
Signing logbooks

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Ok Im a mega slacker when it comes to loging my jumps. Usually done once a month backtracking on my protrack. I dont have a sim in front of me (dont even know if this would be in there) who can sign your logbook, assuming you want your jumps (freefall and accuracy) to count towards a rating later on. I know they dont take it to seriously when it comes to licenses but I can see my self wanting a pro rating one day and dont want all my girlfriends A license signitures to be shitcanned.
Johnny A-37382
By the way someone went into the pond today. Even though it was about 50 out I dont need my B license that bad yet. I'll wait it out till spring or florida.

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"Jumps for license and rating qualifications must be signed by another skydiver, pilot, or USPA National of FAI Judge who witnessed the jump. Jumps to meet skill requirements must be signed by a USPA jumpmaster, Instructor, I/E, S&TA, or a member of the USPA board of directors."
This is from the old SIM.
If and when you go for a PRO rating or such, the appropriate person has to witness the landing or jump. But for the jumps leading up to that, a licensed skydiver should be fine!

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Lucky you and everybody in US.
Here in Hungary jumps are signed and stamped !!! by your instructor or the instructor/jumpmaster in charge of the jumps at the given day and DZ. A bit bureaucratic...
But sometimes they say if you want to have many jumps pen and paper is cheap.

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Speaking of log books. I met this absolute sweetheart of a girl that made a stop at our dz. She usually jumps at Lodi but has the opportunity to travel around and jump all over the place. He logbook is AMAZING. It completely tells a story. Every jump she will have newpaper horoscopes (if they apply to her day - one was even about a good day to skydive). She has the quincy stamp, a stamp from the Canadian border as she was heading to our dz, pictures of people she jumped with etc. etc. There is not one page without something really cool on it. She even has a clipping about how in one state (Kentucky I think) how it is illegal for a woman to skydive on Sunday! lol)
Now THAT is what I call a memorable log book! :)Tee

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You are starting to sound like a bureaucrat.
Any licensed jumper should be able to witness the fact that you handled a cutaway and reserve deployment correctly.
I had a couple of reserve rides before I got my tandem rating and neither of them was signed by an S&TA.

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CSPA recommends that logbook enteries be certified by a "A" CoP holder or higher who witnessed the jump. A pilot's signature with DoT Licence number is not acceptable for certification purposes. For skill requirements, various levels of coaches and instructors must sign.

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Speaking of log books. I met this absolute sweetheart of a girl that made a stop at our dz. She usually jumps at Lodi but has the opportunity to travel around and jump all over the place. He logbook is AMAZING. It completely tells a story. Every jump she will have newpaper horoscopes (if they apply to her day - one was even about a good day to skydive). She has the quincy stamp, a stamp from the Canadian border as she was heading to our dz, pictures of people she jumped with etc. etc. There is not one page without something really cool on it. She even has a clipping about how in one state (Kentucky I think) how it is illegal for a woman to skydive on Sunday! lol)
Now THAT is what I call a memorable log book!

THAT IS COOL! :) Neat idea.
I decorate my logbook with stickers and glitter, etc. but most of my jumps since about number 50 haven't been signed. When it comes time to apply for a new license all I have to do is get one of my dz friends or my boyfriend to sign them off. Everyone at the dz knows what I can or can't do, so I don't worry about it. Once you get to a certain point, you don't even really need a logbook. I think its a personal thing. Rick Duran has like 11,000 jumps or something, and still keeps a logbook. My sweetie has about 4600 but hasn't kept a logbook in YEARS. Once you get that far, and you're a coach, an instructor, blah blah blah what's the point? I just write all mine down because each one is still precious to me, as I have so few!! HEHEHE I don't want to forget them yet and will need the info. for future licenses, etc. Eventually though they all run together I will bet.
I feel so alive,for the very first time-and I think I can fly! - P.O.D.

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Well, I log hours in the airplane, number of scuba dives and hours of bottom time, number of skydives and hours of freefall time, and ........well, that's about it. But, really, what's the point? Do I log hours behind the wheel of my car, or miles driven? Number of pushups done in my lifetime? I used to go birding, but avoided starting a life list because I knew it would become a labor of love. I do log reserves packed, but I think I have to. The Government is real big on paperwork. And I've known girls who put "X's" on calendars...........until they realized it would be easier to do it the other way around (you figure it out). I've often thought of the freedom I would feel if I could just jump and enjoy the moment without feeling compelled to "log" it. But I'm afraid to stop for fear that I'll want to start again and I'll never be able to fill in the gap. But I do use a ProTrack and just download it (no more paper book). So I'm almost free........................
CorporateLawyerDave aka BadDog

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I wasn't saying 4600 is a lot, dude. It doesn't matter how many or how few someone has. Its not necessarily cool to not use a logbook - I think most people who don't use them do so because they don't have time or don't care. Not because they think, oh I have 4600 jumps and I am SO COOL that I don't need a logbook. Whatever!
One thing about our dz that's cool though is that we have everything on computer, so you can go to manifest and get a "Jumper Ledger" that tells how many jumps you've done and (YIKES!) how much money you've spent! The ledger doesn't say exact info. but does tell you how many fun jumps and work jumps you've done (if you do work jumps). So like, he can look at his ledger and see who paid for that jump and video + stills, or if it was a SDU coaching jump and who paid for it, etc. So at least whoever it is knows how many jumps they've made. You can get weekly, monthly, yearly etc.
I feel so alive,for the very first time-and I think I can fly! - P.O.D.

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There's this guy that jumped at our DZ for a little while. He made a comic book out of his logbook. He had 300 something jumps so I'm assuming eventually he'll tire of it, but its really cool. I did a few jumps with him and got to see myself starring in a skydiving comic! Cool...

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