
What's the biggest tandem you've done

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I'm the "student" on this one, only the second time as a tandem student, the other was required for my rating. Jen (DZO Skydive Kansas) is 5'3 130 or so, just guessing I haven't measured and/or weighed her. I'm 6'8" 210 lbs.

The largest student I've hauled was 260, together we were 520 to 525 lbs. Got a real nice landing on a cold day with an Icarus 365.

Experience is what you get when you thought you were going to get something else.


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Today I took a 296 lb. 19 year old Male. Supercedes my previous record of 290 lb. Female. He was a tall football player type. He was of the proper build and we had good conditions for it ( a little bit of steady wind ). He pulled and we stood up the landing.

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Today I took a 296 lb. 19 year old Male. Supercedes my previous record of 290 lb. Female. He was a tall football player type. He was of the proper build and we had good conditions for it ( a little bit of steady wind ). He pulled and we stood up the landing.

You da man! :)
I hope I never top my personal biggest of 6'7" and 270. I did a 6'4", 250 the other day. It was okay but I'm ready to say "no more." I really think the TM should get paid extra.

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At my place we stop at 220. If weather and psssenger are o.k. we will eventually take a 225 or even a 230 but no more than that.
Have you ever think landing a 300 pounds passenger with a F 111 reserve?
Think about it!
At 180 I am too small for wrestling or football. At 250 + unless you have a special rig, I think they are too heavy for our sport. If they keep jumping who can jump with them anyway?
Safety is my priority, not records.
When you think you're good...this is when you become dangerous.

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The Sigma Tandem Rig and Reserve are TSO'd to 500 pounds exit weight. The PD reserve in the Sigma is a 360 and lands great. At maximum TSO exit weight the reserve is wing loaded at 1.38 lbs. per square inch. My PD 113 with me at 160 lbs exit weight is wing loaded at 1.41. Per the manufacturers testing and TSO certification process the gear can be safely utilized up to the limit of the TSO. I certainly did not start out doing tandems that large, only through experience and developing techniques in jumping larger students did I become comfortable jumping up to the TSO of the rig. And it is still dependant on the students build and the conditions. I respect anyones personal limits. However, I do not do large tandems to "set records". I do them because I know that with the right conditions they can be done safely within my limits and the limits of the gear.

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Last month I took a monster. He was 6'10" and 250lbs. I looked like a monkey riding a giraffe!

At first I thought he would be too big but the month before I took a guy who was 6'7" and 130 lbs. (yes he was VERY skinny)

I found that all I had to do was treat him like any other tandem and it was fine. I think alot of it is mental, If you think they're too big, they are. I left the plane relaxed, had a great skydive and after I felt good about how far I'd come since my first Tandem student! (I don't know if I would've taken him before this season)

I regularly take the maximum weight, which, for me, is 210 pounds. Sorry, but I'm no feather m'self. :S
Russell M. Webb D 7014
Attorney at Law
713 385 5676

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took a football player up last summer 315lbs... wasn't so bad actually - as long as you don't jump a 182 or similar. Went out of the PAC

I always work myself up when I get a 240 + student... but it never seems to be much of a problem.

I would never let somebody help me flare - a friend of mine hurt his leg bad doing that. A small girl helped him flare but lock her elbows... you don't know what they are going to do...
Have fun!

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My latest big guy was 300 lbs this past weekend.

Had a standup landing with a Sigma 370 in somewhat lighter winds. (Not near zero, but definitely not medium either.)

I was quite impressed!

The key thing was that this fellow wasn't all flab, so was able to do good practice flares with me. Otherwise one might have to start the flare fairly early, while working hard to get the toggles down against the heavy pressure, in the meantime slowly running out of flare energy. Instead, it was possible to wait 'until the last moment' and get an aggressive 2-stage flare going. We did plan to slide it in but turned it into a standup in the end.

I tend to get picked for these jobs due to being 150 lbs., tall, & having decent landing skills. Total system weight was right at the 500 lbs allowed (Or, ahem, a tiny bit over depending on our scale accuracy. We certainly wouldn't go any heavier than that at the DZ.) Still, it was entirely my choice to evaluate the student before deciding whether to allow him to go.

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My latest big guy was 300 lbs this past weekend.

Had a standup landing with a Sigma 370 in somewhat lighter winds. (Not near zero, but definitely not medium either.)

I was quite impressed!

The key thing was that this fellow wasn't all flab, so was able to do good practice flares with me. We did plan to slide it in but turned it into a standup in the end.


wow, good job. i'm 6'1", 175 pounds, so my upper limit is more 270, which I've done once.
this weekend I took a 240+ guy, big and strong, because the other TM weighs 230, and I figured better me than him. I carried 3-4 big uns this weekened, 230+, then had a skinny woman ask if I would be her TM. Ahh, what a nice break.B|

I still wish the big boys paid more.

BTW, I have my passengers help with the landings too. No problems yet in 800+ tandems. There's ways to work around them if they mess up.

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500 pounds total weight this past Saturday. Landed him without assistance with some induced speed (deep brakes to full flight at about 80 feet) and a short slide.

Wrestling with them in freefall when they stiffen like a board is the real task. :S

Russell M. Webb D 7014
Attorney at Law
713 385 5676

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I am 5'6" and 130 lbs. The biggest tandem I have taken was 280lbs and he is about 6'3" - 6'4". He originally told me he was 165, and then we put him on a scale.

The only reason I took this guy is because he is a friend. He used to be a football player and his thigh muscles are about the same size as my waist. Therefore, I wasn't worried about him not being able to get his legs up, and I so didn't want to surf him in of course.
I was a little nervous about not being able to loosen the laterals, but I had his harness set where I didn't even need his help.

I usually jump the Icarus 330 but was too scared so I took the Sigma 370. Landing was awesome......and yes I needed his help with flaring.

Do I ever want to take anybody up that size again? No way in hell...I didn't even get paid for this one, I did it for the slots and pack. I told him he owes me a 12 pack. I will try and get a pic and post it...the size difference was ridiculous.

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well, I'm 6'6", 200 lbs so I dont really have a problem with the big guys, unless Im going out or a 182 or something (which I have done several times). I have taken several 250lbs guys and we get $2 a pound for anyone over 220. Throw in a handycam, and we end up getting paid pretty good. But flying those big guys around under canopy I am certainly earning my money.

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