
Hybrid Breakoff (discuss)

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I'm just wondering if there's any set way for a hybrid dive to break off. Say, for example....a three-way belly formation with 2 guys standing and hanging from the chest straps or something like that....how would you safely break that off? I think that a key point would be to seperate the pull altitudes between the freeflyers and the belly flyers- but thats where things dont always go as planned. What do you all think/do?

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I agree with you MarshMan, that assigning different pull altitudes is key to a successful breakoff. You made a great point that break off altitudes aren't always followed though. That brings up another great point, seeing that a smooth break off is vital to everyone's well being, it is essential that you only try these dives with people that you can be confident will still to the dive plan. If there is aquestion of someone's ability or air awareness at break off then, they simply should not be on the dive. Problem solved!
"I live to EFS"

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>I'm just wondering if there's any set way for a hybrid dive to break off.
Everyone bellies out at the same altitude and tracks off. This works as long as you can keep the dive together. Makes it no different than an RW breakoff. In general, I'm against different-altitude breakoffs because it makes it much tougher to keep track of everyone.
-bill von

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