
The Top Three Reasons You Do Tandems??

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1. Working with people and introducing them to the sport, building their trust and giving them a lifetime experience is a great thing.
2. Good to be a productive and not only the consumer part of the sport, I love to return something to the community I have received so much from.
3. Tandem skydive is technically interesting and challenging with all the equipment and techniques and I enjoy to learn new things in skydiving

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1) The reaction to their first jump out of a "perfectly good aeroplane"

2) The joy of doing skydiving as a job rather than being stuck in a factory with some fat prick telling you what to do / filling in time sheets.

3) The ability to make a living doing the above

"A Scar is just a Tattoo with a story!!!"

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Ps- Anyone out there who says for the money is kidding themselves! Most full time jumpers could do a lot better in a normal job. The LIFESTYLE is what we are in it for!

Speak for yourself sparky.

I make about 10K a year from AFF and tandems, and I have a real job too.

I lived the skydiving "lifestyle" 24/7 for 10 years straight. It was exceedingly dull, I'll have you know, interspersed with short bursts of predicatble excitement. It's more fun to actually just have a real life and jump on the weekends these days.

I still get paid to travel the world organizing, and all my gear is sponsored, so I guess I get the best of both worlds.

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