
Ground Rush

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I had a stage of continually pulling low.............. my groundrush experiences were desensitised and i would only experience ground rush lower than 1500ft............ I have started pulling high again (2,500) and my mind is back in experiencing groundrush from this height.
Re: Time Slows down! - yep - i was in freefall at 800ft and the ground rush was intense..... time slows, the universe expands and you have a beautiful feeling of being alive and living in the moment............. I believe if I go in.......... its wont be scarey ...... it will be a beautiful experience that deserves to be savoured.................
Live life Fast N Hard!
"In a world where we are slaves to gravity I am pleased to be a freedom fighter"

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Hey 3,
I used to enjoy a similar feeling climbing above clouds. Jumping in the UK I used to get a kick from 'cloud rush'. Its a lot safer than ground rush. You can pick out your shadow, and its rainbow corona, watch it rush up towards you, and you can't fail to hit that wee circular rainbow smack bang in the middle.B|

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The absolutely best on cloud rush is your shadow growing bigger and bigger till it's exploding at you :-) Man, I'm so happy to be allowed to jump through clouds - otherwise I wouldn't have made a third of my jumps last year...
blues Marcus
Veni, Vidi, Velcro - I came, I saw, I stuck around ;-)

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It would be an interesting test to see when the ground rush really starts to happen without you actually having to experience it.

I don't think that if it were shot on IMAX that it would be quite the same experience, BUT . . . there is a film out there just about like you've described.
A guy made a "camera bomb" and dropped it from 30,000 feet. From what I recall the guy went through several versions before coming up with a design that would survive the impact.
Lemme check around a little today and I know I can find it. It would definately be worth having on the web sites, but I think the guy wants money to do so.

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I've had ground rush a few times.
Once at 8000 feet, as I was doing a solo sunset jump. Simple jump, belly down. Just lieing ont the air watching the earth come up to me. It was weird battleing with myself telling myself that there's nothing wrong, that I was not in trouble, etc.
Another time I had ground rush was at 700 feet under my stiletto, as I was diving towards the roof of a hanger at Morris.
A third kind of ground rush was downwinding a heatwave the first time I demo'd it.
They were all fun.
As for the "why's" of ground rush, aren't we maybe deconstructing it a bit too much? Isn't it enough to say that it's that feeling you get when you think you're about to burn in, weather that fear is realistic or not?
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I should've known DOB was involved with that :) He's ALWAYS throwing something out of a plane..... I never did understand the cow tho.......
I'm prettysure they have one of those bombs in Manifest
Make up your own ending,let me know just how you feel....

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Wow, you said it!! I love jumping around clouds. One of the best jump's I've ever had was a sunset load with some light cloud cover moving in. I didn't go straight thru, but I got a really cool rush effect from the clouds and looking across the horizon as it disapears for 3 or four secs was way cool.

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