
Darbydale, Ohio 1960s (Columbus Skydivers)

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For those who remember (and those who do not) the first Columbus Skydivers DZ in Darbydale, here's an animated GIF alternating an aerial view I took of the DZ in 1965 with a Google Earth view of the same area these days:

I've scanned about 150 pictures taken at the DZ back then (12 MB total). If anyone wants them just let me know and I'll email them your way. I'm at paw@wirelessbeehive.com.

Patrick Wiggins
USPA Lifer 444

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I remember going to a water jump "meet" in 1967 at a place I believe was called "Wildwood Lake." I believe it was hosted by this same group.
I don't care how many skydives you've got,
until you stepped into complete darkness at
800' wearing 95 lbs of equipment and 42 lbs
of parachute, son you are still a leg!

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When I started jumping with the Columbus Skydivers Billy Cook didn't have his DZ anymore. The only other DZ around Columbus was in a place called Grist Mill started by Gene Taylor and someone named Steve.

The DZ in Darbydale was on Norton Road, now there's a Fire Department and houses. I found concrete pieces of the club house foundation in the ditch by the road when I went back there in 1987. Google Earth shows more houses now and you can see what used to be the entrance to the DZ.

When I was visiting Green County in Xenia Ohio in July 2007 Jim West told me the Columbus Skydivers had a reunion at his DZ in 2006.
I Jumped with the guys who invented Skydiving.

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