
Good Idea? Bad Idea?

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Let's cut them some slack

no problem whatsoever, i'm not arguing over this point


Ted, his staff, and his counsel have a ton of work to do to make sure they handle this the best way possible.

and i bet they will handle it in the best way possible

Ok... I think I structured the quoted stuff a little funny... just to be clear, I was backing you up with my post! ;-)

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You know, looking at all this video makes me wonder about the top hooks on the student harness.
During testing of military equipment, I witnessed a hook faliure due to improper body position causing a bundle to flip off to the side during a static line. The phenomina is quite easy to duplicate on the ground. If the hook is turned sideways to the ring, the ring can press down on the butterfly tabs and disconect (hopping over the side puts the hook in that position).

Deployment with an extreme loading on one side of the harness would be unpredictable and the ride down under canopy would also be rather unpleasent if you couldn't get the student hooked back up.

I have to admit, I'm impressed by this TM's skills but his ignorance of the potential dangers here really scare the living piss out of me.

He reminds my of something we used to say when we watched EJRs hook into demos. "You've gotta be really good to be that dumb!"
I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet.

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Jan - thanks for compiling this! It was a lot of work!

It was a lot a work done by someone else, not me.
They wish to remain nameless.


So, you see one video, and its crazy, but then I've watched a dozen or more and am thoroughly disgusted. Now I have to ask this: I'm not a TM , and aside from the stuff already addressed, isn't a T1 supposed to introduce students to body position and altitude awareness? Neither are possible when these students are being absolutely smothered by the Jacko and DK freestyle routine. Are these students actually customers or just a toy to play with? Outside the overwhelming safety issues, the sad thing is these students don't know what they've missed.

That is a topic for another thread. There are a lot of DZs that approach the first tandem jump as a carnival ride.


Jan - your idea above is pure awesomeness. You've got my FULL support!


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How do they operate now without any S&TA's ?

From the S&TA Handbook Page 3

"The Regional Director may also appoint one or more S&TAs-at-large for the entire USPA
Region. Some USPA employees function as S&TAs at large and can perform S&TA duties as necessary."

An S&TA-At-Large could fullfil the role if the 'local' S&TA's have had their privlidges revoked.
"Buttons aren't toys." - Trillian

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Totally!.... and in this case, the dzos CONDONED this activity by posting these things in their weekly updates over and over! They need to fire themselves!

Ok... I'm done...

Ok you weren't done and that is ok toooo...
This is related to the other thread about what is happening to skydiving in general. The dzo's of this place have to hire new tm's every year. I worked there a year and a half and that was a long stint. I see how they need to make money but being poor management contributes more than anything else. Unprofessional personnel in the window that no-one will talk about. Having to change people every year. Three years three different riggers and Farmer is one of the best and after what he put up with in Morris he couldn't handle the shit they did to him here. I realize this post could be removed for personal attacks but I am just telling it like it is...
And it is all related to letting this tm do as he pleases. They have to hire someone...
And they refuse to let anyone tell them what to do with their business. Hence it is falling apart...
just my opinion.
If it ain't fallin' apart it sure could be a nicer place...
tom #90 #54 #08 and now #5 with a Bronze :-)

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Wow, there are a lot of these comments on this subject.

I must ask, does anyone who has shared their opinion know how many skydives or how much experience this person has? Is this TI the only one or are there several Ti's flying this way?

Has there been an incident or a complaint by a student made because of the way the TI flys? I've not read any facts as yet, just opinions so was curious.

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OK I am just giving the facts as I know them. The TI has a total of 15500+ jumps 7500+ of them are TM's. I haven't worked there for a few months as I have a steady job outside of skydiving but when I was there his students loved him and their experience with him along with AFF students. I am not taking any sides but I feel that everyone should know the background facts. Having 1500 TM's myself I will admit that MY lower conectors were ALWAYS snug when I left the plane, but sidespins can happen even when the lowers are tight. Like I said I am not condoning anything or taking sides. But I just feel everyone should know the experience level of the Instructor. By the way some of you posted links to snapshots of the students legs pointing down and making a big deal over it. I have seen on rare occaisions the same thing happen to other TI's with tight lowers and NO there were no incidents at the DZ from him.
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Make it happen
Am I mistaken in thinking that these kinds of streams are copyrighted for the purchasing students use. hence the use of passwords and user id's? Did these students give you thier links and permission to use on a public forum??



Geezz!! My first post and I get locked out of the playgroup.

That sounds like you owe beer, twice over ;)


I feel very strongly about this and for the life of me I can't understand why the TI only gets a slap on the wrist.This will only allow other TI to think that this behaviour is not being frowned upon by the USPA and Strong Enterprises and it is OK to do this kind of thing.

I agree with you 100%.
I have heard from a number of jumpers about this situation. All of them say that they want to see the TI rating pulled.
I have asked people to email the Executive Committee or the full board and state their views and experiences with the said jumper.
You can easily email the entire USPA BOD at
Uspabod_AT_skydivehard.com replace _AT_ with @
You won't even be considered as a 'whistle-blower'. There is already a formal complaint filed that is currently in an appeal process. The FB already knows about this situation. They have been forwarded the following:

Riva *flv Viewer - needed for the links below

Realxstream links - goes directly to *.flv file

7 Aug 2006 - Ryan Meschez
6 Aug 2006 - Wojciech Powalka
6 Aug 2006 - Patricia Zoetveit
5 Aug 2006 - George Paleologos
5 Aug 2006 - Lisa Stuart
5 Aug 2006 - Premal Muni
5 Aug 2006 - Prashant Nisar
5 Aug 2006 - Cathy Cook
6 Aug 2006 - Rob Pritts
4 Aug 2006 - Vandana Gandhi
4 Aug 2006 - Jordan Jones
4 Aug 2006 - Lauren Milbourne
4 Aug 2006 - Gary Finn
29 Jul 2006 - Yukari Ohtomo
29 Jul 2006 - Jessica Oehler
29 Jul 2006 - Fernando Cepeda
30 Jul 2006 - Charity Spargo
30 Jul 2006 - Jennifer Jabczmski
30 Jul 2006 - Kyle Kavanough
28 Jul 2006 - Lindsey Carmichael
30 Jul 2006 - Robert Forler
29 Jul 2006 - Tomoko Nakao
28 Jul 2006 - Paul Peterson
28 Jul 2006 - Jenelle Chapman
27 Jul 2006 - Dawn Welch
23 Jul 2006 - Kyle Duff
23 Jul 2006 - Robert Kobuch
23 Jul 2006 - Liz Burns
23 Jul 2006 - Colleen Fanning
23 Jul 2006 - Michael Breedlove
23 Jul 2006 - Kurt Hoover
23 Jul 2006 - Jennie Kallembach
23 Jul 2006 - Gregorz Rusztowicz
22 Jul 2006 - Linda Sullivan
22 Jul 2006 - Tyresa Dixon
22 Jul 2006 - Antoine Stuckey
22 Jul 2006 - Dan Reyes
22 Jul 2006 - Peter Finlley
23 Jul 2006 - Boris Shogan
21 Jul 2006 - Tracy Mizera
21 Jul 2006 - Joe Pulichenc
23 Jul 2006 - Loni Wiedemann
16 Jul 2006 - Amanda Motz
16 Jul 2006 - Nickolas Clemens
16 Jul 2006 - Jean Ann Jordan
16 Jul 2006 - Karolina Szotko
15 Jul 2006 - Mary Buth
15 Jul 2006 - Michael Cumbee
15 Jul 2006 - Mackenzie Rakers
15 Jul 2006 - Anthony Miaoulls
15 Jul 2006 - Kim Blake
15 Jul 2006 - Ying Hsu
16 Jul 2006 - Catherine Warren
16 Jul 2006 - Judith Bilitzki
16 Jul 2006 - Kelsey Brown
13 Jul 2006 - Shelley Ostrom
13 Jul 2006 - Vanessa Buckley <- This one is the most scariest.
14 Jul 2006 - Heather Hall
13 Jul 2006 - Frank Daly
15 Jul 2006 - Paul Merrey
9 Jul 2006 - Brian Urbanczyk
8 Jul 2006 - Meghan Thompson
8 Jul 2006 - Jennifer Kalmus
8 Jul 2006 - Steve Minogue
8 Jul 2006 - Yuri Kaplansky
8 Jul 2006 - Leanne Bender
8 Jul 2006 - Michael Staehlin
8 Jul 2006 - Joe Dumovich
6 Jul 2006 - Jeff Griffin
6 Jul 2006 - David Griffin
6 Jul 2006 - Shawn Savage
5 Jul 2006 - Stephanie Friedlund
4 Jul 2006 - Jay Vinas
5 Jul 2006 - Tiffany Ketelsen
3 Jul 2006 - Sriram Srinivasan
4 Jul 2006 - Amanda Bradley
1 Jul 2006 - Sean Flahavis
1 Jul 2006 - Timothy Marks
3 Jul 2006 - Vijayarvnar Rangarat
4 Jul 2006 - Leon Mcneil
1 Jul 2006 - Inka Waly
2 Jul 2006 - William Murray
1 Jul 2006 - Patricio Aguilar
1 Jul 2006 - Scott Gira
1 Jul 2006 - Wendy Jurinek
30 Jun 2006 - Don Shearer
30 Jun 2006 - Ryan McKenna
29 Jun 2006 - Armin Teuchtmann.at
29 Jun 2006 - Eric Goll
29 Jun 2006 - Meghan Ginnan
30 Jun 2006 - Jennifer Brockway
26 Jun 2006 - Sam Talarczyk
6 Jul 2006 - Ray Gerrity
24 Jun 2006 - Keli Goddard
24 Jun 2006 - Katie Enright
19 Jun 2006 - Nick Horween
23 Jun 2006 - Renardo Gist
19 Jun 2006 - Denise Olsen
6 Jul 2006 - John Zinzer
17 Jun 2006 - Keegan Kok
19 Jun 2006 - Mike Clark


My safety input: This was in my opinion a reckless and irresponsible jump.(Apparently he has done a lot of them this way) I think that the instructor was playing with fire and was putting the customer’s life in unnecessary danger.



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Wow, there are a lot of these comments on this subject.

I must ask, does anyone who has shared their opinion know how many skydives or how much experience this person has? Is this TI the only one or are there several Ti's flying this way?

Has there been an incident or a complaint by a student made because of the way the TI flys? I've not read any facts as yet, just opinions so was curious.

I detect a troll.

You refer to nothing but opinions, yet I have seen plenty of facts...

We have video of a TI doing things that are contrary to not only common sense, but also to the best practices set by the USPA, PIA, and the tandem manufacturers.

And to follow it all up, you start hinting at illegal and unethical use of the videos? Geez, is that all you got?
Two wrongs don't make a right, however three lefts DO!

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I must ask, does anyone who has shared their opinion know how many skydives or how much experience this person has? Is this TI the only one or are there several Ti's flying this way?

Has there been an incident or a complaint by a student made because of the way the TI flys? I've not read any facts as yet, just opinions so was curious.

According to the CK web site modified Mar. 5, 2005:
9000 JUMPS
Ratings: Tandem Instructor (US and Australia), Accelerated Freefall Instructor (US and Australia), Videographer, Skydive University Instructor.

According to the CSC web site modified Aug. 25, 2006:
Jacko Jackson
FU Staff, Video Staff, Sky Team Aviation Pilot

Ratings: AFF, Tandem, Video, Commercial, IFR, Multi-Engine Pilot
Number of Jumps: 13500
USPA #: D10731
DOB: October 10th, 1973
email: extremelife02@yahoo.com

The D10731 is probably an Aussie license because that USPA D license was published in Jun 1987 Parachutist with a different name and Jacko would have been only 13 years old then.

I could not find him listed on Skydive U's website as a coach, but I did not check all state listings either.

Rumor mill says he *might* have been teaching other TIs how to do this hop over to the side manuever. The same rumor mill says that most TIs thought he was an idiot for doing that. (their words).

The tandem students do not have a clue of the dangers involved with this manuever.

Make It Happen
Parachute History

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Make it happen
Am I mistaken in thinking that these kinds of streams are copyrighted for the purchasing students use. hence the use of passwords and user id's? Did these students give you thier links and permission to use on a public forum??

I believe you are mistaken.
Anyone in the world can see those videos.
No one needs a password or login to see those links.

Make It Happen
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6500 jumps in One year. (9000 03/05 - 15500 09/06)Wow......I remember this guy from Sebastian. Spoke to a few guys down here. Those numbers are way out of wack

Oh, it is not quite that bad. 3/05 to 9/06 is really 1.5 years.

And you really don't know how up to date the web site was kept.
The wayback machine has the "9000 jumps - nine years skydiving" since at least Jul. 20 2004.

At most it's 6500 per two years.
= 3250/year
= 8.9/day (everyday)

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I'm sure this guy is reading this, he has to be...

yo, I want to talk to you. and I want to talk on the phone.

Im not with USPA, hell Im not with anyone, I just have a few questions, that are compleatly non judgmental. and everything talked about will be just me and you..

PM me, and I will give you my phone number, so we can chat...

they are just questions, no judgment nothing...


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In response to "is that all you got".... This kind of stuff is just un called for. The common theme of this forum seems to be blood thirsty rants. It seems as though a mob is building and soon we'll be suggesting a lynching.

As I said earlier I am not condoning anything, but people are just going in circles with thier aggresion toward this TI. The TI has stopped doing this and is being dealt with by the OFFICIALS in charge. He has made a mistake, corrected it, and is now following the guidelines that have been set forth for him. Three dropzones have allowed this behavior in the past with seemingly no consequences. I'm sure if the TI had been told not to do this earlier, he would have stopped earlier. Maybe some of the blame should lie as well with the various communities that condoned this or turned a blind eye.

Instead of earlier discussions on safety and the potential dangerous of these actions, this forum has quickly spiraled into blood thirsty rants. Most posters seem to feel that this guy should be wiped from the USPA entirely. I agree with Ron who stated that the attitude and change of the TI is very important.

The ranting comments dishearten me in the sense that they seem to contradict what skydiving is all about...what I have always enjoyed about the sport. Skydivers are a special breed of people. People who above all...stand and believe in their skydiving communities despite their differences and learn from their community. If someone makes a mistake, is sorry, and redeems themselves...then I see no point in crucifying them for it because the community has stepped in before an injury or possible fatality has occurred. It is good that the community brought this forward and the TI has ceased this practice. This is the point of a forum and a skydiving community...not to villify people.

Everyone has big brass balls when they are safe at home behind a user name and a computer screen going off on a forum. Instead of spewing hatred, I would hope that we would use this forum as intended...to better practice and rectifying concerns.

Finally, I really think that the opinion that this one TI is going to mess with everyone's livelihood is an extreme comment. Now get off the computer and go do a skydive it's the f#*cking weekend.
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Wow, there are a lot of these comments on this subject.

I must ask, does anyone who has shared their opinion know how many skydives or how much experience this person has? Is this TI the only one or are there several Ti's flying this way?

Has there been an incident or a complaint by a student made because of the way the TI flys? I've not read any facts as yet, just opinions so was curious.

this post seems to imply that with enough experience this is OK, his experience doesn't matter, I plainly stated that it is evident he can fly and fly well, anyone with any knowledge can review the videos and see many things that could go wrong, I would list them but like an earlier post implied I don't think you really care, the fact that these jumps were made is scary - i'm sure the TI watched some of the videos and if he did not recognize the dangers then he should not have a rating, if he recognizes the dangers and ignores them that is even worse

one specific concern is that some inexperienced TI will see this and try it themselves and hurt or kill somebody

we want to avoid an incident not wait for one to happen, students usually don't complain about anything because they have no experience or foundation to make an intelligent comment

another beef with your post is your - no name, no nothing profile - IMHO DZ.com should not allow these posts, if you want to join an intelligent debate then come out of the closet
Give one city to the thugs so they can all live together. I vote for Chicago where they have strict gun laws.

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Three dropzones have allowed this behavior in the past with seemingly no consequences.

What is the 3rd DZ? We know about CSC and CK.


I'm sure if the TI had been told not to do this earlier, he would have stopped earlier.

Geez, you said he had 15,500 jumps, 7500+ tandems. Everyone else I know in that league (for real) would ground the guy on the spot (at least prohibit tandem jumps). Why didn't he have the 'common sense', 'intelligence', 'where-with-all' or 'mind-set' to realize that this was dangerous?


Maybe some of the blame should lie as well with the various communities that condoned this or turned a blind eye.

I noticed that you are listed as staff at CSC. Did you say anything to him or your RD or did you just turn a blind eye to it?

Make It Happen
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First of all yes I did say something and as for the jump numbers the web site is not always kept up to date as I still have 3000 jumps on that page. You seem to be asking me why didn't he have the sense or intelligence, mind set blah blah blah but I am not he so ask him yourself and while your at it why don't you put some info about yourself on your profile like stated before COME OUT OF THE CLOSET. I know for a fact people in the caliber you refer to have seen this and did nothing I was simply stating that some of the blame lies with previous places. You obviously missed the message of my statement and instead propetuate rage and hostility. That's your cross to bare...BLUE SKIES WHO EVER YOU ARE.
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First of all yes I did say something and as for the jump numbers the web site is not always kept up to date as I still have 3000 jumps on that page.

That is great, I am glad to hear that. I am curious about why he would not listen to what you had to say - assuming you said it was kind of a stupid thing to do.


You seem to be asking me why didn't he have the sense or intelligence, mind set blah blah blah but I am not he so ask him yourself

That's kind of like background type info. Jumpers can spot DGITs and that was the type of intention the question had.


and while your at it why don't you put some info about yourself on your profile like stated before COME OUT OF THE CLOSET.

It's so hard to keep my web sites up to date, I don't even try to keep my profile here up to date. You can click on MakeItHappen to get somewhat of an idea of me and my experience. Not everything I do in skydiving is listed there.


I know for a fact people in the caliber you refer to have seen this and did nothing I was simply stating that some of the blame lies with previous places.

That actually makes sense of some other correspondence I have regarding this case.


You obviously missed the message of my statement and instead propetuate rage and hostility. That's your cross to bare...BLUE SKIES WHO EVER YOU ARE.

I don't perpetuate any kind of rage. I am more of the impartial and benevolent type, what's the next move in the chess game of life?

Make It Happen
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