
Land off w/ camera or head back to DZ?

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Thanks all for you input and discussion, which is all I really brought this up for...I pretty much knew how most of you would feel, it was a no brainer. But the argument has come up from time to time. Communication is key between the vid and TI and that improves as they become more experienced working with each other.

"Call me Darth Balls"

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I completely agree with Lucky. This past weekend my videographer and I had a really long spot. I gave him the signal that we were really long, and then I dumped higher than usual to give him the best chance at making it back. Looking down once under canopy with my student, I thought I saw our vidiot landing very short, and told my student that I would rather take them back to the landing area where it is safer for both of us. They completely agreed with me, and also wanted to land where their family could see them. As it turned out, our vidiot made it back to the landing area because I had let him know we were long on our spot. Instructors and vidiots always need to work as a team. Being both, I know the importance from both sides.

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i've have gotten a dzo mad at me for not following gear after a chop and not landing with the vidiot but my attitude is that student safety comes first and the safest spot to land is the landing area and that is were i always will land regaurdless of other peoples thoughts and attitudes

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