
Hammond LA 1967

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Started jumping in '66 in north Mississippi. First jump was an exhibition jump into an Arkansas lake. Things were pretty loose back then. :)

Went to Hammond, LA the following year to learn how with Leon & Prissy Riche. Got my C-4741, then on to Vietnam for Uncle.

Does anyone know of Jeff Russell? One of the early D license holders. He was a great friend of mine when I didn't know my ass from a hole in the ground at 18. Some say I still don't know my ass from a hole in the ground at 62.

Does anyone know what happened to Prissy Riche...Leon's wife.

Any info about this guy really appreciated!

Bill Catalina

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Jeff Russell was in New York City for some time working as a pro photog. The last time I communicated with him was about 1990. No comms since.

Prissy died of cancer about 1990-92. She and Leon had split many years prior. Leon was in MO about 1999-2000. He flipped out over Jesus and became an "preacher."

I was Leon's jumpmaster and pilot from 1966 to 1969.

Mike Marcon

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Thanks for writing. Bill Deli told me about Prissy. That was one person I wanted to see again & was very sorry to hear about her death!

Leon a Preacher? :) I wonder what he's going to be next?

If you want to give me your address, I'll be glad to send you a DVD of my Hi-8 movies I made of Southern Parachute Center in the Fall of '67 when I was down there. I have not had them converted yet but will do so soon. You're in a couple of scenes.

I plan to computer edit it, do some stop scenes for better viewing, a little music & include some scans of a bunch of black & whites that Jeff took of everybody.

If you ever reach Jeff again, please tell him to be in touch.

I spent 2 1/2 years in Vietnam, got out & went to flight school & been a professional pilot ever since. All bush work, Twin Otters in Africa for oil companies & UN.

Got a question I've always wanted answered. Why did Leon & Prissy always ask me to go to the M & Smell to get coffee? Wouldn't a coffee pot have done a lot better job as it was almost cold when I got back. I've been thinking about that for the past 45 years so please tell me. :)

Do you ever hear from Ito Iglesias anymore? Don't ask me how in hell I remembered that name!

Take care, good to hear from you.

Bill Catalina

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Bill! How the hell are you? Hope you come back and see this.

Addy is: 1310 Browns Store Rd., Heathsville, VA 22473

Would love to see that footage.

Not sure about the coffee thing. I wasn't paying attention. I spent a lot of time back then planning and plotting pussy raids back then. Funny, I was just telling the wife about all the time spent at M&Ms eating lunches on the cuff.

Ito? No contact. No idea where or what what's going on there.

I've tried to look Jeff up a number of times since '92 when I last communicated with him. No joy whatsoever.

Help me put a better face on you. Were you from the Hammond area. Sorry, but I hit 66 on 4/4/11 and details are getting fuzzy.

Take care. Mike

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I was the guy who had a speech problem...that's why I went into salvage diving in the Army...figured I wouldn't need to talk. Haha!

Anyway, I worked at Tuttles, slept in your trailer for about 4 months before leaving for the Army late December of '67. You never would let me have any warm air from your room so I had to sleep under parachutes. Don't worry, I've forgiven you but I did freeze my ass off, especially when I took a shower in those outdoor toilets.

You were a tough old bird & probably still are. I'll get to those videos very soon. Bill Deli also wants a copy & I'm going to insert some black & white pics that Jeff took of everything. I kept them in a nice album over the years & there still in like-new shape. I've got your address...Thanks & take care.

Bill Catalina

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Bill, I remember you now. Sorry about hogging the heat. I cracked up when I saw that. Sorry I had not responded to this sooner but I don't check in on this forum as much as I probably should.

It might interest you that I'm almost ready to publish a new book, "Red Beans & Ripcords." It contains a number of memories of the SPC and Leon. I'll make a grander announcement when its released in a few weeks.

Oh! "Tough old bird?" There are some that say that's still the case. Just ask my wife, children and seven grandkids. Ha!

Later, Mike

Outside e-mail is mbmarcon@yahoo.com

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Does anyone know of Jeff Russell? One of the early D license holders. He was a great friend of mine when I didn't know my ass from a hole in the ground at 18. Some say I still don't know my ass from a hole in the ground at 62.

Bill Catalina

I have a couple of logbook entries signed off by Jeff when he was jumping around Madison, WI, in the summer/fall of 1971 (I think he was doing something at the university at the time). He signed as "J. A. Russell, D-1031/USPA IE-71." Great guy, as I remember.

I actually beat him on a beer jump with a 1' strike just at dusk on September 12, 1971. Beer never tasted so good.

Lost track of him (and a lot of other jump buddies) after that.


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