Tandem Instructor Poll: After opening - Do you re-attach the lower laterals?
clint, in Instructors
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QuoteMy examiner told me how he used to leave them unclipped, then once after finishing some spirals he went to let up on the toggle and found it trapped in the open quick release.
Back when I was flying 500's, I'd have my students help me turn & flare, and I also unclipped the laterals. Then one day I was setting up and found my student keeping a toggle buried. I yelled "let it up, let it up" as we spiraled through ~100 feet. He said "I can't!" and I looked and saw the clip through a hole in the cuff of his jumpsuit, with his hand bent in such a way that he couldn't let go of the toggle either. I dropped my toggles, punched the offending point hard enough to rip through the cuff and release his hand, grabbed brake lines, and flared to a halfway decent landing on concrete. It came extremely close to resulting in two *very* injured jumpers.
I no longer let my students touch the toggles below 1000' except on "progression" tandems, and on most jumps I simply slack the laterals through the friction adaptors rather than releasing them. Occasionally on heavies I can't slack them that way and do have to release the laterals, but upon release I slack them up and then reattach them.
(drink Mountain Dew)

Wrong move. They both should be clipped back to the hip rings after being loosen all the way.
Safe Tandems !!!
Wrong move. They both should be clipped back to the hip rings after being loosen all the way.
Safe Tandems !!!
Well, so long as they are somewhere other than just dangling where they might snag a toggle is good for me.
To Gary: as a smaller tandem instructor, it's positively mandatory that I get the side straps undone prior to landing. Having a student hanging well forward because of tight/attached side straps means that I, too, am leaning too far forward to land like I want. I can't get my feet around my passenger if I am still connected.
I have had some really hard times getting "larger" passengers' side straps undone under canopy under Vector II and Sigma rigs, but have succeeded on all but one occasion. Thankfully, the side straps on my 2k3 Racer tandem loosen automatically after the canopy has deployed and the drogue has collapsed.

Well, so long as they are somewhere other than just dangling where they might snag a toggle is good for me.
No. they should be at the hip rings after being loosen, the only "somewhere" are the hip rings.
I can not understand my friends why TI's are doing what should not be done. The student MUST be hooked at all 4 points during the Tandem Jump !!!
Safe Tandems !!!
RWS Tandem I/E
lug 4
QuoteI personally get the students to stand on my feet and push down, doing a calf raise and I also pick them up by the harness at the hip and then release on side at a time. About 1-2 seconds apart.
I remember not to long ago a tandem went in, from a student standing on the tops of the instructor’s feet and while stepping up reached back for something to hold onto and accidentally pulled the cutaway handle. Never loose awareness of what your student hands are doing.
That is one of the reasons why when I am training students, I explain to them that at no time during our skydive should they reach behind them to grab onto anything for security. I picked that up because of a TI that I filmed that pulled the students arms in to their chest before deployment. I didn't understand the reasoning behind it, so I asked him about it. He told me that one time he had a student pull the cutaway handle free of the velcro as they reached behind them for something to hold onto as the canopy was opening. I did three tandems before I began the AFF program, and have done a few more on the front for future TI's going through the tandem course. I know how uncomfortable it feels to be suddenly pulled upright, and want to hold onto something. Since I teach all students not to reach behind them, I have never had a problem with their hands being anywhere I don't want them. They stand on my feet with no problems, and I disconnect the lowers.
svst 0
just my opinion and sticking with it!
I like snug. No room to move, but not restricted in arching.
I unhook the lowers, but will now start to clip them on the student harness or together.
--"This ain't no book club, we're all gonna die!"
Mike Rome
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