
Skydiving pigs

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It's an "un-natural" act for humans yet we seem to enjoy it. Why not let the pigs decide?!

I haven't seen any standing in line for Tandem jumps, so I think they have decided. ;)

Kevin K.
Dude, you are so awesome...
Can I be on your ash jump ?

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There used to be a guy in North Georgia who would take his python on jumps. It was big too! I never could figure out just how much the snake enjoyed it but the owner was convinced it did. All I saw was that thing laying dead still in the grass after every jump.


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September, 1976. The same issue has Andy Keech's story about that new-fangled invention, the hand-deployed pilot chute. Truffer's note decribes the inventor as "a barefoot waterskier, and for whatever it means, has a quieting effect on furry animals and reptiles.

Good to see you at The Center of the World.


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Many years ago there was a raunchy riddle going around Raeford, and the clubs at Ft. Bragg:

"What's the difference between a skydiver and a pig?"

Anyone remember?

A pig won't stay out all night trying to fuck a skydiver!


And the follow-up:

What the difference between a skydiver and a pizza?


~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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Monkey on a static line?
In the early 60's the old military riggers at TriState told the story of the Monkey on the Static Line. These riggers included Frank Schoch, a veteren of D Day (82nd Airborne) who told me the story. The DZ pet was a Cupuchin Monkey, known for their intellegence. They tried to teach it to pack B4's but all it wanted was bananas. They figured it should at least earn its wings so they fixed up a little harness, containe, a drag chute, rigged with a static line. To the best of my knowledge, the canopy was unmodified and no reserve was used..
The Capucin was put out on static line and the canopy deployed normally. However, the Monkey soon did what monkeys do, but that no one had thought of. The monkey started climbing, up the suspension lines and went from 'full slip' to streamer in short order.
I understand from Frank that they gave the parachuting primate a military burial, with his wings, that he earned the 'hard' way.
I once told this story to a girl I was dating, on one of our first dates. She was horrified and angry. That relationship didn't last.

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