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I trying to get a passenger list for Flight 305. I don't see it at Sluggo's. Can anyone please share?


I'm looking for confirmation on:

Yes they were on the plane and since the were Federal Employees removed separatedly from the rest of the passengers.

I do NOT know if this is true, but what one of the family members maintains.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Georger this is NOTHING new. I discussed this in the forum - we even had a thread called Pyramid....Quade can help you find this stuff - I just can't do it.

do you mean THIS THREAD you started and to which nobody contributed ?
(slow typer)

That is not the one I was talking about - because I did get involved in a discussion about Pyramid Lake some place else. Yes, I did put out enquires about the area, but only to enquire about the story Duane told me - I was hoping to find a jump background for Duane in that area - SINCE it was one time when he mentions parachutes and know a guy who was a jumper.

Note I was enquiring about this in 2007. I asked the FBI about it from get go - 1997. I have also enquried about this in other places. Duane and Chutes and a man. That is what I know about the area. Something left me with the impression the man was part Indian, he live in a house there and they used to jump - East of the lake.

I thought surely the population there in the 40's and 50's and 60's would not be large. I made many enquires to businesses in the area - but no answers. Most where not there in the above time frame.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Georger also says:


'The sad part is: Gray knows no more than he has been given in many cases and the accuracy of that will be in question. That's the risk people take in writing books of this nature. Still they go ahead...'

According to your philosophy, no one should ever write a book to try and document or explore a historical event. Because nothing would meet your definition of complete accuracy.

You have misinterpreted what I said and meant.

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So any other quick reviews for Geoffrey Gray's book?

IOW......should I download it to my nook? The last book I bought on Cooper I got burned.....My own fault for not reading the description. Oh well...I've wasted $9.99 and 15 minutes on worse, I guess.
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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Once again in a fit of hunkyness, I hunted and gathered the examples of civil aircraft which had aft stairs and when they had them. Because I think people have a right to know if their jet can be hijacked by a crook. Well I am not a crook, but I’m giving everything I got.

So step back and take a look at the long history of aircraft stairs.

Yes, Your Hunkyness - that was a great poster - the best!

It makes the history of the stairwells a LITTLE more acceptable to all of the DORKS who think - Cooper worked at Boeing or that Cooper's grude had to do with Boeing. That particular plane just happened to suit the needs of the jumper and it was available in the area he chose on that day in 1971.

Cooper chose WA state because it was NOT as accessible to law enforcement - making it easier for him to run and to hide (if he survived).

Also - he knew the area very very well - like the back of his hand. He didn't need a map to know where he was when he got on the ground. This little discussed fact was essential to his survival if he made it to the ground alive. His history with the area was not RECENT - meaning someone might not recognize him.

HAS anyone ever wondered why the stewardess had to come out and get their LAST passenger?
Have ALL of you forgotten this one very very important fact?

Was Cooper thinking about backing out?
Was he watching baggage being loaded on that plane or another plane?
Was Cooper boarding last, part of a Plan - if so it was a poorly thought out plan?

The passengers where so busy getting themselves seated and their possession stowed they paid no attention to that last passenger who boarded
and who walked right past all of them.

Did Cooper act normal during that boarding process? I think not. Has anyone ever thought about this - Cooper didn't expect to survive and he was scared.

When the money actually arrived he got Giddy - then he had to finish what he started. I think this is when the REAL fear stepped in.

I think Tina saw the FEAR in his eyes. Tina had already learned enough about this man - to know he was "very SAD man".
Cooper was suicidal.

When their eyes made contact after the money arrived - she saw in his eyes what I now know and understand about Duane Weber - a man whose youth and future was compromised by the system.

He had no HOPE.

Tina's faith guided her to make the only decision her faith and
her religion would allow her to process. She went through the process of the ID's and the questions the FBI kept asking, but in 1979 - she knew Cooper was well and alive, but he had NO idea his visit to the N.W. would shatter her world.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Rockcores - I fail to see how your last post could have upset Snowmman. For the threads benefit here is the post you made.

Aug 7, 2011, 6:24 PM

Post #14 of 14 (29 views)
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Registered: Jul 30, 2011
Posts: 4

Re: [poppenhager] Wisconsin Dells

Howdy Pop, I landed in the trees, near the beach once or twice and also in the lake, on the ski ramp, and between the electrical cables(no juice). On 7-27-69 my log book shows only two jumps on that day, which means that weather canceled one of the jumps. It was the evening jump, and the ceiling was below 2,000' and storm clouds building. John Coppe was pilot and it was you and Roger Wolford, Robbie and me. As I recall you were the first out and Roger followed. My log shows 1,750' for Robbie and me on the next pass. Winds I logged at 8-10. You and Roger had a bigger pair, plus he was the team leader, very competant as yourself, and knew it was his responsibility to make the show. Robbie could have joined you but hung back with me, both knowing the show went on, not to mention they still saw our canopies right over their heads. Tommy Bartlett ,in 1970, got a demo contract with the Calgary Stampede in Alberta, and John Coppe, Roger, Skip Stevenson, and I jumped into the center of the stadium for a week. Opening day, I did a stand-up on the stage next to Tommy who was announcing. A few years later, I spent the winter months in Florida and trained and jumpmastered a friend at Indiantown. I still keep in touch with John Coppe, and he sent me a Christmas letter with a picture of him and your daughters, who I remember as kids packing chutes for money. I guess we have entered geezerhood. Ciao, Dick Clark

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Once again in a fit of hunkyness, I hunted and gathered the examples of civil aircraft which had aft stairs and when they had them. Because I think people have a right to know if their jet can be hijacked by a crook. Well I am not a crook, but I’m giving everything I got.

So step back and take a look at the long history of aircraft stairs.

Yes, Your Hunkyness - that was a great poster - the best!

It makes the history of the stairwells a LITTLE more acceptable to all of the DORKS who think - Cooper worked at Boeing or that Cooper's grude had to do with Boeing. That particular plane just happened to suit the needs of the jumper and it was available in the area he chose on that day in 1971.

Cooper chose WA state because it was NOT as accessible to law enforcement - making it easier for him to run and to hide (if he survived).

Also - he knew the area very very well - like the back of his hand. He didn't need a map to know where he was when he got on the ground. This little discussed fact was essential to his survival if he made it to the ground alive. His history with the area was not RECENT - meaning someone might not recognize him.

HAS anyone ever wondered why the stewardess had to come out and get their LAST passenger?
Have ALL of you forgotten this one very very important fact?

Was Cooper thinking about backing out?
Was he watching baggage being loaded on that plane or another plane?
Was Cooper boarding last, part of a Plan - if so it was a poorly thought out plan?

The passengers where so busy getting themselves seated and their possession stowed they paid no attention to that last passenger who boarded
and who walked right past all of them.

Did Cooper act normal during that boarding process? I think not. Has anyone ever thought about this - Cooper didn't expect to survive and he was scared.

When the money actually arrived he got Giddy - then he had to finish what he started. I think this is when the REAL fear stepped in.

I think Tina saw the FEAR in his eyes. Tina had already learned enough about this man - to know he was "very SAD man".
Cooper was suicidal.

When their eyes made contact after the money arrived - she saw in his eyes what I now know and understand about Duane Weber - a man whose youth and future was compromised by the system.

He had no HOPE.

Tina's faith guided her to make the only decision her faith and
her religion would allow her to process. She went through the process of the ID's and the questions the FBI kept asking, but in 1979 - she knew Cooper was well and alive, but he had NO idea his visit to the N.W. would shatter her world.

Jo, You have my compliments. The above post is a real uplifting piece of fiction with a teaser at the end. Is there going to be a sequel?

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That’s a good question Robert99 and I think it was just issued for the 727. I’ve seen placards in one model of aircraft that say ‘raise flaps to increases brake effectiveness’ which should be true in every aircraft. I’m guessing that someone pranged a plane into some bright yellow taxiway sign and said they couldn’t’ slow the plane and sued. Solution: Place another piece of eye pollution on the instrument panel.

I have not been able to find the AD for the ‘Cooper Vane’ (yet) and have shown little or no personal ambivalence about trapping some panicked ‘head case’ in a plane with me and no way out. I say let em jump.

The enhanced security measurements after 1971 (read getting some) may have rendered the vane superfluous. I don’t know this as fact.

Hmmm…. This may be a training video for Future Coopers looking for that custom made, fully powered jump door.


Here’s a 1966 commercial which broadcasts the features of the new Ozark DC-9.


A 1965 clip of that BAC-111 with a hot stewardess getting pulled into the plane.


These aft stairs were a pretty poorly kept secret thus far.

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377 penned:

“Has hunkiness and nun lust….”

Not to be a dick…. which is code for I’m going to be one anyway.

But the proper spelling is ‘Hunkyness’ not the arcane and androgynous version ‘hunkiness’.

I will go on to add, not to sound like a douche…. which is code for I’m totally going to be one.

Your future use of the word accompanied with correct spelling will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

(How’s that for some Silicon Valley, grey cubicle, passive-aggressive, inter-office communications?)

I just wish there was some sort of mnemonic that could help but there simply is none.

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Warning: Totally off subject. Well...... kinda.


What can I say?....my first thought was of Farflung. Not only did the article make me think of him, but I thought of all he could do with this article in his first anthology. Weber's Law...whoda thunk it...
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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If Cooper survived the jump, after the statute of limitation expires there would be a huge financial incentive to "come out". If he were to claim responsibility I can imagine him selling his story and basking in the glow of out smarting everyone. But that never happened because Cooper was probably a solid citizen with a productive life. I can see him being ashamed of what he did. He was from a generation that did what they were suppose to do. Why would he go off the rails like this? I don't know.

From Wiki:

Statute of limitations

In 1976 discussion arose over impending expiration of the statute of limitations on the hijacking. Most published legal analysis agreed that it would make little difference, as interpretation of the statute varies considerably from case to case and court to court, and a prosecutor could argue that Cooper had forfeited immunity on any of several valid technical grounds. The question was rendered moot in November when a Portland grand jury returned an indictment against "John Doe, aka Dan Cooper" for air piracy and violation of the Hobbs Act. In effect the indictment formally initiated prosecution of the hijacker that can be continued, should he be apprehended, at any time in the future.

Seems like the only thing I've ever read about the SoL is what you mentioned here. I'm not a lawyer, but I thought back in 1971 the only crime that had no SoL was murder and other capitol crimes, so I may be wrong. When I see all the fakes like Weber trying to capitalize, the real DBC had he lived might be tempted to confess just to shutup the trashy redneck people that have lied and continue to lie about family members being involved.

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I do have one question , has anyone that mentioned a bourbon drinker link ever mentioned something more than just bourbon , as in bourbon & .... , on the record i mean as now it's mentioned if it hasnt before i'm sure google will be getting some hits

Bourbon and soda per:


Bourbon and water per:

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377 penned:

“Has hunkiness and nun lust….”

Not to be a dick…. which is code for I’m going to be one anyway.

But the proper spelling is ‘Hunkyness’ not the arcane and androgynous version ‘hunkiness’.

I will go on to add, not to sound like a douche…. which is code for I’m totally going to be one.

Your future use of the word accompanied with correct spelling will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

(How’s that for some Silicon Valley, grey cubicle, passive-aggressive, inter-office communications?)

I just wish there was some sort of mnemonic that could help but there simply is none.

I am officially done reading Farflung's post. He is either mentally challenged or on some sort of mind altering chemicals.

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Jo Wrote:


Yes, Your Hunkyness - that was a great poster - the best!

It makes the history of the stairwells a LITTLE more acceptable to all of the DORKS who think - Cooper worked at Boeing or that Cooper's grude had to do with Boeing. That particular plane just happened to suit the needs of the jumper and it was available in the area he chose on that day in 1971.

Cooper chose WA state because it was NOT as accessible to law enforcement - making it easier for him to run and to hide (if he survived).

Also - he knew the area very very well - like the back of his hand. He didn't need a map to know where he was when he got on the ground. This little discussed fact was essential to his survival if he made it to the ground alive. His history with the area was not RECENT - meaning someone might not recognize him.

HAS anyone ever wondered why the stewardess had to come out and get their LAST passenger?
Have ALL of you forgotten this one very very important fact?

Was Cooper thinking about backing out?
Was he watching baggage being loaded on that plane or another plane?
Was Cooper boarding last, part of a Plan - if so it was a poorly thought out plan?

The passengers where so busy getting themselves seated and their possession stowed they paid no attention to that last passenger who boarded
and who walked right past all of them.

Did Cooper act normal during that boarding process? I think not. Has anyone ever thought about this - Cooper didn't expect to survive and he was scared.

When the money actually arrived he got Giddy - then he had to finish what he started. I think this is when the REAL fear stepped in.

I think Tina saw the FEAR in his eyes. Tina had already learned enough about this man - to know he was "very SAD man".
Cooper was suicidal.

When their eyes made contact after the money arrived - she saw in his eyes what I now know and understand about Duane Weber - a man whose youth and future was compromised by the system.

He had no HOPE.

Tina's faith guided her to make the only decision her faith and
her religion would allow her to process. She went through the process of the ID's and the questions the FBI kept asking, but in 1979 - she knew Cooper was well and alive, but he had NO idea his visit to the N.W. would shatter her world.

Robert99 Stated:

Jo, You have my compliments. The above post is a real uplifting piece of fiction with a teaser at the end. Is there going to be a sequel?

Jo Replies:

Well at least you recognized it for what it was - fiction! It is what I think was going on in his head and how I think Tina may have handled it. If you read Tosaw's book he incorporated the story of Tina and so have others.

Believe me there was NO tease and there is no sequel.

Now down to business: Recently one of the Cooper crazies claimed to have been talking to N.Y. and others (doing interviews).

He is adamant Weber could not be Cooper and several yrs ago - incorporated a lie in his story which I proved was just that - a lie. I have no idea what his source is or was...he has claimed it was the FBI. If the FBI could prove Duane was in jail - does not one of you think they would not have told me this just to get me off their backs.

This person claimed Duane was in Jail in GA on Nov 24 1971, I contacted the county and the state offices. A very nice woman assisted me and the things this man told me are NOT true. Now he is making statements to writers and others.

Yrs ago - by phone and by email I contacted every county and city facility Duane could have been in - these authorities who helped me found NO record of Duane L. Weber or John C. Collins being in a county jail or city jail at that time. Some of this is emails.

Duane's employers had told me they did NOT know where Duane was. Duane and I (as a team)never worked starting a wk before Thanksgiving and until the 2ed wk of January. We delivered policies, but people were NOT talking about buying insurance during the Holidays (this is a known fact in commissioned insurance sales). You make your money and get the business into underwriting so there will be sufficient income produced during Dec and Jan to substain your income.

For those who do not know what underwriting is - that is a process sometimes requiring a physical to get a policy to issue. It may be declined or issued with a rate-up if underwriting finds a reason to do so...such as health or employment. In other words when one depends on commissioned sales you made sure you had enough "paper" in underwriting for those months to substain your income.

This contributor mentioned this a couple of wks ago and just yesterday I found out he was still telling his tale - even after I produced county and city records that indicated otherwise.

I am making it known that anyone publishing a book and or article repeating the claim this man made without showing evidence -( county or city records indicating it was true) - will be sued...and the man who stated made this claim will be sued.
A statement like that is a serious allegation and any responsible writer would validate it before using in a book or article. It is slander by the man making the claim.

Simply math here - if the FBI had proof Duane was in jail - I would have been informed of that. Weber was an ex-con and there would be NO REASON to conceal a confinement during the time of the crime from his wife.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I am officially done reading Farflung's post. He is either mentally challenged or on some sort of mind altering chemicals.

I like Farflung's posts. I'll even indulge his phobias and spell words in a manner that does not perturb his easily rattled self views of gender and masculinity.

He isn't mentally challenged, at least not to USAF standards, so that leaves "mind altering chemicals." He takes a Whuffo attitude about those chemicals, like he owns them. If he was a jumper at my DZ we'd all have a share.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I am making it known that anyone publishing a book and or article repeating the claim this man made without showing evidence -( county or city records indicating it was true) - will be sued...and the man who stated made this claim will be sued.
A statement like that is a serious allegation and any responsible writer would validate it before using in a book or article. It is slander by the man making the claim.

Yawn. Look up the term "vexatious litigant" Jo. You have to actually file a lot of meritless suits to be labeled as a vexatious litigant. You just threaten them.

Go ahead and file every suit you've threatened. You will be searching dumpsters for aluminum cans to sell to pay your legal bills. You won't have enough money to buy food much less make the Medicare co-pays.

Just stop the suit threats. You aren't going to sue anybody and nobody is going to sue you. Either or both would be a stupid waste of money.

Forget litigation. Threaten to write a book or screenplay. At least there is a possible upside on that activity.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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When I see all the fakes like Weber trying to capitalize, the real DBC had he lived might be tempted to confess just to shutup the trashy redneck people that have lied and continue to lie about family members being involved.

Excuse me - did you just call me a trashy redneck? Why don't you Identify yourself. Don't call individuals who have made themselves vunerable to others by coming forward - this is the very reason Cooper will never be found.

I came forward only after 5 yrs of talking to the FBI and I have never asked for one dime and I have never taken one dime. I am not in the classification with Marla Cooper who already had a book going before she even went public.

I am a real person with a real life that was basically destroyed by Cooper. Identify yourself or delete your post calling me a name NO one has EVER CALLED me. To call me something like that is not acceptable. WHY DON't you expose yourself.
You yourself do NOT understand a simple law about the statues -the fact that Himmelsbach made sure if ever Cooper was known he would go to prison - that he could not benefit from coming forward or get off due to statue of limitations.

I have never benefited or made one penny off of this - and I am nor redneck liar. Meet me face to face with that and tell me I am lieing after you spend wks going thru the files I have. Call me that when you know my background and who I am. I maybe many things but I have will never be a redneck liar.

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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YOU are saying anyone can write anything about anyone with no consequences. That a man can lie to individuals and those individuals can write this as fact when it is a lie.

How did McCoys wife sue Calame?
They told a lies that implicated her - and made other untruths about McCoy.

This man has been told what he claimed was investigated and yet he keeps right on claiming Weber was in jail during Nov of 1971...he does everything he can do to discount the truths.

Prove Duane was NOT Cooper without a lie - the same way I am trying to prove he was Cooper by telling the truth.

Explain to me why Pat91 who does not give a location or Identify herself would accuse me of making money on this or accuse me of being a Redneck Lair. She has never spoke to me or been in my home - she could not understand what you tried to explain to her about the statue of limitations and this person can call me names in this thread.

REDNECK is an insult and show me where I have made any money off of this. It has cost me my health and cost me in income - it destroyed my career, because it was based on trust.
Yet, some one who does NOT ID themselves has rights to call others names and insulting names at that.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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It has taken me several days to read through all the messages in this thread, and the previous DB Cooper thread here. It may have caused me permanant damage.

I am completely flabbergasted. This incident was the perfect storm of ambiguity. Every media article or video on the subject seems to contradict the basic facts in the transcripts and available crew interviews.

Statements about Cooper from the FBI about what they suspect his experience was don't even match up to the persons that they chose to investigate. Whatever information is being held back, can't be of much value. It seems madness to try and make any sense of any of this.

But I am left wondering a few things, and apologies if this information was already presented or discussed here:

What happened to the report from Tom Kaye on the test results from Tena Bar? Did I somehow miss it? There's no mention of the investigation at all on his web site.

Why else would Cooper take the paper bag into the lavatory with him if it didn't contain essential supplies that he didn't want to be separated from?

If a rig is found, is Earl Cossey the only living person who can positively identify it? If he was never sure of what chute was inside the reserve in the first place, how could he verify it anyway?

Could the seemingly common name Dan Cooper have been taken from the starring secret agent role in this 1966 Italian film? http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0377334/

Were any clues found in the orifices of the exhumed dog? Or did I miss that as well.

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