
Minimum tandem Exit altitudes?

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dzo wanting to make money on a crapped out day

That's fine as long as student is told in advance how little freefall he's getting compared to full altitude, and/or given a discount on the price, or both. But if neither is done, the student's getting ripped off.

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The results so far are pretty interesting. The reason behind this is that I work at a few different DZs and have discovered that peoples perceptions of what is acceptable changes greatly between each.
Sitting in the plane with my student and the an Instructor wanting to throw a IAD student out at 3.5k was a shock. They now go higher because I dont want any problems i.e pilot chute over tail etc at 3.5 and it all go to shit!
So thankyou to them!;)
I also heard from a friend of mine that he witnessed a dz doing tandems from 4k with the aad turned off because of bad weather!
Because I havent seen it with my own eyes I wont go any further with the details.
I believe that low tandems are robbing the student of the experience they are wanting/expecting!>:(
We should take pride in promoting the sport through tandems and give our paying customers the real deal when it comes to their first experience of this great sport:)Quinny

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How about a dzo that wants you to get out at say 9K on a regular basis and wants you to hide your alti so they cant see they are not getting 14K.

Then wants you to take it down and be open around 3-3.5K so they get longer in freefall.

Oh yeah, and when you say no cos 'I dont like the idea of ripping people off and there is no way that I am going to open that low on a Tandem' the response was "...maybe you should rethink being a Tandem Master if your not confident to open there and deal with any problems. Sounds like you should quit."

So I did.
I like my canopy...

...it lets me down.

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Nice job Koppel!
You are a rockstar brother!;)
If you are opening in the 3k range and the aad is set for 2k you really dont have any room at all for slow openings or anything else at that matter!
2 out doesnt make the dzo any money. Injuries to staff dont make any money and injuries to students dont make any money and is completely shit for business!
You rock!!:)

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if this for real then the DZO needs a wake-up call

put him in the front seat, don't install any of the front passenger handles except the ripcord and tell him to pull when he gets scared
Give one city to the thugs so they can all live together. I vote for Chicago where they have strict gun laws.

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I know here in Vegas there are a few dz's that go to 5,500 to 6,000 ft agl if there lucky. Oh yea and they are advertising 15,000. I know that the dropzone I work at we try to get 8,000 agl on every load we would go higher but when it's 115 it's kinda hard to get any higher with out spending 35 min in a 206.

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For my answer I assumed that you were referring to first-time students.

For first-time students or students I have never jumped with before, my personal minimum is 6000 FT. If I have jumped with the student before and had no issues, I will go a little lower.

I have two successful emergency exits with tandems from 4000 FT.
Arrive Safely


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