
USPA @ SDU (Great Relationship)

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After just attending the AIC in Deland and seeing how closely USPA and SDU can work together towards a common goal, I am hoping that USPA can and will see the advantages of this relationship. My hats off to Rob Laidlaw (Skkydive U) and Jay Stokes (USPA) for putting aside political overtones and offering the best instruction possible. It is time that we have a CLEAR and definitive route for those of us wishing to pursue Coaching, Instructing, and eventually Course Directorship.
If the AIC is the answer then let us support the relationship and reap the rewards.
In my oppinion worst case senario, our coaching ability can only improve. Let us not become stale intructors, with common phrases like "we have always coached this way" or "This is how I learned".
Let us not be scared of change but grasp the opportunity to become the best instructors we can be. Looking forward to input.

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I’ve got to say that I have a lot of respect for how Jay and Rob have worked together recently. I’ve been the beneficiary of both Rob’s SDU coaching classes and Jay’s AFFI course, with Rob acting as an examiner. Both of these guys know how to teach! I don’t have enough time tonight to expound on their virtues but their efforts to advance the art and science of instructing serve us all well.
"We've been looking for the enemy for some time now. We've finally found him. We're surrounded. That simplifies things." CP

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The physiology of adult learning, is how I would describe it. I took the course last year in Deland. Jay was there, but Rob had Sherry Butler as XO. Jim Crouch, Bram Clement, and Don Yarhling were just to name a few. I felt very humble with all that talent in the same room.

How did you like that "up" position. The one where you de arch the back. I had problems with that one. It just seemed odd to assume that position on a creeper.

Don't say Don't! Congrats with your success.

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I believe that USPA is in the process of analizing the pros an cons of the program as well as defining the exact progression for instructors. I say combine the USPA coach course with Skydive U's Level one coach certification. Lets upgrade all USPA coach's to Skydive University Level One and proceed forward with a dual certification. Further more make the AIC an Advanced Coach Certification rating, encouraging all coach's to attend. The Benefits outweigh the neighsayers.

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I believe that USPA is in the process of analizing the pros an cons of the program as well as defining the exact progression for instructors. I say combine the USPA coach course with Skydive U's Level one coach certification. Lets upgrade all USPA coach's to Skydive University Level One and proceed forward with a dual certification. Further more make the AIC an Advanced Coach Certification rating, encouraging all coach's to attend. The Benefits outweigh the neighsayers.

I thought the AIC was designed as a "continuing education" course for current instructors, perhaps those interested in being an IE or CD, or just better I's. I didn't think it was an entry level course for those wishing to upgrade a coach rating to an instructor rating.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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Well, the IE as we know it is no more. The ratings still "hold water" but they're not giving any more out now. I'm still a bit confused how the AIC plays into all of it, but I know the USPA hasn't decided on what to do to replace the reasonably outdated IE rating. (Don't believe me its a bit outdated? Look at the written test).
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I thought the AIC was designed as a "continuing education" course for current instructors, perhaps those interested in being an IE or CD, or just better I's. I didn't think it was an entry level course for those wishing to upgrade a coach rating to an instructor rating.

The only reason I'm presuming to offer information here is that I just took the combined USPA/SDU Coach course a few days ago. At that course, the AIC was explained as "course director" training.
Owned by Remi #?

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At that course, the AIC was explained as "course director" training. <<<

I agree. It will become a prerequisite for course director rating. Look in the IRM, at any instruction rating (pink, blue, yellow, and green), the first page under the section "who may conduct this course" and you will see requirements are "blah, blah, blah, -or- have completed the AIC course.

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I don't think USPA knows that answer either. Do you agree that it could and/or should be a prerequisite for Instructor ratings? Or just for Course Directors?
I would like to see all prospective Instructors take the AIC.


Want to become a coach? Take a coach course.
Want to become a method specific instructor? Take a method specific rating course.
Want to teach instructors? Take an Advanced Instructor Course.

Makes sense to me, then again I haven't taken an AIC and don't know what the curriculum is.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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... the reasonably outdated IE rating. (Don't believe me its a bit outdated? Look at the written test).

And what is outdated about it? The test perhaps, and that is because so few people cared to (or perhaps lacked the knowledge and experience to get this esteemed rating) that USPA HQ lost interest in maintaining the documentation associated with it.

The I/E rating was intended to recognize expertise in many areas of skydiving and skydiving instruction.

Do you think Glenn Bangs, Mike Turoff, and the late Don Yahrling qualify as experts? I think so.

I am proud of my Tandem, AFF, S/L, and IAD I/E ratings, and take them very seriously. I don't know everything, but neither am I a "jack-of-all-trades, master-of-none".

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And what is outdated about it? The test perhaps

The test and the fact that the IE didn't really couldn't do much anymore. It was originally put into place to teach instructors how to be instructors. That was gradually done away with by the Course Director program. IEs didn't teach AFF-I courses, etc.

The test in the regards that it dealt a lot with the history of skydiving and outdated material in other regards, but the sport had passed it by.

So, as it stood, the IE rating was outdated. I'm not the only one with that opinion, hell even the USPA has done away with the IE rating (although those with one will keep it) and is in the process of creating or revamping it to bring it up to date in many regards.


Do you think Glenn Bangs, Mike Turoff, and the late Don Yahrling qualify as experts? I think so.

Hold on now, at what point did I say that the folks that had recieved the IE were not experts. Please find where I wrote that exactly. Otherwise please do not try to twist what I said to suit what you wish.

The folks that have all the "letters" (all the ratings) deserve better then the hollow shell of a rating the IE had become. They deserve the opportunity to take all of that skill and knowledge and give it back to the sport in the opportunity to train or help train new instructors. Hopefully what the USPA decided to replace the IE rating with will do that. It would be a shame to loose those sorts of opportunities for people with that much skill and experience to have a direct hand in creating new instructors.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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And what is outdated about it? The test perhaps, and that is because so few people cared to (or perhaps lacked the knowledge and experience to get this esteemed rating) that USPA HQ lost interest in maintaining the documentation associated with it.

The I/E rating was intended to recognize expertise in many areas of skydiving and skydiving instruction.

I'd love to have the IE rating and even jumped through all the hoops and sent in my application with payment, then looked at the exam and decided it just wasn't material worth studying. So, my application sits someplace within USPA, and the rating fee remains in an account someplace. I'll never bother with that final hoop.

The rating is valuable, and you should be proud of it, but at some point I didn't think it was worth earning anymore.
Tom Buchanan
Instructor Emeritus
Comm Pilot MSEL,G
Author: JUMP! Skydiving Made Fun and Easy

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Tom, I assumed a guy like you would have the rating.
I wish you would have gotten it, because now you can't. The BOD decided (against my strong objections of course) to not allow any further applicants. (The rating and privileges stand.)

We "old I/E's" are going to gradually die off now. (The actual words of a few USPA BOD/HQ directors.)

I'm sorry you thought the information needed to pass the test was not worth it.

This information was even older back when I took the test, but I felt like only about 10% was of questionable value.

Oh, well, perhaps we can blame Turoff! I think he was the one to last update the test. :)

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As I progressed through my skydiving career, I looked up to and couldn't wait to be eligible for the I/E Rating. Well time passed and I finally had the entire proficiency card complete. That was in July 04 or about. The response I got was the rating was no longer being given, Although I was mad and disappointed, I continued on to earn my Course Director. I will always respect the I/E rating as should all skydivers. Further, The process is still in review and is constantly being updated and changed. This coincides with skydivng in general. As instructors we should constantly be educating ourself and updating information. The point behind the AIC exactly. Keep open minds about the program and if you come out of it learning one thing, well thats one more tool in your bag of tricks.

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