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DB Cooper

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Airtwardo wrote:


The cat, like Cooper either made it or didn't...or BOTH! ;)

Good one Airtwardo. Sorry I left you off the list of people who would get the Schrodinger cat joke. Guru would get it too... and let's not forget Bruce. He doesn't feel contrained by the laws of physics but he is well aware of their content.

Now here is a profound duality question: could Duane and Kenny BOTH be DB Cooper? If so, Jo W can stop her duel with Robert B. We can declare a tie.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Again, your reading skills need improvement. You still don't get what I said.

The plane 5 minutes behind DB Cooper's plane was under the clouds at 5,000 ft and making their landing at PDX Portland. That is not a statement that the plane she saw was at 5,000 ft but below that. Also, I state that the power of suggestion could have made her think she saw a "platform" with possibly something on it. It is simple words but you must read slowly so as to not get it screwed-up.

About the man at her house after she sent the letter to the Portland FBI, He did not identify himself or show a badge but just told her to shut the fXXX up. That does not sound like an FBI agent, but could have been one of the Portland FBI office friends that took it on his own to shut her up. That part of her story is still believable.


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Again, your reading skills need improvement. You still don't get what I said.

The plane 5 minutes behind DB Cooper's plane was under the clouds at 5,000 ft and making their landing at PDX Portland. That is not a statement that the plane she saw was at 5,000 ft but below that. Also, I state that the power of suggestion could have made her think she saw a "platform" with possibly something on it. It is simple words but you must read slowly so as to not get it screwed-up.

About the man at her house after she sent the letter to the Portland FBI, He did not identify himself or show a badge but just told her to shut the fXXX up. That does not sound like an FBI agent, but could have been one of the Portland FBI office friends that took it on his own to shut her up. That part of her story is still believable.


Sailshaw, Read YOUR own post above. YOU state that the airplane Janet saw was an airplane five minutes behind Cooper's plane. Do you understand that you are saying that the airplane Janet saw, if she saw one at all, was NOT Cooper's plane?

In case you haven't become aware of it yet, this thread is, or was, about D. B. Cooper. I don't know if there is a thread on DZ.com about paranormal psychology, but if there is perhaps one of the other people can point you to.

And if you don't understand those three or four syllable words, perhaps one of the other people can help you with them.

Robert Nicholson

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After searching the FBI FOIA files for any FAA or NTSB reports I came across some evidence from the BFRO.

Quoting from a ‘Class A’ (that’s Class A people) report numbered and certified as #7399:

“Large Hairy Arm ……” This is the first information I come across that confirms that Cooper had hairy arms which is in direct contradiction to the perpetually unnamed source that vividly describes Cooper as having clean cut arms. The report goes into great detail and even identifies the day the report was given which is a rare hallmark of how painstakingly accurate it must be.


Then I came across a contradictory report with an extremely long list of attributes which is rather difficult to dismiss out of hand. They (either the multiple ‘they’ or singular trying to sound big ‘they’) go into great detail about how unreliable or varied eyewitness accounts have been. Once again I quote:

“…heights ranging from 2 to 12 feet tall, willowy to muscular bodies large eyes to small…”

“Skin textures have been described as fine scales, to the feeling of eel skin and hairless….”

I will again offer a source for verification of these diametrically opposed versions with Cooper’s arms being both hairy and some sort of weird and freaky eel epidermis.


This leads any intelligent person to the same conundrum. The majority rules - just as soon as that description of Cooper’s hairless arms is referenced or retold.

As he removed his black raincoat and rolled up his sleeves before taking seat 16C. A seat he selected once he noticed the fetching Stewardess with the long hair tied back allowing her to better serve the customers in that cramped, hot aircraft where it was difficult to judge height. She noticed Cooper’s bulging forearms and the power they represented even though they weren’t clasping her in a breathless embrace of desire, which she could not initiate even though her passions hungered like never before. She had to make an effort and break her fixed stare at Cooper’s flexing, throbbing arms as he checked the time or thumbed through a magazine which only fed her burning lust. Suddenly her attention was broken as the Captain walked down the aisle and began to speak with the airborne Adonis with the perfectly sculpted limbs that continued to taunt and beckon a side of her which was becoming increasingly difficult to restrain. Cooper opened his briefcase and the Captain glanced down, nodded then returned to the cockpit. As he closed then latched the leather covered case, she silently wished she could close and lock this primal stirring over which control was becoming impossible. Never has a man held her so powerless and the feeling both excited and frightened her. She had a fever and the only cure would be to act on her instincts or join a convent.

Ya know, something like that.

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Airtwardo wrote:


The cat, like Cooper either made it or didn't...or BOTH! ;)

Good one Airtwardo. Sorry I left you off the list of people who would get the Schrodinger cat joke. Guru would get it too... and let's not forget Bruce. He doesn't feel contrained by the laws of physics but he is well aware of their content.

Now here is a profound duality question: could Duane and Kenny BOTH be DB Cooper? If so, Jo W can stop her duel with Robert B. We can declare a tie.


Oh sure.. forget about the women who would get that.... hmmmmppph

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Apologies Amazon. Orange likely would also get it and Smokin 99 too.

Vicki, I also forgot to thank you for posting the 50 Cent Beethoven mix. Hope you had a good visit to SF.

You gotta like Vicki. She just thinks her Dad might have been DBC. She doesn't twist facts to fit her theory. She is a suspect presenter not a suspect pusher.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Farflungs link to BFRO was illuminating.

I'd love to think that giant crypto hominids roamed the US forests, but how can people really believe in Bigfoot when not one body or skeleton has ever been found?

The BF crowd has very strict standards for judging the credibility of those who report encounters:

"Credibility is no problem - all location/landmark info has been verifiable, and he is a local businessman with high visability".

We on the forum should be equally rigorous. Was Janet a businessperson with "high visibility"? If she was then back off on the attacks.

The equating of businessperson and credible endures. It's kind of quaint. Millikin, Madoff, Sayers, and their ilk haven't popped the illusion balloon.

That's darn good Bodice Ripper writing Farflung. Is there any literary style that you cannot mock? Can you do a good Hemingway

And did you ever answer my question about what nickname was painted on your flight helmet?

Quade still reads this. He doesnt see a current need to intervene in the trivial affairs of a lesser species, but I can feel "the Force".

I renew my plea for him to lift or mitigate the Snowmman permaban.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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You say: "Sailshaw, Read YOUR own post above. YOU state that the airplane Janet saw was an airplane five minutes behind Cooper's plane. Do you understand that you are saying that the airplane Janet saw, if she saw one at all, was NOT Cooper's plane? "

Now, you got part of what I said. She probably did not see the DB plane but mistook the one 5 min. behind it as his plane and that could explain her story. She did not make up a story but did see a plane at the right place but slightly later. She then added to her observation (by power of suggestion from her radio) that she could possibly see a platform under the airplane and something on it. Her story of the person at her house was probably one of H's buddies but not a Portland FBI office agent.

I am just trying to understand Janet's story and how she could be trying to tell what she saw. Unfortunately, it was the wrong plane. So Robert, get over it and read more slowly so you can overcome your reading problem.


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I once opined that nobody in their right mind would be relying on a 1946 surplus canopy in 1971. Well, some skydivers aren't in their right mind.

Read this thread. Some interesting comments about silk canopies.


2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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You say: "Sailshaw, Read YOUR own post above. YOU state that the airplane Janet saw was an airplane five minutes behind Cooper's plane. Do you understand that you are saying that the airplane Janet saw, if she saw one at all, was NOT Cooper's plane? "

Now, you got part of what I said. She probably did not see the DB plane but mistook the one 5 min. behind it as his plane and that could explain her story. She did not make up a story but did see a plane at the right place but slightly later. She then added to her observation (by power of suggestion from her radio) that she could possibly see a platform under the airplane and something on it. Her story of the person at her house was probably one of H's buddies but not a Portland FBI office agent.

I am just trying to understand Janet's story and how she could be trying to tell what she saw. Unfortunately, it was the wrong plane. So Robert, get over it and read more slowly so you can overcome your reading problem.


Sailshaw, You originally injected Janet into this to support your own theory that Cooper jumped into a field adjacent to the Portland Airport, then walked over to the airport parking lot, picked up his car, drove off and lived happily ever after.

Do you still support your original claims? If you don't write your own posts, then you need to at least have someone read them to you and explain the big words.

Robert Nicholson

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“In times of peace, it is the job of staff officers to simulate the enemy.” – A. Crewdog


Imagine if you will 377, a world where DMV clerks have been elevated to the rank of royalty and the greatest reward issued came in the form of ‘less punishment’ and you will understand life in SAC. Stern, humorless and perpetually baffled at the low personnel retention rates where crews spent weeks living within a short jog to Armageddon. What could have made the task of working in such a surreal environment even better? Being witness to the birth of Satan’s spawn - ‘Political Correctness’ along with a rigid adherence to totalitarianism in order to defeat…. totalitarianism.

I know, I know, cynical and iconoclastic viewpoints on an organization which must have been effective since the Soviet Union did in fact collapse. No doubt because they knew we were officially forbidden from using the phrase ‘Crew Dogs’ and ‘COCKpit’ in favor of crewmember and control cabin. Good lord, if a group of men were willing to subject themselves to that level of humiliation without rising in revolt; then assuming they would blindly following orders to drop a ‘big one’ is not much of a stretch. The commies knew they had to dismantle their political structure or some cowboy may push a button releasing legions of Major Kongs and Captain Yossarians.

Yes sir, we were not allowed to dare modify, customize or personalize any piece of flight equipment to include that head vise called a helmet (HGU-26/P). No paint, stickers or water transfer decals allowed (no running, spitting or diving). Just bland, uniform and Matterhorn white in color. Perhaps some fighter jocks or trash haulers were allowed such a deviation but I don’t recall any at Camp Happy.


Nicknames were usually issued by fellow crew dogs and typically highlighted some sort of blunder or lapse in judgment versus the Hollywood version where everyone is named Ace or Goose. So you probably won’t have anyone regaling you with stories about how they earned names like ‘Stinky Anderson’, ‘Bagman’, ‘Pullup’ or ‘Two Dogs’.

Same was true for the aircraft, Stratofortress, Thunderbolt II and Fighting Falcon; I don’t think so. The nameless masses that crewed, fueled or maintained those aircraft branded them the BUFF, Warthog and Lawn Dart which were more endearing, fitting and enduring.

But I was not some mindless drone in a lockstep march blindly following regulations about life support customization, nope. I had my nickname (which was wicked cool and must be kept secret) in 2 inch, block letters painted across the top of my visor shield in Matterhorn white. Equally defiant and elegant as a sort of silent scream which clearly demonstrated my hunkyness.

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Even before I became officially involved in the book, I read the Geoff Gray article and I thought he might be onto something. I told Porteous later: 'Someone needs to interview the people this guy (Kenny Christiansen) knew.'

Offically involved. Geoff Gray article. I told Porteous .
I thought he might be onto something. Lyle comes
to NYC looking for a movie contract.

Do I have this correct? I used your own words-

It all begins with Porteous/Geof Grey after Lyle
comes to town looking to hook up, with a story.
Lyle wants to get his story to a movie producer.
Lyle didnt do any personal research involving his
brothers friends, or the Cooper case ... or did he?
What makes Lyle an expert?

Lyle of course knew his own brother? You havent
said much of anything about Lyle's version of Kenny.
I wonder why?

Porteous has never said much of anything outside
of the fact its pretty obvious (by your remarks) that
Mr. Grey and Porteous have a close working
relationship, and always have had?

Do you & Porteous know 'everything about anything'
that Geof Grey supposedly knows?

Officially involved? Who swore you in?

Grey has conveyed a different version of you and
Porteous to others, not flattering. I find it amazing
he would share his gallies with Porteous and you!

Somebody is lying through his teeth!!! Not that
that would be anything NEW - in the Cooper Zoo.

You say in another post: 'everyone has seen the
gallies'. I haven't. Other's haven't. Do you or
Porteous or Grey want to send a copy here for
"everyone" to read the gallies. since "everyone"
has already read them?

What else is hiding below the sheets? Not that it
matters or is anyone's business EXCEPT that . . .

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Side note for Georger: Lyle Christensen never 'went to NYC'. He sent three letters. Two to Nora Ephron (director, Sleepless in Seattle) and one to Skipp Porteous. Payment was never mentioned. He gets absolutely zero from sales of the book or any film rights on his brother's story. He also refused payment from History Channel for his appearance on Decoded. All he wants to know is if his brother was the hijacker.

well he isnt.

funny he would contact a movie producer vs the FBI
- to know if his brother was Cooper ? Evidently he
had already ruled out Jessie James and Hotspur.

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A group member just sent me the attached photo
of the fire line from his back yard. They received
one evacuation order which was cancelled. The
area is now on standby and watching.

Our best thoughts and prayers go out to the
Group Member and his family.

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It was me (Jo) that read the reviews - and I thought everyone had. Books are sent out to other writers to preview...and give their opinions of the book and this is how they set up the promotions.

Other than getting Blevins and me confused on that issue - agreed with all of the lashes you gave him with the Wet Noodle.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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You say: "Do you still support your original claims? If you don't write your own posts, then you need to at least have someone read them to you and explain the big words."

Yes, I still believe that DB landed within walking distance of PDX Portland and use the flight path that Sluggo has put together for us. His information with times on it helps support my belief that it was a "cake walk of a jump" and a walk to his car he left at PDX.. I think I can understand what Janet saw was the second plane and that explains her conviction about her story.

DB was very clever in knowing what was going to happen on a Holliday, at night, asking to go to Mexico, four parachutes, and selecting the round chute to get him down quickly without being seen. However, what happened with the money? The Tina money could have been what he took out of the bag and offered to the aircrew. When refused he could have stuffed the three packs of 20's in the paper bag he brought onboard. The rolled-up paper bag stuffed inside his rain coat could have blown out over the Columbia or close to it and made its way to the Tina Bar with time. That could explain why the three packs of 20's were all together when found.

Now, the big question is what happened to the remaining money. Possibly, we will find out when the real DB Cooper book gets published (when DB passes away as he is in his 80's at this time).

Robert, this is a lot for you to understand at one time, so better you don't try to read it (too many big words for you).

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A group member just sent me the attached photo
of the fire line from his back yard. They received
one evacuation order which was cancelled. The
area is now on standby and watching.

Our best thoughts and prayers go out to the
Group Member and his family.

Georger, The mountains were really lit up Sunday night after a day of 50+ MPH winds up there. However, yesterday and last night the winds calmned down. The wind forecast for the next two days is only 5 to 10 MPH.

Although there was still a lot of smoke in the mountains last night, I could only see two or three areas burning. One of those areas was at the base of the mountains and I think it was a controlled burn as the firefighters tried to "connect" the areas that were burned Sunday, which was a very interesting day here, with areas that were burned by the Fort Huachuca fires on Friday, another very interesting day.

There are still some active fires going on this morning on both the notheast and southwest sides of the mountains. But if the winds forecast is correct, the firefighters should be able to make a lot of progress today and tomorrow.

Some of the mandatory evacuation areas have been downgraded to pre-evacuation areas.

As one whose own neighborhood was probably saved by the firefighters on Friday, I can only say that these guys and gals are doing an excellent job under extremely difficult circumstances.

Robert Nicholson

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You say: "Do you still support your original claims? If you don't write your own posts, then you need to at least have someone read them to you and explain the big words."

Yes, I still believe that DB landed within walking distance of PDX Portland and use the flight path that Sluggo has put together for us. His information with times on it helps support my belief that it was a "cake walk of a jump" and a walk to his car he left at PDX.. I think I can understand what Janet saw was the second plane and that explains her conviction about her story.

DB was very clever in knowing what was going to happen on a Holliday, at night, asking to go to Mexico, four parachutes, and selecting the round chute to get him down quickly without being seen. However, what happened with the money? The Tina money could have been what he took out of the bag and offered to the aircrew. When refused he could have stuffed the three packs of 20's in the paper bag he brought onboard. The rolled-up paper bag stuffed inside his rain coat could have blown out over the Columbia or close to it and made its way to the Tina Bar with time. That could explain why the three packs of 20's were all together when found.

Now, the big question is what happened to the remaining money. Possibly, we will find out when the real DB Cooper book gets published (when DB passes away as he is in his 80's at this time).

Robert, this is a lot for you to understand at one time, so better you don't try to read it (too many big words for you).

Sailshaw, Now you are back to discussing the book and Cooper candidate that you are pushing. Do you know what you will have on your face when you are proven wrong?

Robert Nicholson

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A group member just sent me the attached photo
of the fire line from his back yard. They received
one evacuation order which was cancelled. The
area is now on standby and watching.

Our best thoughts and prayers go out to the
Group Member and his family.

Georger, The mountains were really lit up Sunday night after a day of 50+ MPH winds up there. However, yesterday and last night the winds calmned down. The wind forecast for the next two days is only 5 to 10 MPH.

Although there was still a lot of smoke in the mountains last night, I could only see two or three areas burning. One of those areas was at the base of the mountains and I think it was a controlled burn as the firefighters tried to "connect" the areas that were burned Sunday, which was a very interesting day here, with areas that were burned by the Fort Huachuca fires on Friday, another very interesting day.

There are still some active fires going on this morning on both the notheast and southwest sides of the mountains. But if the winds forecast is correct, the firefighters should be able to make a lot of progress today and tomorrow.

Some of the mandatory evacuation areas have been downgraded to pre-evacuation areas.

As one whose own neighborhood was probably saved by the firefighters on Friday, I can only say that these guys and gals are doing an excellent job under extremely difficult circumstances.

Robert Nicholson

Thanks for the update Robert.

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A group member just sent me the attached photo
of the fire line from his back yard. They received
one evacuation order which was cancelled. The
area is now on standby and watching.

Our best thoughts and prayers go out to the
Group Member and his family.

Georger, The mountains were really lit up Sunday night after a day of 50+ MPH winds up there. However, yesterday and last night the winds calmned down. The wind forecast for the next two days is only 5 to 10 MPH.

Although there was still a lot of smoke in the mountains last night, I could only see two or three areas burning. One of those areas was at the base of the mountains and I think it was a controlled burn as the firefighters tried to "connect" the areas that were burned Sunday, which was a very interesting day here, with areas that were burned by the Fort Huachuca fires on Friday, another very interesting day.

There are still some active fires going on this morning on both the notheast and southwest sides of the mountains. But if the winds forecast is correct, the firefighters should be able to make a lot of progress today and tomorrow.

Some of the mandatory evacuation areas have been downgraded to pre-evacuation areas.

As one whose own neighborhood was probably saved by the firefighters on Friday, I can only say that these guys and gals are doing an excellent job under extremely difficult circumstances.

Robert Nicholson

Thanks for the update Robert.

I have a relative who is a wilderness firefighter assigned to this fire. I'll pass on the compliment. The conditions are really tough for the firefighters and they will appreciate your gratitude Robert.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Yes, I still believe that DB landed within walking distance of PDX Portland and use the flight path that Sluggo has put together for us. His information with times on it helps support my belief that it was a "cake walk of a jump" and a walk to his car he left at PDX.. I think I can understand what Janet saw was the second plane and that explains her conviction about her story.

DB was very clever in knowing what was going to happen on a Holliday, at night, asking to go to Mexico, four parachutes, and selecting the round chute to get him down quickly without being seen. However, what happened with the money? The Tina money could have been what he took out of the bag and offered to the aircrew. When refused he could have stuffed the three packs of 20's in the paper bag he brought onboard. The rolled-up paper bag stuffed inside his rain coat could have blown out over the Columbia or close to it and made its way to the Tina Bar with time. That could explain why the three packs of 20's were all together when found.

Now, the big question is what happened to the remaining money. Possibly, we will find out when the real DB Cooper book gets published (when DB passes away as he is in his 80's at this time).

Robert, this is a lot for you to understand at one time, so better you don't try to read it (too many big words for you).

You are making yourself sound like a complete idiot.

1. Logically why would Cooper go back to the PDX - he knew it would be swarming with authorities.

2. When the plane crossed the River Janet MIGHT have seen something - and it might have been "the" plane, but she could not have seen the aft down even at 5K...unless there was a light in the aft way on...and probably NOT even then.....The plane was low enough at one time for a witness to declare that was a plane there - but only noted this because of the overlaying clouds and shadows and the sound of the plane.

3. Mexico - it was just the direction Cooper wanted to go - he just did NOT want to jump into the Atlantic. Stating Mexico showed how little he knew about aviation.

4. Money on Tina's bar: You need to take some classes in chemistry or common sense. Any money to hit the river in a raincoat pocket or in a paperbag would have been scattered all over the place in 8 yrs. The rubber bands would not have held up for 8 yrs in that water and the paper bag was gone within a few days...even if it was a heavy gauge Ice Cream bag.

5. If by the REAL D.B.Cooper - you are referring to Sheridan - have you ACTUALLY spoke to him? If you are so all fired sure it was Sheridan - GET in your car and go see him. Maybe he is trying to write his memoirs and what better way to go out then to say "I was Dan Cooper". Ha Ha Ha. He could have written that book for Cooper yrs ago...if you haven't read it - then find it and read it. At least it will give you something to laugh about!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Sailshaw, You originally injected Janet into this to support your own theory that Cooper jumped into a field adjacent to the Portland Airport, then walked over to the airport parking lot, picked up his car, drove off and lived happily ever after.

Do you still support your original claims? If you don't write your own posts, then you need to at least have someone read them to you and explain the big words.

Robert Nicholson


You are right - Someone is feeding the Monkey and I know who it is. Most pick through what they are fed so they don't digest something that will make them turn into a Baboon.

Words can be Magic!
Words can create a false sense of knowledge or ignorance.

I am quilty of all of this...but Bob is eating out of the hand of someone who wants his hide hanging on his wall.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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RobertMBlevins in cooperation with Skipp Porteous concluded:

“2. The money was found just downriver from the park. This is one of the biggest reasons we, think.”

Tena (or Tina or Fazio’s) Bar is UPriver from Paradise Point State Park and has been since the dawn of the Precambrian time frame, which supersedes the hijacking by more than three months.

Once again, if you chuck something into the drink at Paradise Point State Park it will arrive in the Pacific Ocean after a brief trip DOWN the Columbia River.

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