
Buying a used Vector System

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Hey All,

A couple of us are taking the course right now, going to be working at a 182 DZ, and are actively looking for a used system, besides the classified here (which are usually great) where are some good leads on used systems, and what questions should we be asking? Obviously we are getting a tonne of good info here, but i'm just looking to spread out our search web and see what I can get for feedback out here in cyber world. Anything else you care to share will be cool too.

later, Mike
Just Go with it

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Definitely invite your local Master Rigger/Rigger B (Dave Martin in Fredericton?) to inspect the complete rig before any money changes hands. If the Vector is more than 8 years old or has more than 2,000 jumps, you should seriously consider sending it to the Relative Workshop for inspection, repairs and updates.
8 and 13 inspections may not be mandatory on Vectors, but they are still good business practices.

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