
Cut out the 'push the DB Cooper thread down' posts??

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I know it's all fun but maybe it is getting a little excessive, people making posts just to get the DB Cooper thread away from the top of the list. That's been a popular diversion in the last little while.

That thread is just so popular that the tactic can only succeed for a brief time. To try to do it all the time, we'll basically be spamming our own little forum every day -- harming ourselves while doing little meaningful to the DB Cooper thread. Self destructive spite.

Here in History & Trivia we don't have an excessive number of posts, so we've always been a little more free to play around and have fun, chat with each other, make comments that aren't absolutely necessary, and so on.

So if people have had their fun, I'm hoping that there's enough agreement that we can all go back to ignoring the DB Cooper thread (or whatever you personally like to do).

Lets get back to legitimate stuff here -- old time skydiving tales, explanations of how vintage gear was used, plus the occasional tale of jumping the old stuff once again....

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Really the DBCooper people should have their own forum here on DZ.com, if it is going to continue. That way they can start new threads on different tangents and the such. It would keep things running faster and cleaner.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I mentioned that about a year ago:P
Those folks need interventionB|

There are some of them who are dedicated researchers and really into doing the investigation well. Even helping out the FBI. Then there are some who have serious mental illness and were duped by a con artist.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I know it's all fun but maybe it is getting a little excessive, people making posts just to get the DB Cooper thread away from the top of the list. That's been a popular diversion in the last little while.


I don't have a clue about what your talking about:) I've started a number of threads recently and IMO they are all legit and in the spirit of the tittle of the forum. They have even had some positive unforseen benifits for some of us. No friends with benifits, don't need it or want it.


That thread is just so popular that the tactic can only succeed for a brief time. To try to do it all the time, we'll basically be spamming our own little forum every day -- harming ourselves while doing little meaningful to the DB Cooper thread. Self destructive spite.


I respectivily disagree I'll let the Last two weeks or who knows how far back it goes of posts in the DB cooper thread speak for themselves.

A lot of the noise in the subject thread is what it is and the green Hat that warned against it in the first post of the thread Has chosen to allow it continue. It's well within his authority to do so:).

Speakers corner is another challenging forum to moderate but their moderator is more reactive and has had to step in more than a few times to try and herd the cats in the right direction. It could be a very easy job if the Mod chose to ignore it.


Here in History & Trivia we don't have an excessive number of posts, so we've always been a little more free to play around and have fun, chat with each other, make comments that aren't absolutely necessary, and so on



So if people have had their fun, I'm hoping that there's enough agreement that we can all go back to ignoring the DB Cooper thread (or whatever you personally like to do).


For some unknown reason:ph34r: SC has their own forum. They discuss numerous subjects that are forbidden to be discussed anywhere else with very little agreement, start calling ea other names etc etc until a mod steps in With a gentle reminder. "This is your one warning".Some people choose to respect that, and the ones that don't eventually get banned for a while.


Lets get back to legitimate stuff here -- old time skydiving tales, explanations of how vintage gear was used, plus the occasional tale of jumping the old stuff once again....

I agree but that really doesn't mean anything. Some folks have tried to set a example by coming up with some creative threads. With the knowledge base in this forum I know I've beeen reminded of things I've forgotten and uncovered some real gems. Pi whats pi?

The boiler plate in the Littlle blue book is a snapshot in time of the history of our sport that imo s priceless.

In only 80 jumps you may qualify for your class C liscense

The dashboard for belly warts and the pic of the profile alti is B|

I agree a "bump" isn't very creative but the mods don't seem to have a problem with itB|. There in charge not us. :)
One Jump Wonder

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Really the DBCooper people should have their own forum here on DZ.com, if it is going to continue. That way they can start new threads on different tangents and the such. It would keep things running faster and cleaner.


Beware grasshoper, speed demonB| Talk like that has gotten some people banned in the past.

I was :o to see that in a futile attempt to play grab ass with the DB cooper thread some of the current meaningful posts have been pushed off the front page[:/]

PC Chapmen Me bad I didn't understand the depth of the problem.

To bad it will continue as long as the school teacher is out of the room or the groupies have their own class room.

It's the teachers decision not ours. I'm gonna vote (don't count) with my feet (don't matter) and stay away (no one cares)B|

Just because the DB cooper groupies want to jerk off in this forum doesn't mean I have to do it with them. I can live with that :)
One Jump Wonder

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Oh, it doesn't matter if people bump the Cooper thread. There are these people who will just find it anyway and post. Hopefully, it will be something interesting. (*smiles*)

No worries. A popular thread always finds itself busy somehow. It's a good thing that DZ is the home for many of the Cooper Bunch, although sometimes it CAN seem like the Cooper Curse instead. ;)

Hi Robert

How are you today:)
Rather than a quick and dirty Bump.:(

I've read your post above and checked your profile and past posts You've got 1K posts in a yr and their in the history and trivia forum (DB cooper thread that is:$) [/blush]

Here's a link to your websight and your DB cooper page

I'm not a green hat or the person in Red. So whatever floats your boat, books etc.

Feel free to check my posts in the History and trivia forum :)
When the cats away the mice will play;) But you left a paper trail.

Have a nice day.:)

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F%!k them. If they can waste the bandwidth so can I...

Sure you can. And I'll be the first to say there is a LOT on that thread that is a waste of bandwidth.

But there are a couple of thoughts here.

First, I wouldn't be surprised if DZ earns a penny or two from the heavy traffic. You see those ads at the top of the page? (*light bulb comes on*)

Second, it's not ALL junk. It actually houses a massive amount of research done on the crime. How much? Well, if you converted all 1000+ pages into a PDF at 8.5x11 page size, the document would be about 17,000 pages long. Imagine that as 35 separate stacks of 500 printed pages on a big table.

That's a LOT of information, and it's historic. The DB Cooper Caper remains the only unsolved skyjacking in US history and was named by the History Channel as the sixth-biggest unsolved crime of the 20th century.

And out of the all the places that this massive research effort could have landed...it ended up at Dropzone. DZ has become well-known, even among non-skydivers because of it.

Right. That's why i suggested that Cooper gets its own forum. It would allow an easier breakdown of various arguments and ideas into different threads. It would also help free up H&T to more important discussions. Specifically stuff like the Scary Stories thread and just about any story related by Twardo.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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It is easy to move a thread like that. HH has done it before (like when the Instructors forum was made). With every expansion of available forums, threads have been moved to make them more appropriately located.

If it was up to me, a DBCooper forum would be created in the same subsection as H&T, the original and the "new" Cooper threads would be moved there and locked. Then those interested could start new threads for specific investigative topics. There could even be a couple of sticky threads. Whats-her-name who thinks her con-man-dead-husband who has been proven to not be Cooper could even have her own sticky thread to talk about how the FBI doesn't call her back anymore.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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It is easy to move a thread like that. HH has done it before (like when the Instructors forum was made). With every expansion of available forums, threads have been moved to make them more appropriately located.

If it was up to me, a DBCooper forum would be created in the same subsection as H&T, the original and the "new" Cooper threads would be moved there and locked. Then those interested could start new threads for specific investigative topics. There could even be a couple of sticky threads. Whats-her-name who thinks her con-man-dead-husband who has been proven to not be Cooper could even have her own sticky thread to talk about how the FBI doesn't call her back anymore.


This is starting to sound like SC.

I did a quick search and found the following thread from about 13 mo's ago.

>> Re: [rdufokker] DB Cooper it's own section [In reply to]


In Reply To

Could the managers of this site please give D.B. Cooper it's own section. When I look at the overall headings and it shows 45 new posts, only to click on Skydiving history and find that they all are under D.B. Cooper, it's a waste of time. Not to mention that the thread has evolved into "nothing to do with Cooper". Lock it or move it to it's own section PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It has it's own section. ONE thread. If you don't like it, then don't even open it.

As for this thread, it's now locked. >>

quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

It is what it is,:)

Stop resisting or you will be tassed:D:D.

One Jump Wonder

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...First, I wouldn't be surprised if DZ earns a penny or two from the heavy traffic. You see those ads at the top of the page?

I doubt it. Websites only get $ for clicks on ads. The few regulars in that thread don't strike me as the type that by skydiving gear.

But I do agree with giving Mr Cooper his own forum. Right now, although the thread may have a lot of information in it, it is essentially unaccessable; any interesting nugget is hidden in a massively vast forest of crap: no one is going to read what you say would be 17,000 pages to get up to speed on what the issues are.

A separate forum would allow, for example, individual threads on each of the different theories/suspects, separate ones on technical issues (the stairs, survival of the money, skydiving gear, the challenges of the skydive, etc) and individual flame threads for y'all ("Blevin's a book whore", "Jo needs to be institutionalized", "XX is a pathological liar", etc :)

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Some of yesterdays wasted electrons

"Blah blah Jo backtrack
Blah blah blevins slamming Bruce blah exciting life blah blah "
Replying to: Re: Stall On Jump Run Emergency Procedure? by billvon

If the plane is unrecoverable then exiting is a very very good idea.

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