
A Lic Problem Cont.

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Oh man is change a pain sometimes, though I am in agreement with a proficiency card instead of just a test.
Can anyone tell me the difference between the two page proficiency card and the four page card? Which one is the
proper one?
The four page one is really hard to figure out and I have not even seen the two page one except for when I went to USPA web site just now. I will do the research myself, but it's nice to cheat if possible.
AFF-I-02 (Sucks I don't undersand this and yes I have sat with the new SIM and A proficiency card)

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From what I have gathered, the four pager is for progression, and the two-page dealio is for skills. Not every DZ teaches the same way and the two cards should cover everybody.
The proper one? Which ever your DZ chooses. Either is valid.
A bucket of Jet A can heat an entire county if burned all at once.

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