
320 Pounds tandem?

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I think there is couples thinks in life that you can't change so you have to deal with. At 180 pounds I am O.K. as a TM but way too big to be a horse Jockey and way too small to apply for sumo !! For the same reason your frend doesn't fit ... in our sport. After over 2700 tandems jumps I realise that even a Sygma harness become uncomfortable for a passenger over 220-230 pounds. If they are not fit it is even worst. I also realise that more than 90% ( if it's not 95% ) of the people over 230 pounds are not fit.
When you think you're good...this is when you become dangerous.

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I weighed around 75kg (165 pounds) when I took a passenger weighing 128kg (282 pounds) for a tandem. There was a good breeze for landing and the guy was about 6 foot 3 and extremely fit (mostly muscle not fat) working as a rescue climber/ab for the fire brigade.

He was also used to wearing harnesses and the whole jump went fine. You need to take a minimum three things into consideration for any "different" tandem. 1)Passenger - overweight or will they be able to handle the harness 2)Conditions on the day - Nil wind = nil jump! 3)Total weight of tm and passenger with gear limits. (1,2,3 not in order!).

As far as 320 pounds goes I would not be taking that person for a skydive.

BSBD!! -Mark.

"A Scar is just a Tattoo with a story!!!"

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I took a fairly fit 6' 4" 300 lb guy out of a Beech 99 with an eclipse tdm, 365' main, tr375 resv. Stood him up in 5 mph wind. System max is 550 lbs, we were 540. Exit was 5500, 3 sec delay to drouge release, no hard turns until final...;)

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