
Its in my blood

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On August 5th 2012, it will be exactly 50 years since my first jump at the Baldwin Ontario dropzone. I planned to make a commemorative jump on Sunday Augut 5th 2012, but I have been plagued by severe arthritis in both knees. Two weeks ago I had them X-rayed, and the doctor told me there are bone chips floating around both kneecaps.

I want to make the jump which will certainly be my last, as the doctor also said I should get both knees replaced with surgical stuff, but with the pain I am taking right now, I don't think it would be wise to make another jump.

However, I have been known to throw caution to the wind, and do somethings that I know can hurt me. That is the rub....I want to, I know I shouldn't, but my heart tells me, aw shucks, go ahead, make 1 more for old times sake. To hell with the pain and consequences.

I will have to wait until the 5th of August, and then play it by ear.

I will spend most of the day at the DZ, so who knows what will happen. I realize its not the jump that will hurt me...its a possible crash and burn landing with rickety old bones.

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To quote an old friend whose been there.."at this point and time you need to protect your well being"..Feb. '12 I rode to the airport, got out and looked around, got back in the car and rode of into the sunset..it had been 50 years since I made my first but there are too many other things I want to do..

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I planned to make a commemorative jump on Sunday Augut 5th 2012, but I have been plagued by severe arthritis in both knees. Two weeks ago I had them X-rayed, and the doctor told me there are bone chips floating around both kneecaps.

We have the same affliction. I just got a shot in one of my knees at the VA last week. Faced with my desire to keep jumping... Am looking at upsizing both main and reserve. Good luck to you, Bill... no matter what your decision. Keep us posted, please.
Nobody has time to listen; because they're desperately chasing the need of being heard.

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I have two vials of steroids at home which will be injected into my knees on August 9th. If it reduces the pain, I can always do another anniversary jump later.

August 20th is the 43rd of my 1st chuteless jump ( Aug 20 1969 ).

Also ( not a good anniversary) it was Aug 27th 1967 when 16 jumper friends drowned in Lake Erie.

If I don't get the knees replaced, I can jump for the 40th anniversary of my HALO record on April 7th 1973-2013.

Thanks to you all for the encouragement. I am taking two of my grandchildren to Algonquin Park for 5 days of camping and fishing. I really don't want to foul that trip up with a careless move. I turn 80 yrs old on October 31st....another milestone anniversary.

I appreciate all your thoughts.



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Or....do a tandem?? I know, I know, but its an option!

It may be an option for you but I VERY seriously doubt it's an option for him. It sure isn't for me!

With his two digit D license I think he'd rather jump chuteless... and make it his very last.

I am not DB Cooper

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On August 5th 2012, it will be exactly 50 years since my first jump at the Baldwin Ontario dropzone. I planned to make a commemorative jump on Sunday Augut 5th 2012, but I have been plagued by severe arthritis in both knees. Two weeks ago I had them X-rayed, and the doctor told me there are bone chips floating around both kneecaps.

I want to make the jump which will certainly be my last, as the doctor also said I should get both knees replaced with surgical stuff, but with the pain I am taking right now, I don't think it would be wise to make another jump.

However, I have been known to throw caution to the wind, and do somethings that I know can hurt me. That is the rub....I want to, I know I shouldn't, but my heart tells me, aw shucks, go ahead, make 1 more for old times sake. To hell with the pain and consequences.

I will have to wait until the 5th of August, and then play it by ear.

I will spend most of the day at the DZ, so who knows what will happen. I realize its not the jump that will hurt me...its a possible crash and burn landing with rickety old bones.

Think WATER jump.. big ole splash is far better than big ole THUD on terra way too firma :D

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I'll be thinking of you, on Aug. 5, Think it through Bill. If you can pull it off, that would be great. Getting all busted up, wouldn't be worth it. You've already proven that you've got more guts than any of us. It might be good to stay on the ground, if it doesn't feel right.....Best of luck!

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I think that I will wait until my birthday. In the meantime, I will be getting ( on August 9th ) a shot of steroids into both knees, and hopefully that will make them work a bit better and be less painful.

I do expect to have both knees replaced over the winter months, and only yesterday, I was watching a good friend jump and he had one knee replaced, and said it makes all the difference. He has several thousand jumps and hasn't slowed a bit.

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As the CSA knows...ain't nobody gonna tell Bill Cole what to do!;)

I will say though, I just got done jumping the week long Oshkosh demo...one of our team members with a low 400's D that's been jumping as long as you had both knees replaced over the winter.

He nailed it every single day carrying a 30 pound flag to boot...might wanna take care of the wheels before they get any worse, the sky is always there my friend!

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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Thanks Jim: I do think that replacement is going to be done over the winter, maybe as early as November.
Turning 80 yrs on Oct 31st, I might squeeze a jump in first, and that would have to be my last.
I have had a great ride, and no regrets.
I would love to go to Oshkosh next year, and cheer you guys on.
Thanks again for your kind words.


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Well, I finally got it done. Although it rained on the 50th anniversay of my first jump, I went to the same dropzone on Monday August 6th, and jumped from 13,500.

It was a real job even to put on a jumpsuit, as after the heart surgery I had, it takes my breath away just to put the jumpsuit on. I have to do it in stages, reating after each move. However, there I was all suited up, and then came the stepping through the leg straps. Oh, for the quick ejector straps we used to have.

However, I got the gear on, and we were headed for the Cessna Caravan and climbed on board. We laid out a plan, that immediately after my daughter and her tandem master left the aircraft, I would drop my legs out the door and lean fowrad. I was once again in flight.
Ryan Jambrich, ever faithful as a great friend was there to make sure I was okay.
I decided not to chase my daughter, and just do the jump, and make a safe landing. Ryan grabbed my left hand, and after awhile he let go, and I dumped the chute about 3300 to 3500, and headed back to the DZ. It was the fastest opening Ive ever had on a main chute.

It was a chore after landing to walk down the grass of the airport, and get a place to sit and catch my breath. I think I lost my breath somewhere around 12000 ft.

Anyhow, that was my final jump. I have a few sore spots, but nothing to write about.

50 years and 1 day, and my career is finally over....this time for good.
My daughter having tasted freefall in a tandem, realized what I had done over the 50 years, and concluded that I must have been crazy.

I love her anyhow, and I will be content to watch her from now on as she is bent on making more jumps.
I bought the mandatory case of beer and delivered it to the aiport fridge this morning.

Thanks to all those who supported me over the years and during the final jump.

Bill Cole D-41

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Congrats, I'm glad you were able to fufill your goal. Now don't be a stranger to the/ or any DZ in the future. Us young guys/girls like to hear about the old days too! Thanks for being a pioneer and forging the way to the sky for us!

We're not fucking flying airplanes are we, no we're flying a glorified kite with no power and it should be flown like one! - Stratostar

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