
Tandem Instructor Polls Synopsis (So Far)

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There have been several of these, and here are the results grouped together to make them useful.

42% of 36 TMs voting wear a hard helmet THREAD
64% of 44 TMs voting wear a big floppy jumpsuit without booties THREAD
89% of 35 TMs voting put their student in some sort of jumpsuit THREAD
81% of 32 TMs voting have their student's harness completely tightened down ready to jump before boarding the aircraft THREAD
52% of 33 TMs voting remove their student's seatbelt after reaching a safe emergency exit altitude THREAD
67% of 18 TMs voting are able to turn a tandem canopy with rear risers (brakes stowed)THREAD
43% of 74 TMs voting have had between 0 and 3 reserve ridesTHREAD
Of 75 TMs that shared their "incident history," the results were:
-Student threw up 27&
-Student passed out 21%
-Student peed their pants 4%
-Student crapped their pants 3%
-Side-spin 15%
-Student injured on landing 15%
-TM head-butted by student 16%

These small snapshots of TMs in the dotcommer community have helped me a lot, maybe they will help y'all as well.
Arrive Safely


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Updated to include a couple of new ones . . .

42% of 36 TMs voting wear a hard helmet THREAD
64% of 44 TMs voting wear a big floppy jumpsuit without booties THREAD
89% of 35 TMs voting put their student in some sort of jumpsuit THREAD
81% of 32 TMs voting have their student's harness completely tightened down ready to jump before boarding the aircraft THREAD
52% of 33 TMs voting remove their student's seatbelt after reaching a safe emergency exit altitude THREAD
67% of 18 TMs voting are able to turn a tandem canopy with rear risers (brakes stowed)THREAD
43% of 74 TMs voting have had between 0 and 3 reserve ridesTHREAD
Of 75 TMs that shared their "incident history," the results were:
-Student threw up 27&
-Student passed out 21%
-Student peed their pants 4%
-Student crapped their pants 3%
-Side-spin 15%
-Student injured on landing 15%
-TM head-butted by student 16%
39% of 71 TMs voting don't do any type of intentional flip on exit THREAD
42% of 33 TMs voting have been "taken for a ride" once or twice THREAD
48% of 44 TMs voting use the "right hand on right mudflap, left hand on left mudflap" student body postion on exit THREAD
Arrive Safely


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Big thanks for putting this together from this newbie tandem instructor. I'll take all of the knowledge I can get at this point and this certainly helps!

Chris "Q" Quaintance

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