
DZ camera/video prices

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I'm curious what you videoguys are being paid.

my DZO CHarges $69 photos i get 30
DZO charges $79 video i get $40
dzo charges $99 photo and video i get $50

I pay for all tapes, gear,film and I edit all my own videos.
I've been chargeing 10$ extra for a dvd, now DZO wants to charge $20 and pay me 10.
They only supply plane and student. No editing room.
What are you being paid? what do the DZOS charge?
just curious...
Fall down....dont go boom!

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We are paid $30 per video, and the DZ provides everything for us. Dubbing the vid is another $5 and is usually done by the vidiot unless we have someone to dub the vids, then they get the $5. The DZ has an editing room with all of the editing equip. We only have to worry about our personal equipment to do the job (suit, helmet, cameras).

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my DZO CHarges $69 photos i get 30 + the slot?
DZO charges $79 video i get $40 + the slot?
dzo charges $99 photo and video i get $50 + the slot?
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100 bucks to shoot the video - dont have to edit or pack and comes with a comp back rub while the DZO gets the camera flyers packed up...

No wait, I am dreaming...

Is the Video forum a better place for this posting?

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At the current SA Rand/US$ exchange rate i'm making US$40 per tandem - doing video and stills. US$25 for just video.

The Tandem Operator supplies DVD's, covers and CD's for stills. They also supply the editing equipment. I use my own skydive/camera gear.

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As far as the majority of the DZ's in the US, do they all have there own editing rooms and editing equipment? What are the chances that there are skydiving videographers who use all of their own equipment to make there videos? As a newbie who will shoot video one day, would it be benificial for me to have my own laptop and editing software?
Thanks for your input

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As a newbie who will shoot video one day, would it be benificial for me to have my own laptop and editing software?

Not for editing tandem videos - it is too time comsuming, you will need to go linear editing using a mixer board.
Mykel AFF-I10
Skydiving Priorities: 1) Open Canopy. 2) Land Safely. 3) Don’t hurt anyone. 4) Repeat…

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Not for editing tandem videos - it is too time comsuming, you will need to go linear editing using a mixer board.

I would disagree with that statement, I use a mac and can do a tandem video fast. I can get done in the same time frame as when I used a MX-1 and sound mixer, but with a far better video in the end.

While some DZ's have their own editing stuff a lot don't, a self contained video set up is the way to go.
you have all your own stuff, no waiting for the other guys to get done and off the editor or have to figuare out what some dumbass did to mess up the system or fix what they deleated ECT.

A laptop would be key for someone who is going to travel a lot.

Then there is still photos too, I can burn a disk of stills while importing my video and be done with the stills before I even start to edit the video.

P.S. 95% of the video should be pre-edited with the on off button, put in your trans and some music and burn a DVD, not much real "editing" to do.

you can't pay for kids schoolin' with love of skydiving! ~ Airtwardo

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Not for editing tandem videos - it is too time comsuming, you will need to go linear editing using a mixer board.

I would disagree with that statement, I use a mac and can do a tandem video fast. I can get done in the same time frame as when I used a MX-1 and sound mixer, but with a far better video in the end.

I have 15 years of DVNLE experience outside the skydiving arena and did around 200 tandem video edits on computer before we got a realtime DVD burner - if someone claims they can do a DVNLE edit on computer as fast as I can on a linear setup then more power to em - I'll believe when I see it...

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We charge $96 for Tandem DVD/film
$81 for VHS/film

Videographers get $50 for the DVD version, $42 for the VHS version

They have all their own gear, and supply the DVD's and film, we supply the VHS tapes with a leader on them.


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I agree guy, but my DZ is kind of small and not all camera flyers can offer stills.... My DZO would only be down for offering stills if we could all do it....don't ask me, I just work there :)

At the little DZ that I learned at the DZO supplied the helmet, video -and- still camera....the film, the tv...everything. Every cameraflyer used the same gear.


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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That's how I started out... but the helmet was big and bulky and had a chip in the lens on the camera that came out on video so I bought my own gear and the rest is history... we don't have that old "mailbox" helmet and camera set up anymore. Now there are anywhere between 5-9 of us all sporting Sony's and Rebel XT's.

Gary "Superfletch" Fletcher
D-26145; USPA Coach, IAD/I, AFF/I

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Now there are anywhere between 5-9 of us all sporting Sony's and Rebel XT's.

That's the way a lot of DZ's are now. Makes for a much more personal and professional product. If, however, a DZ wants to offer stills (and their cameraflyers can't supply them), there's nothing written that says the DZO can't buy a still camera and have the whole package. :)
Ah, little DZ's. I believe every skydiver needs to spend time at a small Cessna DZ to get a feel of what skydiving grew from. Makes for much more appreciation of the sport.


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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