skydog 2 #1 August 21, 2004 Anyone jumping the 350? Thoughts, Good or Bad? ThanksJourney not destination..... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GravityGirl 0 #2 August 22, 2004 Are they still making the Gemini or are you talking about the A2? We have put a lot of demo jumps on the Aerodyne A2, and all our TMs loved, loved, loved it. We are ordering 4 this week. Don't know about the Gemini. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peace and Blue Skies! Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skydog 2 #3 August 22, 2004 Its the A2 I am after information on, just that on the site it had A2 Gemini. But it is the latest A2 350 that I would appreciate feedback on. Thanks BrynJourney not destination..... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FlyinseivLP2 0 #4 August 22, 2004 Aubrey, Any chance of you bringing a Demo A2 up to Tally for the boogie? Have heard good things and would like to try one. Jeff Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
riggerrob 643 #5 August 22, 2004 Just to clarify, Aerodyne dropped the "Gemini" name as soon as they realized that another company (Canadian Aerosports International) had been selling a similar canopy with a similar name for several years. I doubt if Aerodyne even knew that CAI existed before someone complained about the naming confusion. Now Aerodyne is labelling their tandem mains "A2." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
douwanto 22 #6 August 23, 2004 I have an A2 389 and it is AWESOME. It has the lightest toggle pressure of any tandem canopy I have jumped. Great openings and flight characteristics make this my favorite TDM canopy. Then they through the best price in the industry at you . I am still waiting to jump the 350 but I only expect great things from it. Chris Uncle/GrandPapa Whit Unico Rodriguez # 245 Muff Brother # 2421 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aubsmell 0 #7 August 24, 2004 I'll have an A2 389 at least for the boogie, maybe a 350. I can't wait to come up there, for that boogie, you guys have to do some mad promo to get some more of the south east's jumpers there.....That DZ is a Gem, a diamond in the rough..... Skydivers and drunken college students, a winning combo."Those who say it cannot be done, should not interrupt those who are doing it" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites