norjack.

I've read some of Bruce's articles on various subjects.

I read Cook's article on DBC.

I can't really recommend spending your money on any DBC book I've read. You'll get more certain gratification from drugs or alcohol.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Geoger name calling will get you a time out. How about it Quade You going to let this one go by. jerry

Come on Jerry. No need to call the cops. Consider editing that post while you still can change it.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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377. You know what would make a real good cooper book is to write a background history on all those that have been involed with this case. We should start with all those on drop zone. Then move on to those that have writen a book and examine each one of there theories and give 25 reasons why there suspects were considered not Cooper from there to those that have claims that they new Cooper then on to the FBI's reasons for not considering all there suspects. Plenty more to add.Hey I have most this Info maybe I will write a book. Geoger Ill make a separate chapter for you and add all the good stuff you have contributed to this case. 377 you can be the attorney and make sure it is legal. Farflung can make sure it is gramatically correct and Blevins company can publish it. Jerry

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377. I deleted it I have had a good rewarding friendship with Geoger and realy wish nothing but the best for him.I honestly have nothing personal against any one on DropZone.Some of there Idea's I don't like. I deal with certain people different than others and say thing's I realy don't mean just to get a point across. Other than that I'll help most any one. Jerry Ps 377 your post mentions it also you need to delete it too.

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. Once again re read the post you have taking things out of context.Jerry

Jerry, Jerry, Jerry - you are acting like a child. Sure things are taken out of context on this thread many many many times.
A lot of it is by error and sometimes it is because the posting party is NOT making themselves clear. Sometimes they just get tired of stupid replies - such as your many posts today because you feel harmed in some way.

At least none of them have done the things you have done to me, such as calling me a liar over and over and over. You are upset because someone disagrees with you? Yet, I have taken your abuse repeatedly simply because you disagree.

You can dish it out, but you can't take it. All anyone is doing is asking you to show PROOF of what you say - the same as they ask me for proof. Don't sit there and whine about it - explain it the best you can and MOVE on.
One or 2 well thought out post will go much further than your short snip posts.

If you can't use the DZ spell checker don't feel like the lone ranger - I can't make it work either. What you can do is compose the post in Word and then copy it to the thread - I find that too time consuming and prefer to answer spontaneously.

Most will look past the spelling (I make lots of grammar and spelling mistakes - ask Georger), but try to take the time to make a post that makes sense. Sometimes I spout off, but to argue with someone on a thread is a little senseless... been there done that....the only person you make look bad is YOURSELF.

Grow Up.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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