Jim_Hooper 4 #1 August 1, 2008 Well done, Quade - Having just sent off my latest book to the publisher and already hard at work to meet the deadline on the next one, I should probably thank you for giving me an excuse to impose a little time-management discipline. Dipping into dz.com from time to time for a spot of self-indulgent nostalgia has been fun, but it’s time to re-evaluate. The plain fact is, when non-too-bright bores with BO who have never contributed to the sport are allowed to dominate a thread – despite the objections of 90% of the skydivers here – then something is clearly out of balance. It would have been a simple matter to give it a different category, away from real skydivers. Therefore, I must ask you to ban/bar/delete my details from the site. Personal integrity and good taste preclude my accepting even the most tenuous association with people who can only be described as pathetic parasites. Best regards, Hoop D4019 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Squeak 17 #2 August 1, 2008 Jim all the personal info on this site is put there by you, in your profile You can delete all of it your selfYou are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky) My Life ROCKS! How's yours doing? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NickDG 23 #3 August 1, 2008 Simmer down, Hoop . . . And don't leave either. There aren't enough of us graybeards here already. Besides, hasn't it been like forever we've been dealing with townies? It's actually sort of realistic they're here. Now all we need is a few virtual Farmer McNastys and this place will be complete . . . NickD Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JerryBaumchen 1,389 #4 August 1, 2008 Hi Hoop, Take a long breath and stay with us; you're a breath of fresh air amongst all the pollution. JerryBaumchen Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
diablopilot 2 #5 August 1, 2008 Don't leave us alone with THEM! I'm scared....... ---------------------------------------------- You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Niki1 1 #6 August 1, 2008 Jim, I agree with Nick and Jerry. I hope you stay around and keep posting. There are few engough literate people here as it is. I always enjoy your comments, It appears as though Quade doesn't understand or recognize the difference between talking about the subject of a thread (He Who Must Not Be Named) and talking about the thread itself and the people with 2 digit IQs who post there. Well, Fuck him. How's that for an intelligent, reasoned argument? Personally, I don't believe that everyone is entitled to an opinion. If sone one doesn't know what they're talking about, in spite of the facts available, their opinion is just itellectual polution in the same class as the check-out lines tabloids. That's just my opinion. Anyway Jim, I hope to continue to see your thougts, comments, and yes, your opinions.Most of the things worth doing in the world had been declared impossilbe before they were done. Louis D Brandeis Where are we going and why are we in this basket? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
piper17 1 #7 August 1, 2008 Jim, Hope you hang around. I wounldn't hold your breath waiting for them to take down "DB Cooper" as I imagine that the number of hits it helps bring to the site helps sell advertising. It's all about the money."A man can never have too much red wine, too many books, or too much ammunition"...Rudyard Kipling Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
quade 4 #8 August 1, 2008 QuoteIt appears as though Quade doesn't understand or recognize the difference between talking about the subject of a thread (He Who Must Not Be Named) and talking about the thread itself and the people with 2 digit IQs who post there. Really? Then I think you need to read the rules and perhaps what the original poster wrote in that thread. I'm not going to put up with people making inflammatory posts simple for the sake of doing it and THAT is why THAT thread was locked. If you want to discuss the merits of whether or not DB Cooper is or is not "worthy" of inclusion into the very broad category of what does and does not constitute "history" or "trivia", then perhaps you can do a quick look in a dictionary. The threads, sections and entire site does NOT belong to any single group of posters; skydivers, grey beards, newbies or simply the curious. THE reason the thread exists and our desire to keep it contained to a single thread is so that we can manage it and to allow other discussions to continue without people having to read it if they don't want to. If you don't like the thread, then don't read it. Quote Well, Fuck him. How's that for an intelligent, reasoned argument? Whatever.quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jim_Hooper 4 #9 August 1, 2008 Lest there be any confusion about my position on this: I would not consider putting my posts in that nauseous thread. There are parallel threads aplenty that don't provoke shutting one down in favor of another, which makes your determination to censor skydivers in favor of non-skydivers on a skydiving website utterly incomprehensible. None of those parasitic warts has made the first contribution to the sport. It's time for someone to exercise integrity by taking a public stand - and the consequences. Please do as I ask and cancel my membership. Many thanks. Hooper Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jim_Hooper 4 #10 August 1, 2008 THE reason the thread exists and our desire to keep it contained to a single thread is so that we can manage it and to allow other discussions to continue without people having to read it if they don't want to. Really? Well, this graybeard can't follow the logic of that at all. Seems to me it could be contained in its own little fantasist category outside History and Trivia, where it would be out of sight and thus marginally less offensive. Why, out of basic courtesy to the vast majority here, this has not been done indicates contempt for those who find the mere sight of it so loathsome. Hooper Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
quade 4 #11 August 1, 2008 If we removed or put into "special" sections every post someone found "the mere sight of it so loathsome", we'd have a very strange looking web site. Sorry, that's just not feasible based on thousands of people's individual tastes. It just doesn't work like that.quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jim_Hooper 4 #12 August 1, 2008 reply]If we removed or put into "special" sections every post someone found "the mere sight of it so loathsome", we'd have a very strange looking web site. Sorry, that's just not feasible based on thousands of people's individual tastes. It just doesn't work like that. Given the various other categories already in existence and the fury this particular thread generates, your argument is uneducated, illogical, self-serving and indefensible. IT IS NOT A SKYDIVING SUBJECT. (If you are unsure on this point, have a look in Webster's.) Locking down the DB Cooper was... thread to stifle debate simply demonstrated your arrogance and cowardice. Or can it be that you find the Cooperists intellectually stimulating? I'm beginning to suspect that you actually see them and the subject as interesting. Well, twittering birds of a feather, I guess. Your PM that only Sangiro has the authority to delete my account means you need to have him do exactly that. Immediately. Otherwise, whenever the spirit so moves me I will make an issue out of the non-skydiving morons - your obvious intellectual confreres - that you allow to pollute this site. Hooper Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ckret 0 #13 August 1, 2008 Hooper, I find you to be amazing, thank you for your contribution. We all need examples in life and your a great one. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mnealtx 0 #14 August 1, 2008 Quotereply]If we removed or put into "special" sections every post someone found "the mere sight of it so loathsome", we'd have a very strange looking web site. Sorry, that's just not feasible based on thousands of people's individual tastes. It just doesn't work like that. Given the various other categories already in existence and the fury this particular thread generates, your argument is uneducated, illogical, self-serving and indefensible. IT IS NOT A SKYDIVING SUBJECT. (If you are unsure on this point, have a look in Webster's.) Locking down the DB Cooper was... thread to stifle debate simply demonstrated your arrogance and cowardice. Or can it be that you find the Cooperists intellectually stimulating? I'm beginning to suspect that you actually see them and the subject as interesting. Well, twittering birds of a feather, I guess. Your PM that only Sangiro has the authority to delete my account means you need to have him do exactly that. Immediately. Otherwise, whenever the spirit so moves me I will make an issue out of the non-skydiving morons - your obvious intellectual confreres - that you allow to pollute this site. Hooper Melodrama much? First - the rules apply to EVERYONE that posts here - there's no "special rules" that only apply for skydivers (or non-skydivers). Perhaps you should re-read them. Second - you're confusing your USER ACCOUNT and your PROFILE. The USER ACCOUNT has to be deleted by Sangiro, evidently. The information in your PROFILE (your original whine in your OP) was put in by YOU and can be removed by YOU. Lastly - you don't have the right to not be offended. If you don't like a thread, don't read it.Mike I love you, Shannon and Jim. POPS 9708 , SCR 14706 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jim_Hooper 4 #15 August 1, 2008 It is always satisfying when dullards unwittingly prove my point. Hooper Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Greene 0 #16 August 1, 2008 Jim, Of your 140 posts to DZ.com you have posted 138 to SHT forum, and two posts to general skydiving. Interesting. You may think that since you are an "old timer" that you have earned "a right of entitlement" to the SHT forum, and the right to censor "your forum" for content that you do not like.I personally find the Cooper discussion entertaining, and at times interesting. I further assure you that I do not have BO, nor am I a nerd with nothing better to do. I am a professional and work everyday. I just find it disturbing when someone tries to control what I read! Aren't you an author? Well, shame on you for trying to censor something that you do not like personally. How can you state that it is not about skydiving? You well know that every drop zone in the country was interviewed by the FBI I agree with you that the hijacking was NOT skydiving, but skydiving was most certainly affected by his unlawful caper. Read the thread "another black eye for skydiving" in a forum that you do not visit. DP Cooper DID leave a black eye on skydiving. Do you think that I, like reading a thread about "do you want to see a naked man in all his glory"? Nope. Do you think I like to read about "boobies" for extra altitude? Nope. Do you think I like to read about certain posters "stalking" ? Nope! Do I read or open them? NOPE! If you don't like a thread, mark it read and move on. Lighten up a bit I am NOT Jim West, I am his wife Lee, and, I, like Jim are still very active in the skydiving world. Are you? Skies blue, LEE WEST,!!!!!! always the poster on DZ.com Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billabx 1 #17 August 2, 2008 Jim, I'll add my voice to the chorus encouraging you to stick around. Fact is, you were around and involved in a lot of the history (and more than a little of the trivia) that this forum is about. I'm constantly (and pleasantly, for the most part) surprised by the number of acquaintences that are active here. The internet and forums like this are, by nature, open to almost anyone and we get the bad (and banal) along with the good. You've spent a lot of time in chaotic war zones. Just think of this another one. To paraphrase, "Don't let the a-holes get you down!" Bill Sutton D9546, FB705 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jim_Hooper 4 #18 August 2, 2008 Actually, as I've already made abundantly clear, I heartily endorse your right to comment. To wit: Dropzone.com is a clever idea, an enticing venue for skydivers to air all sorts of topics. But when non-skydivers arrogantly treat it as their own, not least because those it was designed for are too polite to tell ‘em to hit the road, then a problem is generated, one that becomes increasingly divisive. Especially so when it’s clear that their ‘contributions’ (inevitably larded with poor grammar, worse syntax, and flabby thinking) are sad efforts to draw attention to themselves in the company of people who, unlike themselves, actually understand the mechanics of aviation, parachute equipment, freefall, and meteorology. It’s those who do grasp those subjects, through the expenditure of time, passion, money and effort, that have earned (yes, earned is the right word) the right to contribute. So I'd say you are more than entitled and welcome your objections to my views - as strongly and as loudly as you wish to make those objections. Especially so as they are couched in good, lucid prose. I'm not the one doing the censoring; it's the moderator for locking down a thread to cut off dissent. And no, I am not active anymore. But my modest contributions to skydiving do provide a modicum of experience noticeably absent in those described in the first part of the previous paragraph. So fight your corner, and blue skies and smooth engines to you. Hooper Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Greene 0 #19 August 2, 2008 Everyone of us "ole timers" know and respect who and what you have done for skydiving in the past. The skydiving world changes, and you must be able to change with the new ways. DZ.com is open to everyone who wishes to make comments as long as they fall in HH's rules. To call non skydivers arrogantly thinking that the forum is for them only, we could then apply that to you, as thinking the the forum is for only us the "old farts". You, nor I, control DZ.com. You got angry at a moderator that locked a thread posted by you about your unhappiness with the DP Cooper thread was out of line on your part. Simple, just don't ever read it again! That would simply make it easier on everyone. Skies blue Lee Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jim_Hooper 4 #20 August 2, 2008 To call non skydivers arrogantly thinking that the forum is for them only, we could then apply that to you, as thinking the the forum is for only us the "old farts". The last time I looked, it was called dropzone.com. I enjoyed the SHT forum now and then for its reminders of good times by folks I've liked and admired for decades; all commenting on subjects relative to skydiving. The thread I object to deals with with a non-skydiver and is dominated by non-skydivers, few of whom know what they're talking about. Troglodytes you wouldn't invite through your front door. (Or, at least, I and lots of others here wouldn't.) You got angry at a moderator that locked a thread posted by you about your unhappiness with the DP Cooper thread was out of line on your part. Wrong again. It wasn't my thread at all, though I enthusiastically contributed to it. What puzzles me is your taking me to task for wanting it moved elsewhere, yet make no criticism of a cowardly quade for locking a separate anti-cooperist thread. Which position would you say smacks the greater of limiting free expression? And, on a skydiving website, whose views are being censored - non-skydivers or skydivers? Your interpretation of the facts and sense of proportion are wayyy out of balance. Hooper Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andy9o8 2 #21 August 2, 2008 Let's say, for the sake of discussion, that you're more right than not (although I'm not taking sides). As an "easily indignant", yet middle-aged, person myself, I respectfully suggest that you're letting your anger get the better of you; and the stridency of the public out-calling is a bit unseemly. Time to take a deep breath and just move on. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jim_Hooper 4 #22 August 2, 2008 Andy - fair comment. Call it an advocacy on behalf of the similarly-minded. Wide-spread advice on simply not reading the offending thread is equally fair comment. Thing is, I haven't in months. When I did last year, there was a fascination probably akin to visitors to Bedlam, the first mental institution in Victorian England. There was this startling impression of drooling maladroits (none whom I recognized as a skydiver) squealing, shrieking and moaning about where a particularly tasty turd had gone. Even now, I see the thread and am reminded of a swelling pustule and the foreign bodies fermenting therein. Unseemly? Duly noted, my learned friend. Hooper Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pilotdave 0 #23 August 3, 2008 Speaking of history and trivia, rec.skydiving still exists (you might remember it from the olden days... the 90s). No non-skydivers there. Oh wait... never mind. Dave Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Usetawuz 1 #24 August 3, 2008 Shake it off Hoop. Just shake it off, and stick around! _________________________________________ The older I get, the better I was! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gjhdiver 0 #25 August 4, 2008 QuoteIt is always satisfying when dullards unwittingly prove my point. Hooper I've said it before, and I'll say it again. dropzone.com has the most uneven and ineffectual moderation of any site that I've ever been subscribed to. The application of any rules seem arbitrary at best, and mostly dependent on who is posting, and whatever moderator is bothered to get involved. I gave up on any consistency in it years ago. I just ignore it, post and read what I like, and let them deal with it if they can be bothered. It's not worth getting excited about.... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites