
tandem instructor

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500 jumps, 6 hours freefall time, patience with students certification from the manufactor, ,a cutaway or lots of haning harness releases, 3 years in the sport, 10 signed off tandems that are either solos or with another experienced (100+ jumps)jumper, and the ability to deal with 25+ different malfunctions.
The tandem malfunction tree diagram is 2 pages long with all sorts of weird ones like side spins (BAD!!! and deadly if not corrected), improper handle release order, Drogue in tow and lots of others. A regular sport jumpers tree is only half a page in size for compairson.
That just touches the tip of tandems requirements too....
I want to touch the sky, I want to fly so high ~ Sonique

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Not to mention being in excellent physical condition, possessing excellent freefall and canopy control skills and good medical insurance...

side spins (BAD!!! and deadly if not corrected)

Especially if you get into it drogue side down. Did that with my 17th live student, no shit, there we were, thought we were gonna die. Relatively simple to correct if you know what to do, but talk about adrenaline pump!! I thought my heart rate would never return to normal... I watch the video now and wonder what ever possessed me to get a tandem rating.
pull and flare,
"Where's my beer?" - Al Stephens "Oh, was this yours? - Lisa

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Three outta four. I was working at a small DZ; doing tandems out of Cessna 182's, 206's and a 411, with a King Air and Otter tossed in just for kicks. Trust me, tandems out of Cessnas are work. And at only $25/jump, the video guy was taking home more than I was for the same number of jumps and taking much less risk with his body.
It was cool to not have to work 9-5 Monday through Friday but for awhile there all I did was tandems - it ain't as much fun when every jump you do is with someone strapped to the front of you.
pull and flare,
"Where's my beer?" - Al Stephens "Oh, was this yours? - Lisa

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Tandem side spin. Happens prior to the drogue being thrown. Picture a tandem pair on their sides, spinning in either direction. If the pair are arching the spin gets worse (propellor effect). Fix is to bring in all control surfaces (arms of both jumpers to their sides, straighten legs) and flatten out (no more arch). If the pair is on their left sides the TI can throw the drogue up to help bring the pair belly to earth and stop the spin; if the pair are on their right sides this is not an option. If all else fails pulling the reserve will pull the pair out of it, but the reserve is going to open in some nasty, possibly unrecoverable line twists. Has killed several tandem pairs in the past; Bill Morrisey and Ted Strong came up with the fix some years ago and have saved many lives (mine included) since then by distributing the "fix" information
The one I was in started right out of the door (exited at 10,500) and was "drogue side down" (right sides of our bodies toward the ground) so I couldn't throw the drogue to stop the spin. I did as I was taught and within about 6 more revolutions we went face to earth and I got the drogue out. Checked altitude and we were at 6500 feet; waited for my camera guy to catch up, waved and let him know we were okay then dumped.
If anyone wants to see the video look me up at Perris some day; I'd be glad to show it to any person who does tandems or is considering it.
pull and flare,

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just a note here. it is possible to throw the drogue in a drogue side down side spin,just takes a little timing,to find the gap.(done it 3 times now).i really believe this is a better option,as you still have the reserve if the drogue doesn't clear.
the 4000' it took to stop the side spin, is putting you in the red,if you exit at 8000',still no guarantee that it will stop by then.
as i said this is just my opinion,and it's worked for me.

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If all else fails pulling the reserve will pull the pair out of it, but the reserve is going to open in some nasty, possibly unrecoverable line twists.

Hey lisa...why do they say pull the reserve...I would think if you went for the main first it would at least get you stable (somewhat) then if that twists all up you can cut away stable and wip out the reserve. Just curious!!

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Your drogue is your P/C for a tandem...

Really? It's been awhile since I've heard something that I had no idea about. (I'm a student, very inexperienced, but curious as a kitten).
So, when a tandem pulls the ripcord, it releases the pin, and the drogue pulls the main out? I imagined something far more complex.

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I believe (and someone correct me if I'm wrong) that the TM throws out the drogue chute, there is a cord that threads through that stops the chute from pulling out the main , then the TM pull that cord via R/C in which the P/C is then able to pull out the main! I sure some one thats a TM or has packed them can explian better. I've watche d them being packed but thats about it!

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the drogue basically has 3 functions.
1;it acts as a stabilizer.
2;it slows the tandem pair to a" normal" freefall speed.
3;it acts as a p/c.
it is attached by a 3 ring release ,similar to a cutaway system,so when you pull the r/c you are actually releasing the drogue ,which in turn pulls out the main canopy.(most tandems use a system like this,but i am referring primarily to a strong system.).so the rule is; no drogue, no main!
you can therefore convert your rig to a simple boc deployment , by pulling a r/c(drogue release),before exit.
so if the drogue cannot be deployed cleanly,(if it wraps around part of the tandem pair,your only option is the reserve. no cutaway!).
i hope this makes sense,just got home from the bar.

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>the drogue basically has 3 functions.
>1;it acts as a stabilizer.
Ted Strong would kill you if he heard you say that! I've heard his "The drouge is not a stabilizer" speech twice already. (Of course, it does serve as something of a stabilizer, but his point is that it should never be thrown just to get stable in the first place.)
>it is attached by a 3 ring release ,similar to a cutaway system,so when you pull the r/c you are actually releasing the drogue
>which in turn pulls out the main canopy
The Vector/Sigma system is absolutely ingenious, and has a closing loop that "traps" a plate attached to the drouge. Imagine a regular sport rig packed with both a ripcord and the pin through the closing loop. Deploying the PC gives you a "PC-in-tow" (which is what you want for a tandem) and pulling the ripcord allows the bag out.
-bill von

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i agree 300% the drogue should not be used to get stable!
but undeniably ,once deployed,thestudent can do anything they like,(i really don't care what they do,touch there toes if they like),and the drogue will keep you in a stable position,with the help of a good tm arch.all the tm's i work with now keep their legs inside the students,and this allows a far better arch.it took me a while to get used to this,but i swear ,it's sooo much more comfortable than tm legs outside.
yeah the new sigma has some great features,but check your reserve loops!we have had 2 wear completely thru,and the reserve popped when the flat was lifted! no shit!

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