
Coach Jumps??

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"I must get to Raeford sometime, must get to Raeford"
Good plan....Fun DZ and can't be beat for the quality/price of the training. It's not every day at other DZ's a guy with 27 jumps (Me at the time) gets a Free coaching jump from the likes of Joe Trinko, Chuck, Bill Rafferty, Neil Beverly, and many many many others! I'm very thankful I learned to skydive there and I will always return to visit and do my best to uphold the Skymonkey traditions! :)"It's the cans..they're defective. Stay away from the cans"-Steve Martin

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I do believe that the bar is too low right now for coaches (which seems to be another complaint, that any 100 jump wonder can get a coach rating), I think potential coaches should have to show more than the very basic skills they show now, but that really is another discussion.

I am one of those geeks who likes to check out peoples profiles, and it seems that there is a rating that does demand more of people with 800 + jumps who want to teach people and make some cash. It's called an AFF I. Why bother being a "Coach" if you want to brief, debrief, wearbriefs, teach a class, and maybe jump once in a while. Especially if the "bar" is too low. Get a real rating. Flame on, I've got 600 jumps and am merely an IAD I, but then again, I am one of those slackers that throws students for the free jumps, shoots video for the fun of it, and teaches low-timers for free (or beer). Funny, none of my "students", wait, I mean friends, has ever called me an asshole for that.
Sky World

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Farmer...there needs to be more of your type around. I was lucky and jumped at a DZ where they didn't charge me for my "required" RW jumps for my A. my AFF-I payed for there jumps even after I offered too. and this is not a small little DZ eather...we are talking full time turbine DZ on the coast of FL.
I just dont see why more people can't be a "mentor" to others instead of trying to suck money off of people who can just afford to skydive as it is....
"...a mind stretched with new idea's will never regain its shape"

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I, unlike you, don't see the point of flaming others on this forum.
As for your 'real rating' comment: I am just a poor student, so I can't get all the ratings at once. Last summer I got my Skydive U Basic Body Flight Coach rating (a very real rating), and this summer I am going to try for AFF-I.
This thread is going nowhere, so I am finished. Flame me all you want.
- Dan G

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Well, Dan, I am feeling pretty silly myself. I really didn't intend to get into a flame war with you. My point is simply that I think that the comraderie that is fostered by helping "kids" is well worth the lack of monetary gain. I believe the ISP is good for the sport. I also believe that most of the USPA leadership, just like anyone who posts to these forums, has good intentions. I also tend to believe, however, that large DZs, which will benefit from coaches freeing up their I's, have a lot of sway in USPA, and this is sometimes not good for everyone. Anyway, we're all skydivers, and I will always take a brother skydiver over a whuffo, so I apologze for sounding aggressive.
Peace Out
Sky World

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I agree with everyone. How's that for playing "Switzerland"? LOL In all seriousness though, I learned alot during AFF and what would be the equivalent of the new ISP coach jumps when I got my license in 2000. But it wasn't until I got my license and started jumping with an experienced jumper that I really learned how to be a safe skydiver. (I mentioned him in my "Sky Less Travelled" story). He (Ed) never asked me to cover his slot and we made a lot of jumps together. He taught me so much during those jumps, I'd be hard pressed to pay him back, to which I joked to him one time and all he said was "do it for someone else when your turn comes." Since then I have tried to do just that. I got my coaches rating so that I could eventually get my tandem rating, and to be honest, I take up prelicensed jumpers for the DZ, and they pay my slots, 'cause that's how the DZ wants it. But once a student gets their license, I tell every student I will be more than happy to jump with them and i always insist on covering my own slot (because I believe it's the right thing to do). So, I guess I'm kind of a contradiction there. Prelicense, USPA requires a rated coach, so while I don't necessarily agree 100 percent with getting a free slot and $10, I atleast feel confident that the student is getting their money's worth, in that I believe in my heart I fly my ass off on coach jumps. I also reationalize it by thinking that I too, paid the same coaches fees before I got my license. As a sidenote, I had a prelicense student fail a low exit twice, and he was all upset about the expense he was continuing to incur, so I asked manifest to make an exception and bill me for my own slots on the low exits until he passed it and to deduct the $10 coach fee from his charge. It took him three more tries to pass and he is on his way to becoming to a solid skydiver. Wow, I'm totally rambling now, I really don't want to get back to work,........LOL Anyways, I think everyone has a valid point in a way, I mean our system is not perfect, but as long as we reach out to low time jumpers and try to remember what it was like to be broke with a new A license, and help out where ever possible for free, then everyone will be a winner. Phew! I'm exhausted now!
Blue Skies and Warm Tropical Breezes

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Most of all, I couldn't tell them with any conviction that it will someday be _their_ turn to make coaching jumps for free with other newbies.

Hell, if you guys need some help at Tent 1 this year, count me in for a few days......but not every day...I have to have some time do to all the novelty jumps and some CRW.. :)Mike

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