
Daryl Henry article "Command the Commander" online

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I long wanted to find a copy of the Command the Commander article that Daryl Henry wrote for Parachutist magazine in 1965. (He's a Canadian accuracy champion who has lived in the US for many years.) It seems to have been talked about for years, so is worth preserving.

It's about how to fly the ParaCommander well.

At my request, Daryl's old teammate Ernie Mueller (from the '66 worlds I think) got Daryl to make scans of the article and pass them on for turning into a PDF and uploading, which I did at:


There's another article of his there too, Advanced Precision, which appeared in 1964. That was more about flying the 7TU, as the ParaCommander had only just appeared. Daryl says he tried to call the article "An Advance to Precision", but the editors changed it on him.

The Command the Commander article also has a few nice old advertisements on the pages, for Para-Gear, Security, Midwest Parachute Sales, and the PCA.

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Thanks Peter,

Both are great reading.

Command the Commander came out the year I started jumping. That was back when I was young enough to take landing down-wind, and at the time almost liked it. These days, with only one good landing gear under me I use a the into-the-wind butt slid landing. No Blue Ribbons for butt slides these days, but the beer is still the same after jumping.

Dennis Henley

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Around the time this article came out I met Daryl at skydive Talf; Art Armstrong was having a $1,000 first price accuracy meet and I was a new jumper, 17 yearls old and met him the weekend of the contest, he took the $1,000 prize home with him to Canada, nice guy.

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