
Another memory picture from old old Spaceland

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Quit trying to make us sad. Here's one I like, proof that BASE was formulated at Spaceland...

That's a Jerry Bird suit, isn't it?
If some old guy can do it then obviously it can't be very extreme. Otherwise he'd already be dead.
Bruce McConkey 'I thought we were gonna die, and I couldn't think of anyone

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G'day Phil!

Wow - I have that photo of Cathy in our SPX photo book from the 80's also. Either I took it(?) or I liked Cathy too much, from afar... :)
What's up these days with you and Cathy? Michelle and I are fine, kids 20 and 17 and all doing well, not many jumps these days.

Those other shots I just saw of the dismembered 927BA carcass just spin back lots of great memories, depsite the lack of wings and wheels.


Aussie Dave

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Howdy Dave,

You may have taken the photo, can’t remember, but I love it. After almost twenty years together Kathy and I went separate ways; my loss. Most of my jumping now is lower level on a windsurfer, but the body is getting tired of that beating. I always thought skydiving is something I could return to in old age. Good to hear from you, and I still intend to get down under one day. Here is another Spaceland pic from early 80s… Take care

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G'day again Phil

Make sure you look us up when you get down here - get me on david.parsons@adelaide.edu.au

Have you caught the great pics and things on Facebook over the last month or two? A whole range of photos from Houston Gulf SPX days, great memories and people.

Kim Jenkins got is started, but it snowballed really quick.

David P

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The aerial photo is what Houston Gulf Airport looks like NOW. Follow the back arrow pointing sub division NW, and you'll see it's GONE. No runway. What used to be open fields for out landings are all houses.

Sorry about the FB link.
Russell M. Webb D 7014
Attorney at Law
713 385 5676

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