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DB Cooper

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They've known about this fellow for a year.
If this article is legit, they've checked out the DNA - (which many suspect is a futile gesture from the get go - but that's another topic), but they're still waiting to find another object with fingerprints???

I think it is clear that DB Cooper isn't a priority at all for the FBI, and they can't really spend any time or money on it. Marla Cooper has been the one who has implied that there's some renewed investigation that has been taking place, and the FBI have remained understandably vague about it because technically its an open case.

The DNA from the tie would be readily available since it was recently tested, but the service prints, probably taken twenty years before the hijacking, may never have been scanned in and could take a bit of effort just to locate. Then probably a bunch of paperwork would be required so a request could be made to military personnel to go digging for the stuff. I think Marla's story would need to be a little more convincing to be worth the effort.

If the tie DNA doesn't match then that's a good excuse to let it go.

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New guy here; just stumbled across this forum lately due to the Cooper "news". I have one "jump" (a very generous interpretation of jump on my part, BTW), and am a mechanical engineer, and ex-USAF flightline machinist.

Robert99, I have read your excellent analysis of the route and timeline on Sluggo's site. Regarding your last statement of no mention by the flight crew of the supposed jump...is this due to the fact that the only way we now know that the jump was made was because a member of the flight crew was on the sled drop tests, and was able to recognize the pressure bump as being what he felt at the approximate jump time? In effect, they didn't, in real time, recognize that the "pressure bump" actually meant anything other than possible something going on with the aft stairs.

Pek771, Thanks for the compliment.

From the information that is "public", and as Georger has stated earlier today some has been redacted, it is my understanding that the sled drop tests were used to support the idea that the "pressure bump" was the time of the actual jump.

While there is no mention of a pressure bump in the Seattle ATC radio transcripts, the flight crew may have passed some such information to NWA's performance group in Minneapolis through the ARINC radio system.

Until the airliner was some distance south of Portland, it could communicate directly with the NWA group in Minneapolis by VHF radio patched directly into the commercial telephone system. And I understand the NWA office in Seattle and the FBI were also patched into those communications.

At least some of those communications with NWA Minneapolis were transmitted to Seattle and elsewhere by the NWA teletype system. And the "FBI Notes" include information from those communications, especially the teletype printouts. But these communications have obviously been redacted also.

While in range for direct ARINC communications, the time hacks on the teletype printouts are probably accurate to within two minutes of the actual transmission.

As the airliner got further south of Portland, it could not maintain direct contact with Minneapolis through the ARINC system, due to its relatively low altitude, and those communications were then relayed through higher flying airliners that were still able to directly communicate with the ARINC system. In this case, the time delays between the actual transmission from the airliner until the message appeared in the teletype printouts could easily have been 5 or 10 minutes.

In taking off from Seattle, the airliner was cleared for takeoff on the ground control frequency and told to contact Seattle Center on an enroute controller frequency. Consequently, the airliner bypassed both the tower and the departure control controllers on the takeoff. That is the main reason why there is no exact takeoff time available in the transcripts.

After takeoff and upon switching to the Seattle enroute controller, there was initial confusion as to the airliner's location. The airliner was about 20 miles south of the Seattle airport before this got cleared up. After that, there is nothing in the Seattle transcripts to pin point the location of the aircraft until it is handed off to the Oakland Center controller near the Fort Jones VORTAC in northern California.

In the Oakland Center transcripts, both the radio communications between the airliner and the controllers plus the phone talk between the controllers are included. There is no doubt at all about where the airliner is and what the flight crew and controllers are doing.

The Oakland Center's radio transcripts make sense and the Seattle Center's transcripts do not.

So to repeat, the "public" version of the Seattle Center's radio transcripts do not contain the "raw" data that pin points the airliner's position or the time when the "pressure bump" occured.

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Portions of the Transcript have been redacted.
There was a supposed communications gap which
the Transcript reflects.

I looked through the transcripts at Sluggo's site but never noticed anything redacted. Did I miss something?

This just in: No DNA Match To Purported D.B. Cooper Hijacking Suspect

Thanks for posting this - quote below:

"The DNA that they were able to extract from my uncle L.D. (Cooper)'s daughter, who was born after the fact, did not match the partial sample of DNA that they have in their files," Cooper says.
But neither Ms. Cooper nor the FBI considers this outcome definitive one way or the other.
In Seattle, FBI agent Fred Gutt explains the DNA on file comes from a necktie the hijacker left behind.
Gutt says "it's not a very good sample" and might not even belong to the hijacker necessarily. "

G Jones

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Take another look at the Seattle Air Route Traffic Control's transcript for the very time the hijacker is supposed to have jumped (about 8:11 to 8:13 PM) and you should notice about an 18 minute time gap. If that transcript is to be believed, the airliner crew didn't radio a single word about the supposed jump.

Hmm that is interesting. Any theories as to what is missing?

I would think the pilots would want to go check for an activated bomb as soon as they thought he was gone.

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Portions of the Transcript have been redacted.
There was a supposed communications gap which
the Transcript reflects.

I looked through the transcripts at Sluggo's site but never noticed anything redacted. Did I miss something?

This just in: No DNA Match To Purported D.B. Cooper Hijacking Suspect

Thanks for posting this - quote below:

"The DNA that they were able to extract from my uncle L.D. (Cooper)'s daughter, who was born after the fact, did not match the partial sample of DNA that they have in their files," Cooper says.
But neither Ms. Cooper nor the FBI considers this outcome definitive one way or the other.
In Seattle, FBI agent Fred Gutt explains the DNA on file comes from a necktie the hijacker left behind.
Gutt says "it's not a very good sample" and might not even belong to the hijacker necessarily. "

G Jones

Her story has some pretty wide gaps , leaps of faith ideas. If they really did say "all we need to do is go find the money" it's more likely they knew about the hijack and thought what most were thinking. To think a search underway by police would put them off searching is debateable , it was thanksgiving so the police wont be hard on hunters and might even welcome additional eyes , if indeed they ever did come across police.It will be interesting over time how the holes in this story fill up as if by magic.

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Take another look at the Seattle Air Route Traffic Control's transcript for the very time the hijacker is supposed to have jumped (about 8:11 to 8:13 PM) and you should notice about an 18 minute time gap. If that transcript is to be believed, the airliner crew didn't radio a single word about the supposed jump.

Hmm that is interesting. Any theories as to what is missing?

I would think the pilots would want to go check for an activated bomb as soon as they thought he was gone.

This is not "theory" but everything that would help pin point the airliner's position at the time of the pressure bump, which is the supposed time of the jump, is missing.

The exact flight path cannot be determined from the information in the Seattle ATC radio transcripts.

In addition, at least the times, and probably the aircraft locations, shown on the so-called FBI maps of the flight south from Seattle are not believeable.

There are rumors that, despite their denial, the flight crew did check the cabin after the pressure bump.

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Take another look at the Seattle Air Route Traffic Control's transcript for the very time the hijacker is supposed to have jumped (about 8:11 to 8:13 PM) and you should notice about an 18 minute time gap. If that transcript is to be believed, the airliner crew didn't radio a single word about the supposed jump.

Hmm that is interesting. Any theories as to what is missing?

I would think the pilots would want to go check for an activated bomb as soon as they thought he was gone.

Good post G Jones , commen sense would scream to go look for that bomb the second they felt that bump , i'm almost sure the crew say nobody left the c'pit until touchdown.It's difficult to know for sure with so much rubbish being written online.

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Just out of curiosity, how do those of you who state with utmost certainty that the FBI "has done this," or "has not done that" know those things as the gospel truth?

Has the FBI told you that or are you assuming?

Sure, leaks are possible but to what extent?

I'm not so naive as to believe everything the government tells me but how many of you guys are sitting side by side with the FBI and "co-investigating" and have access to every single file and document the FBI possesses on this case?

I try to see things in their simplest forms and I'm wondering how so many people here "know" without a doubt what or who the FBI has tested/not tested/interviewed etc.

It's crystal clear to me that any investigative agency with an open case is not going to share everything, even if leaks occur. I know that from experience; I've seen it on homicide cases etc. Some media types with contacts can ferret out info but never all of it.


I am pretty much sitting things out right now, but your post was worth taking a chance on.

Mr. JT is the one responsible for Duane being dropped from the list with information he provided which was he contocted. I have been told that besides the writers that JT has connections and he claims to have had interviews with the FBI just as he did above.

I really wish someone would confirm this or not. If JT has an inside with the FBI - WHY? He cannot construct a sentence or spell - yet, he seems to be on the Inside. WHY?

Frankly I believe Duane's DNA needs to be rechecked - because it is important regarding what items they were able to pull DNA from. They need to ID the items so that I can tell them how many time that item was used by Duane or if it was an item he may never have worn that I let a friend try on. The slippers I never saw Duane use and a pair of the gloves. The pipes will have his DNA but I cleaned them really good (I did not provide his favorite pipe). My friend and I played around with some of the pipe on night. I can't remember what all I provided without going back to the list.

I have made it know in the thread I will allow them to swab a watch that will have his DNA, but I will not leave the watch in their possession. This one definitely will have the DNA of Duane Weber on it - unquestionably.
It is the only DNA I have I know belongs to him....besides his favorite pipe.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Robert99, I have read your excellent analysis of the route and timeline on Sluggo's site. Regarding your last statement of no mention by the flight crew of the supposed jump...is this due to the fact that the only way we now know that the jump was made was because a member of the flight crew was on the sled drop tests, and was able to recognize the pressure bump as being what he felt at the approximate jump time? In effect, they didn't, in real time, recognize that the "pressure bump" actually meant anything other than possible something going on with the aft stairs.

In addition to what Robt99 says below, I am confident the pressure fluctuations (and more)
were communicated and discussed, in real time.
They had NWA "on the phone" as well as other
engineers on standby. We know several NWA engineers were listening to these communications
and made a note of time and approx location, which became part of the basis for the first search map NWA produced.

Robt99 gives an excellent description of the situation
based on: actual living research.

During one of Rataczak's interviews he stress:
'we were in full control' and full means _
communicating. Dont forget, Nyrop had ordered everyone to cooperate and everyone was, and
Cooper was satisfied and got to his destination.

Passenger delivered!

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Take another look at the Seattle Air Route Traffic Control's transcript for the very time the hijacker is supposed to have jumped (about 8:11 to 8:13 PM) and you should notice about an 18 minute time gap. If that transcript is to be believed, the airliner crew didn't radio a single word about the supposed jump.

Hmm that is interesting. Any theories as to what is missing?

I would think the pilots would want to go check for an activated bomb as soon as they thought he was gone.

Wouldnt you ?

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This circus has me laughing pretty hard. A few opinions:

Tina has absolutely zero value to advance any suspect. that means current suspects, past suspects, and future suspects. If Tina has a value, it's in clearing up any missing details - and even that is a stretch to believe that there are details that she could give after this period of time.

Blevins, Bruce, and others that have mentioned Tina in the past are completely ignorant of how the human mind works. I've mentioned this once or twice before on this board. Go get yourself a cognitive psychology book and learn what you don't know.
Bruce showing up on Tina's doorstep? Completely unacceptable. She is not "a public figure," she's a private citizen that was victimized by Dan Cooper. Pulling this stunt is making her a further victim as she has already stated several times to several people that she does not want to discuss the case.

I believe you can still figure out the case even without a plane location or time of jump. It's far easier if you have these, but the discovery of the money itself is enough to lead you to a reasonable conclusion... unless you start doubting all the inferences from that also.

Why no takers on my offer for free money? Obviously this new suspect did it....

I will now extend my offer to any future suspect. I might even give you odds. I'm so confident that this case is totally screwed that I'll bet against any suspect you can come up with and I'll bet against them blind. I will not bet against Weber though, but since he can't be pinned to the plane, it's sort of moot anyway.

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Jo, now you are blaming Jerry for Duane being dropped as a suspect! This is despite the fact that fingerprints and DNA both came back negative. You are blaming everything except the obvious.

From what Carr said they had already dismissed Duane but tested the DNA anyway because you kept on and on at them. Your idea that they should undertake more tests is patently ridiculous. Why? Because when these too come back negative you will again find something else they should test, and when that fails go back to expecting them to be your personal PI agency to find out stuff you want to know about your husband even though it has no bearing on the case whatsoever. Honestly' if anyone else was demanding all this about "their" suspect you would have a very different opinion on what the FBI should do!

And because of your stance on the DNA you can't use that as a good reason to dismiss LD. Oh, the irony.

Vicki, have you got Mel's DNA or fingerprints in the system! I'm sure this has been asked but I can't remember...sorry.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Take another look at the Seattle Air Route Traffic Control's transcript for the very time the hijacker is supposed to have jumped (about 8:11 to 8:13 PM) and you should notice about an 18 minute time gap. If that transcript is to be believed, the airliner crew didn't radio a single word about the supposed jump.

Hmm that is interesting. Any theories as to what is missing?

I would think the pilots would want to go check for an activated bomb as soon as they thought he was gone.

Good post G Jones , commen sense would scream to go look for that bomb the second they felt that bump , i'm almost sure the crew say nobody left the c'pit until touchdown.It's difficult to know for sure with so much rubbish being written online.

One more time:

they searched the back just after landing at Reno,
searched against advice/orders, before anyone
had boarded the plane (this is in the Transcript).

From the transcript alone there are clues to them
looking earlier, twice. You must believe Rataczak
when he says: "We were in full control". The
unspoken part is: "as much as we could be" but
it reflects the consensus attitude of the crew.

Another clue to the attitude of the crew is Tina
turning and looking back at Cooper after he had told
her to go forward 'and not look back'. She paused
and did look back, at the curtain.

The crew was determined and alert, and smart.

There will be more on this later.

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Fwiw my view on Tina: I agree she is not a public figure. Actors, musicians, politicians etc go into their jobs with eyes open about the fact they will be in the public eye. Someone for example willingly giving newspaper and TV interviews about their suspect also puts themselves in the public eye. You don't become an air hostess with the expectation that 40 years later some journalist turns up on your doorstep despite a well-telegraphed desire for privacy.

That said I agree with 377 re his assessment of a 'lawsuit'. Bruce left when asked. He tried to spin the most from his brief encounter that he could, but he didn't force his way in or camp out on her doorstep or anything like that.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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I will now extend my offer to any future suspect. I might even give you odds. I'm so confident that this case is totally screwed that I'll bet against any suspect you can come up with and I'll bet against them blind. .

Only you will understand this:

You bring up decidability. So it is your task to
show this case is "formally undecidable". I said
formally. This shou;ld be good for a dozen more
videos - yes?


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Safe writes:

I believe you can still figure out the case even without a plane location or time of jump. It's far easier if you have these, but the discovery of the money itself is enough to lead you to a reasonable conclusion... unless you start doubting all the inferences from that also.

I'm so confident that this case is totally screwed that I'll bet against any suspect you can come up with and I'll bet against them blind.

Safe, You have spoken wisely.

In my not-very-humble opinion, the location of the money find is the only viable clue that can be used to find anything that may remain of Cooper, the parachutes, the money, and anything else he had with him.

Anyone who takes you up on that bet is going to lose. At this point, only St. Peter knows for sure who Cooper was. St. Peter probably met him about one minute after Cooper departed those airliner stairs.

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Fwiw my view on Tina: I agree she is not a public figure. Actors, musicians, politicians etc go into their jobs with eyes open about the fact they will be in the public eye. Someone for example willingly giving newspaper and TV interviews about their suspect also puts themselves in the public eye. You don't become an air hostess with the expectation that 40 years later some journalist turns up on your doorstep despite a well-telegraphed desire for privacy.

That said I agree with 377 re his assessment of a 'lawsuit'. Bruce left when asked. He tried to spin the most from his brief encounter that he could, but he didn't force his way in or camp out on her doorstep or anything like that.

Trying to lighten this up I say I think Tina will
ONLY respond to "His Hunkyness" after a serenade
from Letterman and a dozen roses? What's your
prescription? (she would respond to you!)

Im not making light of this but ... leave Tina alone!

I will even pull this post if it offends anyone!

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Robert M,
I will reluctantly reply to you because you are one of the few on here that have the slightest bit of common sense.
Check out Chuck Hornsby who helped develop the piggy back reserve. MAYBE HIS FRIEND group. He was x sf. ex marine. He was a Golden Knight in the 60's also. The x military "Friend" group was different then. The breed of men was different then. And they were tight.
He was my father. I asked him about D.B. Cooper in 1992 when I got out of the ARMY. He without hesitation told me it was Christiansen.This was 1992. I never questioned it after that and my father at that point did not care. I do a little bit because I have been


a skydiver for 13 years. How interesting. I don't care if anyone responds but it is what he said many years ago before anyone cared. He also told me that he never left the plane. Eye's wide shut. He did not do this alone. He was not alone on the plane. That is all I know.



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Thank you so much for making those posts regarding the Obtuse actions of One Bruce Smith.

I find it difficult to even think about the dragon he has let loose. As for Tina's location - I KNOW how he got it. NOT from me, but from the only other person I am aware of who knew where she was...he reads this thread, but does not post.

I warned this man about trusting Bruce because I learned about his tactics when I met him. I had talked to Bruce many times and he was kind - unless I was refusing to provide the information he was after. He was really sharp with me 2 or 3 times because I REFUSED to tell him where Tina was.

Then he would quickly drop whatever it was. Yet, he was alway willing to talk if I needed to bend someone's ear. I have no idea what he has written about me, but I am sure it will have his slant on it. I am a brutally honest person - and tell it the way I see it. I might not always be right, but when it comes to judging people I actually have had interaction with personally and eye to eye - maybe it is the age thing - but I read right thru them.

When I met Bruce in WA my gut instinct turned out to be true before the day came to an end.
He was very helpful to me in locating something I had a problem finding and he was polite. It was his little play for getting noticed that bothered me at the Red Lion. As most of you know I made that 15 day trip and kept a very low profile in WA and OR.

He bought my dinner and I knew he really couldn't afford to do so.. Like I said - buy me a glass of wine and I do things - I normally would not do. I was tired and hurting (physically) - and I hate to say no to people when they have been nice to me.

He wanted the waiter to know what I was there for - and this guy was so young he didn't have a clue who Cooper was.:)
Bruce is actually a pretty good writer - it is just his tactics and I think they come from being hungry. He is really a very pleasant man with a boyish face and ways about him. I like Bruce, but he gets pushy and when he doesn't get his way you can see it in his face and hear it in his voice....I don't think this is a trait he means to portray, but when the rent come due you do what you have to do.

He stepped over the line with his exposure of Tina - WAY over!

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Trying to lighten this up I say I think Tina will
ONLY respond to "His Hunkyness" after a serenade
from Letterman and a dozen roses? What's your
prescription? (she would respond to you!)

Im not making light of this but ... leave Tina alone!

I will even pull this post if it offends anyone!

In the same light-hearted way I would respond that Farflung probably has the best chance, because that humor will get through to anyone eventually :)
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Robert M,
I will reluctantly reply to you because you are one of the few on here that have the slightest bit of common sense.
Check out Chuck Hornsby who helped develop the piggy back reserve. MAYBE HIS FRIEND group. He was x sf. ex marine. He was a Golden Knight in the 60's also. The x military "Friend" group was different then. The breed of men was different then. And they were tight.
He was my father. I asked him about D.B. Cooper in 1992 when I got out of the ARMY. He without hesitation told me it was Christiansen.This was 1992. I never questioned it after that and my father at that point did not care. I do a little bit because I have been


been what?

Can you hear me now?


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Robert M,
I will reluctantly reply to you because you are one of the few on here that have the slightest bit of common sense.
Check out Chuck Hornsby who helped develop the piggy back reserve. MAYBE HIS FRIEND group. He was x sf. ex marine. He was a Golden Knight in the 60's also. The x military "Friend" group was different then. The breed of men was different then. And they were tight.
He was my father. I asked him about D.B. Cooper in 1992 when I got out of the ARMY. He without hesitation told me it was Christiansen.This was 1992. I never questioned it after that and my father at that point did not care. I do a little bit because I have been



a skydiver for 13 years. How interesting. I don't care if anyone responds but it is what he said many years ago before anyone cared. He also told me that he never left the plane. Eye's wide shut. He did not do this alone. He was not alone on the plane. That is all I know.



Johnny Ringo, Are you still operating that bar in Tombstone?

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