
freefly - start

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I just started practicing freeflying. After I got sitflying sussed I'm trying to fly head down. But somehow I always end up on my back... I asked the experienced people @ my DZ for advice (bodyposition, arms/legs, etc.) but they all say "jump, try & find it out on your own"...
Can anybody out there tell me something more than this...?

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I'm sure not a person to be asking about this, but I got some advice this weekend and will share, but don't rely on this/try it without getting further advice from somebody who knows what they are doing (I do not)
The person I was talking to asked if I could walk on my hands, said this helps out the learning process, so I'm working on that now. Another thing he suggested was getting an experienced freeflyer to lawndart me.. by holding onto my mudflaps and dragging into a proper head down attitude so I could see and feel what it was like. Finally, he criticised me for practicing hd without an audible. Again, get advice from somebody who actually knows what they are doing, and this thread might do better in the FreeFlying forum.
~Captain Cutaway
I can disassemble a rig in less than 5 seconds...

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well I can HD not bad but definitely not walk on my hands....... (well, except by placing my palms on the floor and then stepping on the backs of my hands, but I guess that's not what you meant.)
the lawn-darting bit is good advice though....

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