
1980's and 1990s Perris Valley tee shirts

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When I was growing up I had a great collection of tee shirts from Perris Valley! I wore them all most everyday! I need to post up some pictures when I can find them. I know Rob Thundercloud did some that said "Party Til you Puke Boogie Til You Bounce" and one that was a bit morbid "skydivers eat their dead". But I also had some great ones with such detail! One had a 12 way in and out formation looking down at Perris with the runway the DC-3 and even the swimming pool below. I sure would like another one! Also a really cool one of a night jump out of a Cessna with full moon and clouds. Post up pictures if you have any please!

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Mike, do you have the '79 Rumbleseat t-shirt ? It was black and had a Lodestall with a Joe Morgan face flying through "Perrish Valley". Only had that one for about two months and I think an old girlfriend threw it away behind my back.

Also, the famous orange Terminal Research shirt. You were supposed to smell it and say "aaaaah!" when you bought it from the team.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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Mike, do you have the '79 Rumbleseat t-shirt ? It was black and had a Lodestall with a Joe Morgan face flying through "Perrish Valley". Only had that one for about two months and I think an old girlfriend threw it away behind my back.

Also, the famous orange Terminal Research shirt. You were supposed to smell it and say "aaaaah!" when you bought it from the team.

No I don't Tom. I would give my left nut for one from Terminal Research.

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Any body know where I could get a "skydivers eat their dead" t-shirt from?

Hi pal,
If that was a particular shirt?? No, but the one to be on the lookout for is any old "Rickerby" especially the one with a bunch of Ghouls with toot snorting straws sitting around a hugh mirror with what is obviously cremated human remains and although there is no caption the "Implied" one is,"SKYDIVERS SNORT THEIR DEAD!" Got that, dude??B|;);)

PS, Besides that one, another favorite Rickerby I have is the Beech 18 exit shot!!
SCR-2034, SCS-680


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