
Hand Cam Video: Do you do it? What's the arrangement?

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Are there really many people using the "laydown" glove? Every one I have seen in use here in the states is the stand-up variety. My stand-up glove doesn't hamper me at all. That said, I have never jumped the other, laydown variety to know any difference. The laydown glove DOES look like it would give an odd camera angle. I am not sure how you would edit that sideways footage on a linear board.


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We were/are in the same situation. I just did the change over 2 months ago. You will NEVER go back to outside video.

We are a cessna 182 dz. We did 500 tdms last year and we are set to do 800 this year. My wife did the outside video this year. But you save so much money because your plane doesn't have to fly 1/2 as much, making your cost per load cheaper.

Suggestion, I would get the upright positioned camera glove. I have both up and down and I don't like the angle of the video. For me, I have not noticed any difference between the two when it comes to the snag factor or getting the door opened or anything else.

Martin, PM me if you want more info. We are about 70% video sales.


Thanks Clint.

I’m somewhat surprised how well the hand cam video is doing for us, in other words how well it’s selling. I know it’s already in the 50% range, I listened to my wife give the “video run down” on the phone the other day to a tandem customer, and thought ‘sounds like a good deal to me!’ I really like the product; again the draw back is that there is no still picture option. Another plus for us with the 182 is that our students often want to go in pairs, they can and still get video.

My first impression was that it might be a little “scary” to put that thing on my hand, but honestly it’s not much more of an issue/distraction/weight/whatever than an altimeter. If everything’s going well it’s easy, if things aren’t going so well, you forget the camera, and do your skydiving business! All that said, I think 100 tandems should be absolute minimum (depends on the TM, some may never be comfortable with it) before taking on the video task.

Experience is what you get when you thought you were going to get something else.


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Not only that Martin - but what is to stop you from taking the hand cam on every jump. Whether or not the student agrees to pay for it before the jump, they are goint to buy it at least 1/2 the time even if they are unsure about the purchase before hand. And the TM is going to be on the jump anyway. So take the handcam with you. Why not? If you are doing handcam at your dz, do it every time. There is no reason not to.


P.S. I still believe that outside video provides the best freefall shots for the students. But I also believe that handcam is the wave of the future and as our cameras get more and more capable that performance gap will get more and more closed.
This is (of course) unless David Hoyt is shooting outside video. Then it can't ever be beat.

You owe me $5 Dave.
“God Damn Mountain Dew MotherFuckers!”

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I agree, it is a bit more hassle, and with only two TIs who also have a lot of additional obligations around the DZ we just haven’t tried to “spec” many yet. That said, I did spec one a month or so ago, and got some excellent “puke video”, he managed to get the majority of it around us to the left, and the camera was just a foot or so from his face! I actually tried to sell it to the guy, but for some reason he wasn’t interested. I’d rewound the tape ready to edit, he didn’t buy it so I didn’t edit it, next jump I taped over it. I never tape over, but lost this video! What a fun thing to laugh at over a few beers after jumping!! Oh well, I’m sure I’ll get another, although I’ve only been puked on twice in 1000+ tandems.
Experience is what you get when you thought you were going to get something else.


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I just got my HC Pro from Waycool with a .25 lens. It's the one I should have gotten in the first place, because it stands the camera up.

:D tomorrow. I'll post stills.

Russell M. Webb D 7014
Attorney at Law
713 385 5676

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Hi Martin/Clint you say that with the hand cam video that there is no still photo option, yes there is when downloading your video footage to a computer first for editing then burning to DVD, you can capture stills from the video footage and burn a CD or put stills on the back of the DVD if wanted. as you can now cover all bases and still give a great customer product with fantastic clarity. cheers Brent

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