
Canopy & Video

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I have a spectre loaded 1.15 and is just wondering : is there any good/safe alternativ when I want one canopy for "allround" jumping - video - demo ? after 500 video jumps, I can only think of downsizing 1.3, because I want more flair and speed (not always).....so far I just love the spectre, but all my jumps is on a spectre.....so any good reasens to "change the horse" ?

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Ok, here's just a point of reference. Take it for what you will.
Jumps ~950
Camera Jumps ~700
Unintentional off-field landings = ZERO
Reserve rides = ZERO
Landing injuries = ZERO
Canopy = Spectre loaded at about 1.3:1
Canopy I'm using for my Pro-rating next week = Same as always.
I think it was when I saw Tom Sanders packing his Spectre that I figured it all out.

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Going for the PRO, eh?

Should be interesting. I've been practicing the accuracy jumps off and on for awhile now. Much harder than it sounds -- especially in no wind. Land in and stay in a 5 meter radius circle -- stand ups only -- 10 times in a row -- declared w/ the S&TA watching. Take a knee on just one and you start all over.
I'll jump casually this weekend just to warm up and hopefully bang out the landings sometime from Monday to Thursday. Friday is class work with Jim Wallace and the next Saturday & Sunday are smoke & flag fun jumps and then, hopefully, the sign off.

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Well, Quade....best of luck to you! That is one of my two ultimate goals of skydiving. Be a damn good TM and be a damn good PRO skydiver. I guess those could be my professional goals.
Again, best of luck and keep us posted!
Oh, and let me know how the Jim Wallace thing goes. I read his whole site and it looks/sounds amazing! :)JumpinDuo.com...come and sign the guestbook.

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I read his whole site and it looks/sounds amazing

Jim Wallace is one of the best people in this sport - incredibly nice, friendly, knowledgable, safety oriented, an awesome instructor, has done more tandems and/or AFF jumps than some of us will ever do jumps period, totals well over 10000 jumps and yet has no problem going up and jumping with anybody regardless of experience. He's always smiling and basically lives to jump. Just an all around gem of a person - it's not Jim's website that's amazing... it's Jim that's amazing! :)pull and flare,
What would Scooby Doo?

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