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Not an instrucor but fellow student here...
USPA Membership and A License Proficiency Cards
I just graduated AFF on Sunday (see other forum for beer demands please) and realized something I hadn't known before. The new USPA reqs. for an A license require a proficiency card be filled out. There are alot of tasks to accomplish and be signed off on etc.
It occurred to me that as I was handed this proficiency card and then sat with an instrustor, whom I had never met before that day when we did my level 6 & 7 together, that I should have had that card all along. We tried to go back and fill in some of things I had already accomplised and it was not a huge deal, but kind of a pain.
Also I had never been prompted to join the USPA until I graduated. Now that I am all psyched to cruise through to my A license in one weekend it may take weeks to get my USPA member info regardless of what happens with my License.
Anyways just be aware that these are all things that you can start on from the beginning don't wait til level 7.

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Also I had never been prompted to join the USPA until I graduated.

Now that surprises me. I would have thought they would have signed you up before your first jump simply for the property insurance. As an AFF student who knows where you're going to land or what you're going to land on? Any chance you did a temporary membership? I think it's a 45 day thing for $11.00.

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I thought you were required to become a member after AFF 4. I had to join to continue beyond that even though I prepaid for the whole course. ( I knew I really wanted it and got a bulk discount for going broke all at once!) Surprised you were able to go that far without joining. But fear not - USPA is actually really quick. Got my C one week after taking the test. In my mailbox. And that was over the summer. Now it's winter and they don't have as many applications to sort through. Good luck and congrats in advance!

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Thats good info ducky,, I know at my DZ they didnt ask me to join. They just said if you want your A lic you have to be a member. So when I took my test I sent in the Application for member ship in with the test. But then again We didnt have proficency cards yet either.

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The A license card comes in two versions, both of which can be downloaded from the USPA website. If you haven't seen either card by the time you are near graduating, convince your instructor you want the 2-sided card.
The 4-sided card works best for DZs using USPA's recommended student training program, which you can find in section 4 of the 2001 SIM (also downloadable from the USPA website).
Also, you no longer need to take a written (multiple choice) test for your A license. Your instructor asks 20 questions from the category quizes in the ISP, section 4 of the SIM. All the questions are listed, as are all the answers and the references. You can read the complete A license test procedure in the SIM, on page 15.

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Pretty much the entire card can be filled out with your AFF jumps and the rest is pretty easy. If you have a hard time with what a particular section is, look at the new ISP thingy in the SIM. And yeah you should have been told that if you wish to continue skydiving you have to join USPA before doing level 4.
One question for some one that knows, can you still take the A test? Has that been totaly fazed out?

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"Any chance you did a temporary membership?"
I think that's the way I did it. I got the card for the A on my first AFF and the JMs checked things off as I completed them. I wasn't asked to join USPA until I was ready to do my first solo.

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Can you still take the A test?

There is no longer a requirement for a written (multiple choice) A license test. Instead, there is an oral test: your instructor asks questions from the 8 category quizes in the ISP. There are a few other changes to A license requirements -- check out your SIM, page 15.

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Can you still take the A license test?
From what I've understood, you can't take the A license test anymore. It doesnt exist anymore.
I started my Solos in march. i had done tandems before that. While other students were doing their first jumps, because i had done 3 tandems before that, I was able to continue with the old program. I still got the "A license checklist", which ISP students still get. But i was able to take the A license. I think that taking the test in April, before i even had 3 non tandem jumps under my belt, allowed me to do this. I know that I was one of the last students @ xkeys, if not the very last, to do it the old way.
Other students who graduated with me still had to do the oral quiz.
hope this answers your question better.

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Why is there such loyalty to the DZs in GA?? I only return to ASC to do my AFF and training because that is where I started and because I like the instructors. I plan on visiting the other DZs here soon, but I don't understand the animosity from one DZ to the next.

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Welcome to the sordid world of DZ politics.
Often the politics have little to do with DZ standards or operating policies.
Far more often DZ politics are based upon who stole who's girlfriend 15 years ago.
If you can politely ignore much of the gossip and avoid repeating it, then you will find yourself welcome at most DZs.

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"I don't understand the animosity from one DZ to the next"
That's because you don't know what a real DZ is yet. Visit some others...you'll find out. If you are perfectly happy at ASC and don't ever want to go anywhere else. Don't...screw all the up jumpers that bag on that DZ. Maybe they don't know what they are talkin about and it's all a big conspiracy.........
"I got some beers....Let's Drink em!!!"

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Politics suck, don't they? Actually, ducky, I think there's not that much animosity between GA. DZs- most of us are, for the most part, quite sure of the best DZs in the state, we may have our "home" DZ we're at the most, and the others we jump periodically-- however, ASC does not qualify to us as a DZ in GA. Now, mebbe in some of the 40-50 OTHER domains Cary and Ben call ASC, it's a DZ-- Questionable business ethics and/or practices aside, they just don't have much good to offer up-jumpers. Small crowded landing area with numerous hazards available if you want it there. Manifest that takes a LOT of time trying to talk tandem mill students into buying unnecessary logbooks while jumpers wait instead of processing loads is there, too. Leaves a bad taste in my mouth just thinking about the B.S. Check some of the older threads on what's going on at ASC- :( And check out the other DZs- once you see the difference for yourself, you'll know.
I'm really very gentle, no matter what my kung-fu teacher says...

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i did my tandems at asc...
BUT, after visiting ron and sandor this weekend at rome (atlanta air sportz), i can say i will not be going back to cedartown unless someone is paying me... " A LOT !!! "
and yes the landing areas are like night and day... and seeing that i am a student, that is a very big deal for me
just my $ 0.02
its a bird, its a plane, no wait, its one goofy s.o.b.

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B| C'mon up, watcher, you are welcome any time you can make it! We have a great time up there; big landing areas with many good outs, beautiful mountains as a backdrop, cool Porter to play in- VERY friendly mix of flat-flyers and freeflyers, damn good food, thanks to crashez and John Kent, much fun and excellent friends-- I think you'll like it :D
I'm really very gentle, no matter what my kung-fu teacher says...

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