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Yes! Even doing nothing but tandem jumps (4400 of em') and occasionally a demo. Skydiving was, is, and always will be fun.

Of course you have job stress. Jumping in marginal weather is not fun. Jumping with scary students is not fun. The hectic pace on busy days can take it's toll. Interpersonal relationships on the job can be stressful. Seeing people get hurt is no fun.

BUT, as a whole, skydiving is still a whole lot of FUN!
Most of those things which detract from fun are due to conditions.

If skydiving truly is not any fun for you anymore, It is time to quit.

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I have met alot of instructor who no longer jump for fun, yes there are still some who jump for fun. but not many. its become a job. some lucky people get free jumps if there are empty slots, others have to pay, maybe at a reduced price, I dont want to get into that argument. So many DZ´s I have visited have had in fighting between staff members, which can´t be fun working under these conditions. just out of interest how many fun jumps did you do last year???.

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Of 450 all but a few were fun. Even those few were more fun then anything else in the world. of the jumps I did last year 150+ were working jumps maybe 100 team and comp jumps. the rest just fun. 17 years and I can't get enough. If you don't find it fun anymore, find something else to do. 3,2,1, see ya.
HPDBs, I hate those guys.
AFB, charter member.

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are there any instructors out there who work in the industry who can remember when skydiving was fun.

It's fun if you make it fun. From your profile, maybe this is your problem? >>>> Interests: being lazy <<<<<

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From your profile, maybe this is your problem? >>>> Interests: being lazy

Hey! I LOVE being lazy! And sleeping. ;)

But I also very much enjoy instructing. What's not fun about shoving someone out of a plane while they are screaming their head off?

Instructing isn't lame...but people and places can be very lame.

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If you don't find it fun, it doesn't mean others don't.

Working in the skydiving industry has allowed me to travel and fund my competative skydiving.

Fortunately I still have more jumps on my own gear than tandem gear.

I do get quite tired after 7 or 8 tandems for the day but just because I may not have as much fun when I am tired, I still do when I am not.

There are plenty of people working in skydiving that shouldn't, for the benifit of themselves, the industry and the sport.

If this is you then it is time to find something else to do for a job.
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix

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are there any instructors out there who work in the industry who can remember when skydiving was fun.

If you are in New Zealand do some climbing or something else for a while and see if you miss jumping. Maybe you should take a break from working jumps and funjump for a while before you burn out too badly? Just a thought from a weekend jumper.

Good luck with it.
"... this ain't a Nerf world."

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I'm a weekend jumper that works just enough to pay for my fun jumps. I rarely take $ home from the DZ. I have a regular job from Monday to Friday to pay the bills. This has kept it fun for me, going into my 4th decade of jumping. I think doing tandems all day for 5-6 days a week would burn me out.

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I think its natural to grow through addiction, mature. Maybe your done. Many people cycle through this sport and your a just about at that stage. Maybe some time off, or just not doing this so much. But you can also find every attitude you have against having fun, and defeat it, and then just have fun, for no reason at all. Then help others find this place, or not. But at least fun is a choice, when fun isn't a choice, your an addict. Choose your attitude. I've been there.
Those stuck in maya, seek to be seen.

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Fun is what you make it. If you are not having fun, then you are already a pain to a DZO. Quit and go do something else.

If the DZO is the reason you are not having fun, then quit and go do something else. Eventually the DZO will have no staff and will either have to change *OR* quit and go do something else.

Fun is up to the individual, not the sport as an entity. Make your own fun.

Or quit and go do something else. If you are not going to have fun, then I certainly do not want you working for me......



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>> are there any instructors out there who work in the industry who can remember when skydiving was fun.
"Hi Nick, I just did my first Hundred Way!"

"Hi Nick, I'm an AFF Instructor in Kansas now!"

"Hi Nick, I just got my Gold Wings and wanted you to know."

"Hi Nick, you taught me how to skydive and now my daughter just graduated AFF."

"Hi Nick, I just made my first B.A.S.E. jump!"

"Hi Nick, I just got my rigger's ticket!"

Being a skydiving Instructor rocks, everything else is just practice . . .

NickD :)

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