
Tandem Instructor Poll: I Have Had A Student . . .

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None yet, but then I've only done 32. Had one girl start to throw up but I got the sick bag to her in time and turned it downwing so none went on me.

Just had another idea for a poll, is John creating Tandem polls to encourage the creation of a new forum? :-P
Skydiving Fatalities - Cease not to learn 'til thou cease to live

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Since I'm a Newbie (50 or so tandems), I haven't had any of these yet......./knock on my head, whoops, I mean wood!/

However, I've seen a lot of pukers, spinners, and a few very "weak" students when they land. Sometimes being the camera man is better than being the TM.

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The guy passed out on me at about 1500'. He had talked smack about all the adrenaline sports he had participated in on the way to altitude. His girlfriend and a couple of other females with them did fine. Had to ride him in pretty rough as he was approximately 6', 220 and I'm only 5'9. DZO realized he was passed out and was there to "catch" and help clean him up before the women got there.

The side spin we caught on video. Another tall guy, Thank goodness it was on my left side! As we began to accelerate I made the decision to throw, it cleared and we had a great dive after that, but believe me I became more aggressive with getting the drogue out quicker!
Blue Skies and Safe Landings!

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In 450 tandems: 2 pukers (more like dry heavers, no serious chow) 2 passed out (one big guy who woke up before we landed, and one little girl I had to land passed out). One guy who started to side spin me, thankfully we were drogue side up and I tossed the drogue.

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With regard to "other," I've had students try to kill me by flaring too high or by not letting me go toggles UP to surge.

Hence, I'm now leery about letting students handle landings ever, unless it's for training purpose.

Big meat missiles on hot days get to help me stall surge land, but with MUCH practice.

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In my 300+ (read: over 300 but I need to catch my log up to make sure exactly what) tandems I've had a few of those.

I've gotten a couple headbutts, luckily no blood drawn and the student hasn't noticed doing it.

One guy throw up (I asked him about motion sickness on the ground, he said he doesn't get it, under canopy he asked to do a spiral, so we did, then he says he has a problem with motion sickness>:(). Atleast he did'nt get any on me or the gear.

One sidespin, as discussed in a couple of other threads now.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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3000+ tandems and I have more than a few tales to tell. Here are a couple...

Young lady came out to do a tandem one afternoon, college student. For some reason she had decided to eat a bowl of strawberries for lunch. Skydive went great, openned up, released the laterals and let her fly the canopy. She decided she wanted to do a hard spiral like her friend had done on the previous jump. Two 360's we came out of it and I knew right away we were in trouble. Serious projectile vomit straight out in front of us before I could do anything. The next thing I know we fly right into the whole mess and it hits her square in the chest. Half-digested strawberries everywhere! Me, I am trying to choke down the sympathy puke that is building up from the smell. Somehow I choke it down, land long so the camera guy gets the back shot not the front. What a mess!

High school senior comes out with a dozen of his friends and mom and dad. Eighteenth birthday present from his parents. All his friends are there in amazement that his parents are cool enough to get him this. Jump goes great, we fly around, nothing unusual happening, typical skydive. I have him pull both toggles down so I can get the flare toggles. Next thing I know he is out cold, one hand stuck in a toggle, the other one drooping at his side. Landing goes great, stand-up, the sit back and let him fall on me.(landed a little long so the video doesn't quite show him passed out) His dad comes running up laughing, mom is going crazy, his friends are about split. He comes to, doesn't remember anything after "are you ready to have some fun". Went from the campus hero to the goat in 50 seconds!

Got lots more, but I don't type so well!
blue skies,


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Two pukers, My very first real paying customer blew chunks on me from the time we opened til we landed, seems he had a long night building courage with Jack Daniels.

Number two was from getting stuck in a thermal, hot bumpy air, not losing any altitude we stayed at 3k feet for about 20min, I asked her if she liked amusement rides, she said yes, so I spiraled us a couple of times tryin to lose altitude, I'd stop after each spiral and asked her if she was o.k., after the third set of spirals I asked if she was o.k and she replied "BLAAAAAH" all over herself and the jumpsuit.:S

One pants pisser, I took my high school guidance councelor;)

One pants pooper, I can't prove it, but I'm pretty sure that hillbilly shit his pants:o

"The needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few, or the one" - rehmwa

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2 pukers - both on the ground after landing thank god!
2 side spins - Got out of both without having to throw the drogue.
2 people pass out - One woke up at about 1,500 ft. and one I made intentionally pass out. ...for safety reasons.
He acted completely fine, then after exiting, he completely freaked out and began working me like a $2 hooker on pay day.
I decided that he and I both had enough and at 7,000ft. I opened the main. After opening he began screaming to get him down and demanded that it be "right f**king now" He continiously kept grabbing over his shoulders and trying to grab me cursing me the entire time, and in the process he kept grabbing towards the cutaway and reserve handles only to have me block him with my fore arms. I then made the decision to grab his chest strap and crank it down. I then began spiriling like a fiend until he finally went limp. After a less than stellar landing where we both slid in on my arse, He woke up to ask what had happened. I told him he was kicking and screaming with joy and that he loved every minute of it and that blacking out was due to all the excitement he was experiencing. The video went hand in hand with the story so he went away another satisfied customer, stating, "I don't think I will ever do it again though".
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Yes, he was doing a "live" broadcast for a radio station. Screamed the whole time in freefall, talk real fast for about 30 seconds after the chute openned (saying stuff like "hey dominos, do you deliver"). Then guess what, finally hyperventilated and passed out. He forgot to breathe in amongst all the yelling and screaming!
blue skies,


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Has anyone had a pass out using the new style harness?

If its adjusted correctly?

I've seen more then a few TMs setup the harness like the old harness, off to the sides, top hooks in the wrong place...its gotta suck to be their student.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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