
Instructor Obligation...???

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Is an instructor obligated to students, or to giving only tandem rides ?

I started training at a new DZ Saturday, had to wait a few hours to get an instructor due to their tandem rides. Next day I goto the DZ, there were NO instructors available, on a Sunday!

It seems the only time instructors are available, is when they have tandem rides to give.

I realize most instructors are in skydiving to make money on tandem rides, but:

are there ANY instructors that are instructors...???

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Sounds like he has to be checked out by an instructor, and they're either busy with tandems, or not there. So he's cooling his heels at the DZ without getting to do anything.

To the OP -- you can try calling to make a formal appointment with an instructor, so that they know you're coming. Or you can just ask manifest how you can go out and NOT waste your time.

BUT: as a student, the more time you spend at the dropzone, the more you'll be jumping. And, as a low-timer, you're more at the mercy of winds, so you'll spend more time sitting down. But that gets better as you get jumps.

So make yourself known in manifest; remind them periodically that you're interested in getting checked out so that you can jump at that DZ (thereby spending money).

And whether instructors are required to be there regardless of the student load is up to each DZ.

Good luck.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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There are a good number of instructors that only do Tandems... Just like the converse is true as well. Many times the instructor is multi rated and/but if they are doing Tandems, I am guessing this is partly due to the way the DZ has it set up. In effect they, the instructors, are doing what they are told...

I would talk with the DZ and find out when they have instructors or coaches available. You are noting 40 jumps. I am guessing that you dont have an "A" license by the question. I hope that you are working on getting your A license card filled out if you dont have a license.

Again depending on what you are looking to accomplish, talk to the DZ and see what/when the availability to meet those needs is. Also you are listed as being in the New York area, look at other options in terms of DZ's... If you have in the 40 jump range you should have a log book with some of the completed skills you have towards getting licensed. You should be able to move to another DZ that may give you what you want as well.

I am kinda like Phree in that the question is not completely clear as some of the holes need to get filled in but the DZ usually has a good bit of say in how the staff is utalized.

Scott C.
"He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"

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Is an instructor obligated to students, or to giving only tandem rides ?

I started training at a new DZ Saturday,


do you need an instructor to recertify after becoming uncurrent?

after 40 jumps, have you not yet cleared student status?

after 40 jumps, is your DZ so anal bound up to make a buck that you still have to hire a "Coach [tm-U$PA]":S to jump with someone?

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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In THEORY Instructors---teach students.

In REALITY Instructors---perform only Tandems.

I am not easily upset or offended, and since I understand you are probably frustrated and do not know what you are talking about there is not need for me to get upset. But I know a lot of awfully good instructors that do teach students, and work very hard at being the best solo freefall instructors they can be and give years of their lives dedicated to that aspect of the sport.
Just because you have had an experience in your small corner of the world there is no need to make such degrading generalizations because there are some very good people that do their best because they do give a damn about teaching students and the future of this sport...
Mykel AFF-I10
Skydiving Priorities: 1) Open Canopy. 2) Land Safely. 3) Don’t hurt anyone. 4) Repeat…

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I did not intend to offend anyone, I am only speaking from my MANY experiences at DZs.
(NY, PA, Canada, Europe)

Are you qualified to fly a twin otter with jumpers?

Move to Texas, you will love the DZ here and the year round skydiving...
Mykel AFF-I10
Skydiving Priorities: 1) Open Canopy. 2) Land Safely. 3) Don’t hurt anyone. 4) Repeat…

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You said your experiences were MANY DZ's, including PA. If you are coming to PA, get to Chambersburg. You can't spit without hitting a coach here. Most of the AFF instructors and coaches are not TMs. Depending on what you need, you may not have to pay for a coaching jump. But why don't you have a license yet, with 40 jumps?

Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

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Thanks for the invite, very nice offer to find a place with dedicated instructors. I have been to two different DZs in PA, will NOT NOT mention ANY names.

I was "training" at a DZ that did not allow me to progress. I guess it was some kind of sick joke, but I finally woke up and left the place to try to find a real instructor who welcomes new people to skydiving.

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In THEORY Instructors---teach students.

In REALITY Instructors---perform only Tandems.

Quit being insulting, and try whining less.

Some instructors are only rated to do tandems, some are multi rated. If the DZ doesn't let them know there are students to work with, then there is nothing they can do about it.

If you failed to let the DZ know you were coming and needed an instructor then the problem lies with you.

Do you expect an instructor to spen his whole day at the DZ on the off chance you might show up?
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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Contrary to popular opinion some instructors actually have a life besides the dropzone!! I live an hour away but if there is an appointment on the book we make it a point have someone available. I have had students hours late, not show (even with a deposit), or expect me to sit for hours because the "sunset load is so pretty". For me to be at the DZ at 8:00 I get up at 5:00 so I can feed all the animals at my ranch and leave by 7:00. Sometimes during the summer I don't get home till after 8:00 and then I spend another hour helping my wife feed. I eat dinner and get back up at 5;00 for the next day!!If you don't make an appointment I won't know your coming and you will have to wait or go home. Instructors get paid per jump and if we don't know your coming we will attend to the same life details that you take care of on your days off.

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I remember you, Mr. Elliott. You were in here about a year ago under a different screen name bad-mouthing Upstate NY and PA drop zones, and you got the replies you deserved, in these threads:




Come back to boost morale again, eh?


Personal Information
Real Name: John Elliott
Location: North America/United States/New York
City: Buffalo
Occupation: Student
Interests: Private Pilot, Sky and SCUBA Diver, Equestrian, Rock Climber, Skier, etc... A.S., B.S., M.S., MD/PhD (student)
Email: JohnBear14213@Yahoo.com
Jump Profile
Home DZ: No home dropzone entered.
Number of Jumps: 41
Years in Sport: 2
Disciplines of Choice: Freeflying (40 jumps)

Container: No container entered.
Main Canopy: No main entered.
Reserve Canopy: No reserve entered.
AAD: No AAD entered.
Forum Activity
Status: Registered User
Registered: Mar 1, 2006, 5:38 PM
Last Logon: Jul 5, 2007, 7:17 AM
Local Time: Jul 5, 2007, 3:09 PM
Posts: 20 (0.0 per day)

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I remember you, Mr. Elliott. You were in here about a year ago under a different screen name bad-mouthing Upstate NY and PA drop zones, and you got the replies you deserved, in these threads

but he didn't post THE attachment :|
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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