
going for coach rating need advice

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Right on dude! That basically sums up many of the reasons that I will be working towards my coach rating in the near future.

I second that, although folks were pretty helpful with me, I paid for SDU. There is a gap in between AFF and A license that can leave students in limbo and they can't even jump with other skydivers to learn anything. Only coaches and almost all of those guys charge. That doesn't make a good intro to the sport for someone just done paying for AFF and contemplating buying a rig.

To cap it off I just learned that one of my local DZs won't let coach rated jumpers jump with AFF graduates, you need to be an AFF I >:(. Let's hope that nonsense doesn't spread.

Elsinore offers a great post-A license program run by Melanie Curtis of Elsinore Adrenaline. Called The Excel Basic Camp, it is similar to SDU but there is no additional charge for coaching. Just your commitment to learn and have fun. Of course you will be expected to pay for your jumps, but not that of the coaches. I believe Perris also has a 2 way skills camp run by great coaches.

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Read the coarse material BEFORE you go. Read it again at least four more times. The instructors are not kidding when they say it is a progressive class and you need to be very familiar with the contents of the coach coarse manual and categories G and H from the SIM prior to arrival.
I enjoyed the coach course I attended at Skydive San Marcos. I learned valuable teaching skills and, I hope, it's made me a better skydiver.
Have fun!!
Attitude is everything!

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Well after all my planning and studying I had some problems making it to Z-hills in time for the class. It is a 14 hour drive one way to get there and with some minor car problems that I had I was forced to stay overnight on the way down. Hopefully I can catch one of the next classes in Febuary.

What's the worst that can happen?

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